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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. She knows Clay and Shelli can't be trusted now and is gunning for them. If not their pair, then Austin and Vanessa.
  2. Jeff and Jackie are definitely catching on to Clay and Shelli, though. Jeff told Jackie a few hours ago that if he does indeed get voted out, especially in a landslide, then she shouldn't trust them anymore. Jackie already agreed since she already doesn't trust either one of them, anyway. Kind of an odd, obscure comparison, but John's voice and laugh make me think of Raymond the Bear, Tim's stoner son on the late, lamented The Cleveland Show.
  3. A few hours ago, Jeff told Jackie that he made a fake F3 deal with Clay and Shelli. And Jackie . . . didn't react well, though I don't blame her at all. She said what's written below: "That's stuff you can't do because it's going to come back and bite you in the ass. Why the fuck do you have so many deals?! You've never even been on the block!" Jackie, again, smarter than Jeff.
  4. When did Kayla ever say that to Sami?
  5. Ah, here's the reason for all the parties the houseguests have been attending. The guy behind it is trying to promote this: http://www.gronkspartyship.com/.
  6. John think he's in an alliance with Clay, Shelli, Becky, Jeff, and Jackie. That's why he's going to give Jeff a vote to stay. And to think everyone thinks he's smart. He has no idea.
  7. Good point. I think he must've missed Austin's win because Julie didn't announce it. Or at least she announced it too offhand while she announced Vanessa's win. Jeff was probably thinking about the tiebreaker (in which James and Vanessa scored the two highest shots) and forgot about Austin's shot that already nailed him the win. Or . . . something.
  8. I take it the Veto Ceremony is over, then? Jeff's indeed on the block in John's place?
  9. What still steams me is that Jason didn't go off on Elizabeth over that. If there was ever a time in which someone should've gone off on her, it was then.
  10. Perfect chance to say what I'd say if I were an HoH getting pushed around by an aggressive housemate: "As HoH, I encourage you all from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to give me suggestions. If you have an idea for a particular target this week, tell me so. But if I have a target in mind already, then allow me to convince you why I think my target is better for my game, and I'll in turn allow you to convince me why your target is better, so long as it helps my game, as well. And I promise you, right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. Except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up my Asperger's as a negative, suggesting me to nominate a pawn, or suggesting me to nominate one of my own allies is . . . I throw your fucking ass on the block, just like the fucker who was just evicted. Now, if any of you bitches or sons-of-bitches got anything else to say, now's the fucking time! . . . I didn't think so. . . . Ladies, gentlemen, I'll see you at nominations." Sorry for some of the language, but I was really thinking about it yesterday, and someone bringing up that movie just seemed like I had the perfect excuse to reveal it. :)
  11. Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure they all know she was involved, which is why I wouldn't be surprised the reason she's barely getting mentioned now is because no one misses her anymore.
  12. I'm pretty sure they all know it was Melanie who cocooned them. I'm assuming Julia told them all off-screen. Plus, they figured out she killed the Asian guy from the premiere. So yeah, I'm pretty sure they know she did it to them. Hence why I'm also sure that Junior's not working himself up over her death because of her putting him in one of those things.
  13. In his defense, he must've zoned out at one point during the HoH Competition. He must've missed Austin's win. But he at least remembered Vanessa's. Seemed like the entire first half of the episode was basically Liz and Julia coming forward with the Twin Twist. Vanessa and Shelli's reactions were probably my favorite ones. After the men steamrolled the women as their pawns last season, I'm at least glad that the men are the ones being steamrolled and used as pawns this go-round. Quite refreshing.
  14. @Katesus7, do you know what's even better? After last season's He-Man Woman Haters Club made every single woman they could their pawns, it's rather refreshing to see men continuously used as pawns this season. I'm a man myself, but I root for women, so I love it! :)
  15. Wow. Sansa was that blind to him? What opened her eyes? And I see that Arya hated him from the get-go.
  16. Meg, Jason, and James would, though they'd probably do so while also trying to get Audrey out, too. They seem to be the only three who know they're actively protecting her. Becky might go for them, too, since she wants Audrey gone ASAP and may figure out that Clay and Shelli are protecting her, as well. But other than that . . . yeah. Clay and Shelli really might be set up fairly well unless someone else wakes up to them.
  17. Ooh. Could I see or hear or read the exchange, please? :)
  18. Wait. Have Sansa and Arya ever shared scenes this entire series? Ever?
  19. Assuming he knows that she was behind him getting cocooned, he probably doesn't have any reason to get too worked up over her death. Really, who would be?
  20. Ooh, he did? How thin did he look?
  21. Austin's wanted a showmance with Jackie since week one, but he was too afraid to approach her because Jeff's always been around. But without him, he thinks he'll have a shot. Unfortunately, Jackie's grossed out by him, too, so nothing doing there.
  22. I agree with all of this except for the question marks. John definitely is one, but Becky hates Jeff since he's so gross to all of the women but Meg and Jackie. She's chomping at the bit to vote him out.
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