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Everything posted by MakingBacon

  1. Scotland: I was a little concerned that the HH kept talking about drinking, being drunk and having to climb stairs when drunk. I have never chosen an apartment based on how it would affect my drinking status. As someone who has lived on the 3rd floor when the elevator was being replaced and was out for nearly four months, I know I would not deliberately choose to live somewhere with no elevator if I had to walk up so many stairs. I would think the place with a garden would be better for Harris. The HH seemed so sad. I wondered if there were actually any friends back in Glasgow or just the ex.
  2. Can you imagine what the husband must have was like to think this is a better choice? She needs to stop acting like his mom is the side chick. He is never going to give up his mom for her.
  3. Christina is probably just someone who can’t be alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if her self-esteem is based on being considered desirable by a man. I loved the show but I will watch Tarek on Flipping 101 because incompetent flippers will never cease to be funny. The look on Tarek’s face when they do something stupid is worth watching. Tarek was the interesting one on the show and he really talked more about the difficulties of flipping, which I liked. Christina’s designs were almost all the same, black or gray kitchen and some hideously patterned tile. I will say that I did like them together because they played off each other well. I love watching the old episodes when everyone had bad hair, Tarek was on shorts and flip flops and they were not going over the top crazy with the flips.
  4. I give credit to Jade for using her Teen Mom money to buy a house in cash. For someone who has lived such a chaotic life, it can be reassuring to know you will always have a home and it’s yours forever. It would be best if that home did not include her parents and Khloe’s dad who will only cause problems in her life.
  5. I have to wonder if Sarma ever actually cared about the restaurant or if she was just going through the motions because that’s what she thought she was supposed to do, like when she was working on Wall Street. I think it’s pretty clear she married Anthony thinking he would pay off the debt. What happened after she realized that wasn’t going to happen I cannot wrap my head around. I don’t think she was brainwashed so much as she seemed to want someone to take over making decisions. I do wonder if she had been dealing with depression or something and she sort of gave up. That’s being said, I don’t feel sorry for her and think she was an active participant the fraud even by just allowing Anthony to take control. Her lack of remorse or empathy for what her employees when through is appalling. I am disturbed by her conversation with Anthony at the end. Who basically flirts with the man who helped you lose everything and end up in prison? I am disturbed with the mentioning of Patty Hearst. She was kidnapped, held hostage for over a year and abused. Sarma’s life cannot be compared to what she went through. The employees are really the stars in this whole saga. They seem to be loyal people who tried their best to keep the restaurant going when they weren’t even getting paid. The fact they left the other restaurant to go back to Sarma’s when it reopened says a lot about how they felt about her. They deserved better.
  6. I don’t understand why it would take so long to get Chloe’s tooth fixed. So she would have to wait a week in pain for an appointment with a pediatric dentist? There isn’t more than one in her area or did she only call the first one she found. Kail and Briana seem to thrive when they are at war with someone else. Neither of them seem like bad moms as their kids seem ok but, once you take the kids out of the equation, their behavior is just atrocious. I feel like they don’t have any other friends or anything substantive to distract them so they just fight with the other teen moms.
  7. Now that I know Mike is a troll, I don’t care if Ximena took every dime he had. I predict that The Single Life will ultimately dump him due to the backlash. With his racists history, you are going to be pretty limited in fixing him up with women. They will be admitting they are as racist as Mike. As for Ximena, how screwed up a family do you have if your dad gives you sex toys for your birthday? Was he giving items for her webcam work? Helping her extend her business? It’s just creepy and to think I thought her family came off so normal.
  8. I know that a lot of this show is scripted but I completely believe that Harry’s sister was pissed off and India was in shock and uncomfortable with Harry’s behavior. I hope India started reevaluating her life choices when she was trying to quietly have sex in a hotel bathroom since her daughter was in the bedroom after her newly released spiritual husband could not hold it together for an hour before ticking off his family.
