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Everything posted by sheetmoss

  1. I think Lauren is a pill, but I just wanted to point out that Lauren did get a degree in cosmetology. If memory serves, Lauren only wanted to do hair, but when she, Caroline & maybe Jac(?) checked out a beauty school she was advised it would be better to get a cosmetology degree for more job opportunitites...Lauren didn't want to have to touch skin learning how to wax which would be required . Caroline said you're go to cosmetology school and she did.
  2. Yeah, I think the Cary/Indiana storyline was a bit contrived, I live fairly close to the Chicago/IN border, and yes, driving from Chicago into Whiting/East Chicago IN one would barely notice the difference once you crossed the state line--it's basically like just going into another burb. It would have been more plausible story if Cary was driven by a friend , talking, and not noticing he crossed the state line. Also , when he got the invite, it would clearly say in IN. The storyline should have been the judge restricted him to only Cook County and Cary went up to tony Deerfiled(Lake County) which is burb - and the bar was just across Lake-Cook Rd. Then again, the writers had Alicia and Peter(then Cook County State's Attorney) living in Highland Park which is in Lake County/ Oy!
  3. I'm wonder if Grace will start questioning her devotion now after being congratulated for flipping her mom by the group leader? Also, where is the other investigator the past few shows?
  4. Maybe that can be the pilot storyline for Chicago Med, Herman buys back and then sells 2 yr old energy drinks and there's a mass outbreak of the shits in Chicago.
  5. I kept flashing on Danny Devito crying crocodile tears in Ruthless People after he finds out his much hated wife (Bette Midler) has been kidnapped
  6. . And did you notice when the camera panned past their dining room, they had plastic slip covers on the chair seats? Klassy! That ticked the hell out of me,
  7. But if you've ever noticed, they are very respectful to one another too. I kind of think why the religious issue is a sticky wicket for some is because you wonder if these people are going to be like The Duggers', sweet and nice. on TV.. but.with a definite social agenda that want to take away rights from others using their popularity? I'll continue to enjoy their series until some rock is lifted and exposes the ugly underneath.
  8. Funny to see Abby's boyfried from Ray Dononan--Jim the cop(Brian Geraghty) playing Burgess' new partner. Antonio was mentionened on Chicao Fire, Dawson(sis) said he was having a hard time.
  9. She was just so amazed at her friend's wittiness with the quip.."You can never be too rich or too thin" Oy vey! She'll probably wet heself if her friend ever says to her while eating nibbly bits...."A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips"
  10. Didn't June and Sugar first meet on a chat-room hook up?
  11. Everytime I see Andrea, I think of actress Emma Thompson playing a Housewives character.
  12. Women commonly do for fashion. It used to be good etiquette for men to renove theirs.
  13. I think it was probably a plot-point too, but let's face it, if you're from a burb around Chicago,--are traveling, and asked where your live/are from, you say _____ burb, get a huh?, then say Chicago/the Chicago area. By living in the city... that saves her the time.;-) BTW, I can remember yrs back when Chicago was divided into 2 area code prefixes, the entire city used to be 312, but outside downtown, near north/south &west areas around downtown, the rest of the city became 708. Some people went apoplextic becoming 708's...they weren't cool anylonger, so they would pay extra for the 312 prefix.
  14. Wouldn't they be upset about the Buddism as well? You don't have to be religious to celebrate Christmas--or even make it religious, in the same way one can celebrate Halloween.
  15. I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that when Vicki lived in the Chicago area--nor'west burbs, she was probably one of those dumb suburbanites that are proud of the fact they've never been downtown,...you know, where 'diversity' lives.
  16. Actually they did much better: http://realestate.aol.com/blog/2013/02/08/real-housewife-heather-dubrow-sells-orange-county-home/
  17. Looks like they made about a $6mil profit. http://www.wetpaint.com/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/articles/2013-07-03-how-much-did-heather-dubrow
  18. In David's case, it's when construction guys shout vulger comments aka street harrassmet to women as they walk by or at others sites when they scream 'Spread you legs and ride it" http://www.ihollaback.org/
  19. Well that was a tour de force episode
  20. There's a well-know Beverly Hills eyebrow artist, Anastasia, who does the big celebrities like Julia Roberts & Oprah... and many more.big names. I just read that a basic eyebrow wax at her salon is $45. If you ask specifically for Anastasia the price is $80 1st time,, $65 for repeat.
  21. I guess I'm trying to figure this out, I know it's been cute to call Terry, 'Miss Terry,' but you're equating him with a women in his behavior...who are you really insulting? Terry steps so low and is catty like a women? It's kind of like saying this about a male 'he throw/runs like a girl'. Terry can be an real asshole, call him out on that,
  22. Just read the cast will be in Chicago next week for exterior shooting, then be back late fall or early winter, so it sounds like this season will be summer into fall again,
  23. Don't forget as Alex Mccord has said in her RH reviews, producers will also tell you things that were said to stir the shit even though you've never heard them personally said. She opined that she thought a producer probably got Lizzie stirred up about Tamra's dress dissing, as in, 'Are you going to let Tamra get by w/saying that?" I think Heather is playing the game of not breaking the 4th wall.
  24. She can be insufferable on Morning Joe, at TWOP she was called Cackles.
  25. That was on Jennifer Gilbert. She came off as dull as dishwater on RHNYC, but boy did she amp up her (obnoxious) personality on a reality show about personal shoppers. I wonder if she was dropped because producers just couldn't deal with her?
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