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Everything posted by OSM Mom

  1. I'd shove that bottle so far up her ass she would walk right ever again.
  2. When does the new season start?
  3. I'm sick of everything on cnn being "breaking news" Seriously. Not everything qualifies.
  4. Maybe it's too early for the bears? We were thinking the same thing. Maybe by the time the bears wake up, the meat will be dry and stored in the cabin or wherever. I loved the way he made that rack. Very ingenious to use the ice like concrete to put up the poles.Edited because autocorrect is a pain in the ass and makes words I don't mean.
  5. Was that a wig? I thought she just had a really awful haircut. Her house was nice in the parts they cleaned. Love the stacked stone fireplace and the stained glass by the front door. Nice kitchen too. But spare the fuck out of me with the $2000.00 binoculars... Ugh
  6. I want to bitch slap all the brats in a car seat commercial.. The point of the commercial is that your child can stay in it til they're big enough to ride without one or a booster. But sitting there kicking their legs like they're running and wildly gyrating and trying to dance in the seat is annoying as hell. SIT STILL YOU FREAKING BRAT!!!! Edited to clarify it's the older children I'm referring to. Not the youngest one. But he needs to be taught to stop doing that.
  7. Tex was a guard at Gitmo I think.
  8. I yell at him to tell the kid to get his nosy little ass back in bed. Adults can eat whatever the hell they want to. And yes, life goes on even when you're in bed, little hell spawn.
  9. The Master Chief got Chandlers son some antibiotics from a pharmacy. But he did look really perky quickly. But kids do that. Go from I'm dying to I feel great really fast.
  10. The little segments with Cliff dressed up in a Bigfoot costume are absolutely hilarious. And if that other guy is really the producer, he'll never work on a legit show again. Edited because Matt and Cliff are two different people.
  11. Well it sure seems like he goes and spends months in the woods without seeing them. That's just selfish IMO.
  12. I agree with you about Glenn. And every time he starts talking about how he loves living out there in the middle of nowhere, the only thing I keep thinking is "Hey, how about getting a real job and supporting your children? You don't get to go play Grizzly Adams in the woods. You have children to think about." He chaps my ass with that.
  13. I must live in a weird place, because those named cokes are all over and have been since last summer.
  14. When OSM dad and I saw the pots, the first thing we thought of was that crazy ass douchecanoe cut them.
  15. How was Rickys house not just condemned outright? That top floor is going to fall in. And soon. He needs to be somewhere where he is taken care of. The dude us seriously messed up. And how was Cynthia not getting sick all the time living in that crap? Methinks her immune system is stronger than she thinks it is. What happened with her birds? I never saw them after the cleanup.
  16. Sue said on her fb page that her nephew is in Kavik with her helping.
  17. At the risk of sounding stupid, what's wrong with the way the kids are buckled? They look fine to me. And gag me, Anna. Please. The kids are cute, though.
  18. He's always been that way afaik. Oh. And for the love of dog, Matt. Get a frigging haircut!!!!! Gah. His hair is horrible, and tonight he had it down. Which made it worse.
  19. How is it actually pronounced? I have no idea, so I didn't know that he was doing it wrong.
  20. I loved the book. Not so much the movie or the ads.
  21. Catching up on comments. You owe my a new screen. I just spit coke all over this one. Best. Comment. Ever.
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