  9. Well I guess Mike won’t be on The Single Life.
  10. Robyn will just find another man, hopefully (for her) with sister wives, to pay her bills. Until then, she will likely make her older kids actually work to help pay her bills. Robyn is the only one of the wives who has done nothing to try to bring in money for the family when they were still together or her immediate family now. MSW closet doesn’t count since it never had a chance of providing income. Janelle worked a real job prior to moving to vegas and has now her MLM. Meri worked a real job before moving to vegas and now has her MLM and B&B. Christine has money from the sale of her house, her MLM and her new cooking show. What has Robyn ever brought to the table other than a VS bill and some fake tears?
  11. I think most people on reality shows like this set up a shell company to pass the money through since it is my understanding that TLC normally only pays out one check. I believe the Duggars had a company to accept checks as well and we know they were only receiving one Check that was doled out to others. I just wonder why Dayton would put this on LinkedIn. Is he trying to get a job in entertainment? Talk show host? It’s so weird. He and his siblings have barely been on the show compared to the other sister wife kids. I would be this show isn’t even on the resume of Aspyn or Logan. I hope Dayton has some other work experience but I assume Robyn wouldn’t allow her children to work.
  12. Honestly, if Alina is as openly racist in person as she is on social media, I am going to assume Elijah thinks they same way as he knows exactly what Alina believes. Most people don’t live with, and have a best friend that is so racist, and not have the exact same views.
  13. I am pretty sure I had Kim’s pink hearts “lingerie” as a kid in the 80s, except mine had cap sleeves. I am not sure how that would be considered a sexy time outfit. If it’s something you could wear around your parents and children, it’s not Lingerie meant for getting lucky.
  14. It’s so strange that Amy and Tammy seem to come off much smarter in their talking heads than in the regular part of the episodes. When they are together, it’s like you are watching their IQs drop. They just sound dumber and dumber. The last Fifteen minutes of this episode was really uncomfortable to watch. You could see Tammy deteriorating on camera. Her breathing and raspy voice reminded of the many times my stroke stricken mom had pneumonia. Had they ended the episode with the news that Tammy had died, I would not have been surprised. I am not sure this show can continue as I don’t think Tammy will be at the point where she can live on her own again any time soon, if ever.
  15. I worry for Mike because he is so desperate for a relationship that he will overlook every red flag Ximena has put up. It’s almost like she is intentionally giving him ever excuse to end it. Mike likely thinks this is his only shot at a relationship. She wants a better life for her children and will likely leave Mike the minute she has her green card. I don’t think Mike is being honest with Ximena either. I am sure he has not told her he expects her and the kids to move in with Dad and Grandpa and she will do all the cooking, cleaning and taking care of everyone.
  16. I think Caleb will ultimately distance himself fe Alina because he is a prime candidate for The Single Life and I am sure TLC would want him for it. My guess is a Caleb supported her at first until he saw which way the wind was blowing. I don’t understand why, if you know you are going to be on TV, you don’t scrub anything that could possible be considered racist or controversial. I don’t think Alina ever thought about scrubbing anything and, if it ever came up, she would get a pass for her disability. She is probably used to getting a pass because of her disability because people don’t want to offend her or appear to be attacking her.
  17. So David got a new toupee? I can feel the thirst from both of them.
  18. These last two seasons Kody has practically been unhinged. Since the two seasons were filmed close in time, and likely the talking heads as well, Kody would not have known the reaction people had to last season prior to filming the current season. Therefore, he had no chance to modify his behavior. I firmly believe Kody believed at the time he was going to come off really well, that he was right and that the public would be on his side. Hell, he probably thought most parents would agree he should not go with Ysabel for her surgery. I am sure he is shocked and doesn’t understand why he and Robyn are the villains of the show.
