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Everything posted by OSM Mom

  1. Elliott told them to use the totes instead of the funnel thing (sorry I can't remember what it's called) because he wanted to stack pots on the deck. What the hell ever, Elliott. If I never see Elliott again it will be too soon. Mandy is Sigs daughter by marriage. Her bio dad was a fisherman who was killed when she was little. Her mom married Sig and he's the only dad she's known I believe.
  2. According to their Twitter, they're still filming episodes.
  3. I read somewhere that this is the last season, but it could have been wrong.
  4. Speaking of Johnny Cash... Dorothy and Sophia come in all dressed in black.... Rose: "Did you come from a funeral?" Dorothy: "No. We were singing backup for Johnny Cash."
  5. P is for the pepper shaker at the garage sale that was in the shape of Elvis which Blanche got while she was at Graceland where she swore she saw Elvis himself walk by.
  6. Love the way she says Blanche. Lol I was thinking about this the other day, that Oreo would be about 28 now. Lol
  7. They already had that famewhore woman on earlier. The one whose boyfriend was on the Malaysia plane that disappeared. Ugh. Stfu woman. I'm sorry for your loss, but get the hell off my TV.
  8. I always figured the sweaters were part of the "old people are always cold" trope.
  9. They've been programmed to think that stainless steel = a quality appliance. OSM Dad and I just bought a new house a couple months ago, and deliberately chose the one with black appliances because we both hate stainless steel.
  10. I remember that one! Using those shrouds or whatever took the "ick" level to a whole new high for me.
  11. *small voice* I liked that outfit of Dorothys. *small voice*
  12. It sounds like he's saying "I know my crazy;do you?" which makes no sense... But its the best I can do.
  13. I was wondering what kind of crappy life this girl has where Elliott is a viable option for a boyfriend. Ick. I've never been that lonely.
  14. No such thing as watching too much TV. ;)
  15. From M*A*S*H I use "nerts" frequently. Thanks Frank Burns.
  16. I couldn't believe that Bill threatened to punch his son in the mouth. Seriously? Who talks to their son like that?
  17. I always wondered why Ruth Gordon didn't just take the keys with her when she left. Dispose of them at the airport or on the plane.
  18. Charles to Klinger: "If I wind up in debt, you're going to wind up in traction!"
  19. OMG! This is absolutely golden!! I wish there was some kind of award I could give you for that gem!
  20. Elliott is quite possibly the most disgusting man I've ever seen. Standing there in the airport licking his lips and rolling his tongue around when his gf was getting off the plane. I hope his kidney infection hurt like hell. Fucking jackass. Loved Sigs daughter falling for the mail bouy prank.
  21. Dorothy - "It was a little like having sex with Stan. I was nervous before, it felt pretty good during, and I'm thrilled that I'll never have to do it again."
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