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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Thought we could give each other advise of places to go while on vacation. For example I am going to Tampa in a week & would love some nice places to visit.
  2. facebook parties where they are selling stuff (junk). If you expect me to spend money than you need to entertain me! Splitting the bill is fine expect I don't drink so if you order drinks that are usually $5.00 or more splitting the check is really unfair.
  3. I did request one. Thank you for the info. Now I just need to think about some spicer titles which could take some time LOL
  4. When Jennifer hurt her wrist and Paige went to get ice it was the same scene as JJ and Eve. For a minute I thought they might sleep together.
  5. I was looking too. Was going to request one but after seeing it forever have no idea where that request a new show forum went.
  6. Most Cheeses only really like Mozzarella & only if it is covered in sauce. once at Panera they gave small free samples of bagels. I took the 1 bite simple and wanted to cry. I thought it was the most disgusting thing ever. It was gorgonzola cheese bagel. Since then I never try anything unless I know what it is.
  7. There was something way off with the homeless Romeo and Juliet couple. The man talked a good game or so it seemed until you really listened to him and he just talked a lot & said a whole lot of nothing. Hopefully the women will take advantage of at least getting her GED and gets help getting a job & a home.
  8. I have not watched this show in a long time. I had the day off Friday and it was beyond freezing and did not feel like going out in that. Channel surfing I came upon this show again. It is so different and the panel has changed a lot!! Two new women who sorry missed their intro. There was a man on who had many plastic surgeries & called himself the human Ken doll. The two male doctors really gave him a what for!! Wow never saw the 1 plastic surgeon panel doctor so angry
  9. random UO Pretty in Pink I never thought Ducky was gay. Bridge Jones diary Never felt she truly loved Colin's character. Believe she was still hang up on Hugh Grant's character Evita Madonna was good in this movie Back to the Future will never not be a good fun movie Still like Forest Gump
  10. Here's an oldie but goodie :) The NBC show Ed which I loved. Adored Ed and never wanted him to get together with Carol. Actually JMHO he had better chemistry with Molly. And I totally rooted for Angela and Dwight :)
  11. Recently at work I have had to open many cardboard boxes. My area is very cold so already having issue with chapped hands & the cardboard boxes make it worse. I put lotion and white cotton gloves on at night but still have lots of dry areas & little cuts :( any advice
  12. I work in retail (sigh) there are many pet peeves (just visit the break room sometime ) but the worst is the nickel & dime customers. The "mark this down & it will help the economy" or the ones who get their way & still it isn't enough "you marked it down to $25.00 can you go $20.00" This is not a flea market it's a store!! Why should myself or my co-workers lose our jobs because you are cheap. Then they 90% of time get into a car that is worth more than I make in a year.
  13. I found the question of asking about his character and the character of his friend (?). Why would this guy bring a girl back & think everyone would go along with this? Dr. Phil JMHO seems to do better interviews without an audience.
  14. Teresa use to be my favorite character but she is losing me lately. Every time she is on screen she is so mean. Need to see a little vulnerability and maybe a scene of her being nice to one person. Although I still hope she gets her baby back and keeps her away from Brady. Melanie ITA with the poster earlier who said she is better on her own. Brady & Melanie are a couple I would usually like. Friends who become more. Just as an on & off again (most off) viewer I never witnessed their friendship. Besides since I have watched this show this is the third relationship for Brady. Hope & Aiden story is very interesting and old soap. Just wish there were more people involved in it.
  15. My favorite Romantic Comedy is probably While You Were Sleeping. Embarrassed to say how many times I watched that one *g. Sandra Bullock and the President from Independence Day film were perfect together. His family was so adorable too. Lucy was so alone and sad. It was such a great joy to see her find a family & a happy ending : )
  16. My UO I love cheesy TV and don't need everything to be so serious all the time. Although IMHO Criminal Minds is a great show I could go years without watching it (at times it bothers me even though it's fiction) Blue Bloods can Danny calm down ? why is he always so angry? youngest brother who should have been a lawyer do not get together with your partner please (am way behind on this show so it may have happened already) old one ER hated Carol and Doug together. Not sure if that was my dislike of the actress or the fact I felt Carol brought Doug down.
  17. I hate with a passion being called Ma'am. It's like saying "hey old lady". The absolute worst is if a hot guy says it to you. Nothing kills your self-esteem more : ( I call everyone Miss even if they 105 and they love it.
  18. I only watch Real housewives New York and New Jersey (don't judge me *g) so really don't know Kenya or Brandi. I have not liked Kenya this season but not because of Brandi. Something about Kenya just seems fake JMHO. All I know about those commercials is I could not get Lorenzo's jingle out of my head!!
  19. I feel sorry for Jordan and actually like her especially when she is with Chad.
  20. George Clooney scratches the back of his head Ben Affleck looks lost Maggie Gyllenhaul annoys me in every movie
  21. At the end of the holidays we buy the clearance red/green M&M's. Separate the red/green into rubber made containers. Use the red ones for Valentine's baking. Green for St. Patrick day baking.
  22. Johnny Damon I remember when you went over to Yankees and broke my mom's heart. The next week went into TJMaxx and saw a whole display of your red sox shirts on clearance. That was a wicked sad day for me. I might forgive you we will see how the season goes.
  23. @rickkitchen ITA Will and Paul are interesting. Although I was thinking is Will asking him out or doing an interview? Seriously though he reminds of his mom sometimes LOL. Teresa is going to start remembering soon isn't she? She may think she is crazy. I can buy she was trying to trap Brady and that she would love the baby also.
  24. Kind of loved Teresa saying she felt something bad was going to happen and John shows up at her door. So is Dr. Evil feeling guilty about what he did to Teresa?
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