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Everything posted by OSM Mom

  1. I wanted to shove that fugly purse and her pens up her ass.
  2. She needed to be slapped silly. The fiance seemed like a decent guy. What was the appeal of this little vapid twatwaffle? Is she a freak in the sack or what... I was hoping he would cut and run.
  3. Me either. I hate it. Along with lip piercings, eyebrow piercings and those stupid gauge things. I have nothing against pierced ears.. I have 3 in each ear, but for the love of God, that's where it should stop. The ears.
  4. Probably as many as had to sign off on the "Enjoy the go" slogan with Charmin.
  5. I never heard of bladder slings or pelvic mesh... And I wish I still didn't know..
  6. I love the commercial for Kings Hawaiian rolls with the lady and the baby. The way she wads up the wrapper, and the look on the baby's face when he's caught.
  7. Be proud! I still use my vcr too. No dvr for me.
  8. You should have eaten at that new German-Chinese place. You would have been hungry an hour later... For power!
  9. How the hell is Sasha safe? Again? Her makeup wasn't a cyclops. It was an alien. Ugh. I'll be soooo glad when she's gone. Love me some Glen tonight. His comment about how his hair looks sometimes made me laugh.
  10. Yikes. You're right. Sorry about that. Lol
  11. Apparently Edgar has gotten married. Congratulations to him!
  12. Yvonne - "You'll need leg warmers.." Dorothy-"Leg warmers?? “ Yvonne- "Well yeah. You have to use something to keep your thighs warm. What are you using now? “ Dorothy - "Friction! That's why we're here!"
  13. Only if it's being used. You've never seen signs about that? Something warning pacemaker wearers that there are Microwaves in use? Although newer pacemakers may not be affected by things like that.
  14. Microwaves will interfere with the function of a pacemaker. If you have one, you can't be around a microwave that's being used.
  15. You owe me a new screen. I just spit coffee all over this one.
  16. It seems like sometimes people on this show use "modern" to mean "what's in style right now"
  17. I had the same thought, ispansy. Lol
  18. I want to see the ad where the Dart owner beats the crap out of that stupid asshole neighbor of his. I feel bad for the Dart owner. Having such a jackass for a neighbor.
  19. The couple who moved from the UK to Australia last night. They were looking to rent and had $3200.00 monthly budget. The husband kept hinting that the wife might want to think about going back to work to help pay for the house if she wanted the most expensive one which was $200.00 over budget. She acted like she was shocked that her husband would even suggest such a horrible thing as her working. And at the end, they showed them driving a new Jeep and the husband had bought a boat. I guess the wife didn't need to work to afford the house after all. Oh and I missed what the husband did for a living. Anyone know?
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