  19. Wow that post sounds like something a 14 year-old says about their boyfriend. They are soul mates and best friends after only a few months of meeting. I am sure the stars had a special sparkle the night she got pregnant by Ben. I would bet they never get married and and she just gets a child support check every month. Also, I am not sure why a wealthy guy who has it all together, would choose someone still married to the guy she was with on 90 Day Fiancé. Neither of them sound like a keeper. Juliana was never a big time model. Michael met her at a Yacht party. She is a pretty woman but nothing to make her stand out as a real model.
  20. I am not surprised by Farrah getting arrested for hitting someone. I am surprised Farrah has a friend.
  21. I refuse to believe those dresses cost tens of thousands of dollars. No dress shop that caters to a clientele with the ability to spend $40k on a wedding dress would ever be that dinky. I just can’t see Chris giving Gabby thousands of dollars of his settlement for a car and apartment. I think she was supposed to use it for something else and she decided to just improve her living situation. This show has already proven the inmates don’t have to spend money to get women. The lawyer was correct, he can’t release money without his client’s consent or he could lose his license. Gabby having a tantrum in a wedding dress was awesome. It’s probably the first time someone other than her mother has told her no. I can’t wait until Chris finds out Gabby has thrown away all his money.
  22. Kody and Robyn don’t know how to pay the long game. Without the other wives, there is no show. Without the other wives, there is no money. The fact they have already twice taken out loans in the form of home equity or whatever, totaling more than $250k, tells you they cannot survive without the show, and likely even with the show. Why push away the only people who are helping to keep a roof over the heads of Robyn’s crying children? Everyone leaves, so does the show. You can only have so many episodes with the wives who have left. It will come to an end, likely sooner rather than later, and Robyn might actually have to go to work. What’s crazy so that, had they been smart and originally purchase cheaper homes, they could have all been paid off by now. When this is all over, Meri will likely be the only one owning property.
  23. If Margaret was being taking care of by a boyfriend, I would have said her scrunching of her face and crying like a baby was part of a fetish they both had. Margaret only lost weight because her mother controlled the food and had had the surgery herself so she can’t eat crazy amounts. My guess is she couldn’t call for delivery while her mother was working because she likely didn’t have any access to money or credit cards. She is like a true child without even a piggy bank full of an allowance. I thought it was interesting mom had a boyfriend with her during Margaret’s surgery. I would bet Margaret doesn’t get along with with him since he is a threat to mommy and me time. I don’t for a minute believe she wants to lose weight and be independent. She didn’t mention one goal in life like everyone else. She just wants to be babied. I also don’t think she has to worry about outliving her mom. I think mom is going to be here long after Margaret is gone.
  24. In one of the earlier episodes it was mentioned Kody liked being at Meri’s apt. because it was quiet with o my one kid. I feel like Meri’s place was Kody’s hangout when he wanted to get away from it all. Meri didn’t want people traipsing through her place and Kody probably encouraged that mindset. Kody and Sol together came off as a babysitter and his charge. Sol seems to be a sweet, polite little boy. He obviously was not interested in the hole but Kody has decided he should be because that a what he think little boys enjoy. Sol went in to make Kody happy and not because he has any interest. Kody couldn’t even tell his son had no interest. Then again, Kody doesn’t seem to be close to any of his boys, Sol included.
  25. What bothers me about the 4 plots is that Kody’s name is on all of them, while some like Meri has her name only one one plot with two other people. If they sell all those properties and split the money from each plot based one whose name is on it, Kody comes away with more than all the wives. If he suddenly dies, his legal wife gets his share. I don’t for a minute believe Kody set up a Will dividing all his assets equally. I am sure the latest $130,000 loan is to pay the bills on the mansion. No way does Robyn take out a loan on her house to give money to Christine or buy them out. She and Kody needed the money. I give it two years before they are out of the mansion. What kills me is that Robyn is the only one who doesn’t have an outside source of income. Meri, Christine and Janelle are out there hustling their MLMs as Robyn sits in her ivory tower deciding who Kody is allowed to speak with today. Wasn’t Kody even selling stuff at a gun show?
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