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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. I love Sam Ischemes though. She JMHO was a fun villain. Never understood Carrie or Sami wanting Austin. He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the drawer. I like drunk Brady or Brady with Teresa I hate he is with her sister ? @DisneyBoy I forgot all about Parker. How old is he supposed to be now? Maybe he will be old enough to date Claire or Ciara soon. Trip needs some competition if these are the only two girls for him.
  2. I was enjoying the show today until the three times the local news cut in to say its raining outside possible flooding. Three times ! Marlena needs some better security for her office. stephen is a nutcase and he really likes hiding peoples cell phone. Not liking Jennifer telling hope to take Rafe back.
  3. Marlena still has great hair and looks good for some one who was wacked in the back of the head. There has to be a little more to this Claire Ciara story. Although let’s be honest it is flattering to be called beautiful but they are a little to obsessed with this contest. Ciara was doing at first to get back to Claire but Claire seems a little to desperate. JMHO Claire just seems to have low self esteem and all her over confidence thing is her cover.
  4. I loved that Carole finished that marathon. It was nice to see her family cheering her on.
  5. My very UO is I don’t care what an actor politic opinions are. I just want them to entertain me
  6. Something else for her and John to have in common. So Claire finally has a family member on her side but not really. So sad
  7. Becky ran away and married Mark when she was 17 so what teachers did she date ? I wanted Becky to tell Darlene what was wrong with her.
  8. Why did eve suddenly stop backing Claire?
  9. I don’t think Abby is a terrible actor. I like Chad and Abby as characters but not as a couple. I find jenn an d Eric sweet together. Not sure I love the couple. It’s just nice to see Eric smile. Or I might just need any excuse to see Eric.
  10. UO i like the actor playing Stephan Never watched General Hospital. Stefan is a good enemy for Chad. Chad had become very boring lately JMHO. Stefan hiding Abigail illness is a terrible storyline and he needs to not be so isolated.
  11. When didn’t Gabi become so stupid? First she takes that jacket shaker top out of her bag at the criminal park. Next she takes loudly on her cellphone about planted evidence at ease drop bench.
  12. Really enjoyed this episode. “Calvin” and his new friend were both very likable. Amys anger about guardian angels was very relatable. Reese was sweet when she was upset and upsetting her mom. Kevin and Reese have a nice relationship. Some one asked if Kevin and Reese ever hugged. Felt like the conversation that had should have ended with a hug. Taylor really is a ride or die friend Even liked Kristin in this episode I hope this show is renewed and would like to think there is s little righteous in all of us.
  13. We had a snow storm today so instead of Days a whole hour of the weather people telling us it was snowing out.
  14. So Dave is just gone ? Is show saying when we die nothing happens? Or I am I over thinking this ?
  15. Whoever said Rafe was cheating emotionally at first was right. I never felt like Hope loved Rafe all that much so her saying he broke her heart did not ring true. JMHO Claire did try to get her grandma to go somewhere private to talk. Then I like Claire. She really does seem alone. It made sense she wants to be Theo. I also understand her jealous over Tripp who seemed to be her one friend in Salem. He dropped her. I just find Ciara very cold and wonder if she would like Tripp’s if it didn’t bother Claire.
  16. What exactly was wrong with Laura Horton? everyone talks about Abby’s mental issues but I feel like JJ has some as well. It was not that long ago that he was so depressed that he was going to kill himself now he is on such a high due to the baby. His high seems to high. Ciara saying Claire needs attention all the time. I think she was talking about herself. jmho Rafe asking Hopes daughter to keep that secret was the thing I find my most unforgivable.
  17. I have not been a big fan of Sonny’s but did enjoy his conversation with Gabby. They do seem to be good friends. It is a little strange to think that Ari may end up with Sonny as his full time parent. Would have never thought that a year ago. Hope and Rafes wedding was a mess. Are we supposed to think Claire is the bad guy ?
  18. Why would anyone carry some ones ashes around in a shaker? wouldnt some one have to have super human strength to kill someone with a shaker? why when Abby mentioned Gabby not wearing a coat did no one question that more ?
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