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Everything posted by OSM Mom

  1. The hosebeast has made no effort to find a place (big shock) and John is going to hold firm on only paying for two months of storage. John is working on how to get rid of her without upsetting her Basically, nothing changed.
  2. John is a saint. He needs to change the locks and kick Laura out. I feel so bad for the Angelina. That poor girl. Her stepsister has her own clean room and she's sleeping with her mom. I hope John only pays for the two months of storage. And then let her garbage be auctioned off. And I hope John sues for custody.
  3. Because he's a douchecanoe who doesn't know how wide his truck is. That's my opinion. Not that I ever see that where I live or anything.
  4. The people he sends the selfies to look like a couple right out of deliverance. Freaking scary looking. I'd run away too.
  5. You can say that again. And I'll give up my directv when they pry it from my cold dead hands.
  6. See, watching with the sound off, my takeaway was that he divorced his wife, and is single again.
  7. Was it the one where the mother claimed that the poor lighting caused her to not realize how hoarded the house was?
  8. If it's the same one I'm thinking of, the parents house was a filthy hoarded mess too.
  9. Around here,they have so many days off for stupidity, and they have to have as many days as possible to cram for the state mandated test.
  10. That and they need to get the message across to the hoarder that stuff covered in urine, feces etc is contaminated. And throwing it away drives the point home. I've seen ones where they say it can be cleaned. No. It can't.
  11. I always mute every commercial every time, but how long does that guy wait for them to get back? It takes maybe a half hour to change the windshield. So either the family went through the zoo at lightning speed or he sat there and twiddled his thumbs for 3 hours.
  12. I take this as fun light summer fare and try not to analyze it too closely.
  13. My gaydar must be broken. I need to rematch and see if it's fixed.
  14. At least here, every little thing isn't terminal like with WebMD.
  15. But with curtains, you can't see the view!! * whiny house hunter voice*
  16. Around here, they're afraid of offending some thin skinned idiots.
  17. I live in a border town and always have, but this ridiculous accent thing is fairly recent. I would love to see that skit.
  18. I'm sick of hearing the term "speaking out" GAH! Cnn is terrible about it.
  19. I always hope that he'll get blown overboard by the roter wash. And that fucking caveman can go die in a fire soon.
  20. Fortunately, my local news hasnt picked up on that yet. They're too busy hyper pronouncing everything, saying every Spanish word with as hard an accent as possible and dropping the letter t out of words.
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