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Everything posted by AnnieBeez

  1. I think the cake is beautiful and very non-Duggarish. The toppers are cute,I guess, but don't go with the style of the cake. Thanks for the tip about clicking, Lunera.
  2. It seems pretty clear to me that he cheated. For instance in A Company of Men, he's shown walking off holding hands with the island woman and putting his finger to his lips "shh." I think that it was pretty obvious.
  3. I hope it's someone who looks more like Philip. Matt Smith's nose and putty face are just wrong.
  4. Damn! I paid iTunes $2.99 for it. Totally worth it, though.
  5. It was also odd that there was still snow on the ground 6 months later.
  6. It was better, but I don't think it was a "convincer." The people I know who I've recommended it to but won't watch don't like Andy Samberg. He showed the limitations of his range in 99, I think.
  7. "Knock-off" was shorthand. I remember the story of her shirts. She found something she liked and had them custom-made. Did Eileen Fisher make them? No. I adore Ina. I'M not bashing her. Back in the PTV days, there was a lot of criticism of her clothing. I believe "shent" was used quite a bit. I was using her as an example of someone who seems to see clothing as a way to cover nudity. She's comfortable. Good for her. Again, Jill not being a fashionista isn't an issue for me. I'm sure she'd be bashed for that too. Look at the uproar over the nose-piercing! [yes, I'm being sarcastic] Hippy dippy works for her, imo, etc.
  8. You know, some people just don't care much about clothes. I'm thinking Ina Garten. With all the money she has, she sticks with her comfy high water pants and big, unstructured Eileen Fisher knock off shirts. The Dillards' clothes are the least of their issues.
  9. Well, that's your answer. She's not going anywhere.
  10. Darn, I was excited to see a new post and was hoping it meant new episodes.
  11. Maybe lack of physical activity, too. Lots of sedentary kids these days.
  12. I'm allergic to wheat and eggs so it's hard to find recipes that turn out well, especially with egg substitutes. Ina's gingerbread cupcakes with orange icing don't have eggs in them, and the flour was easily subbed out with gf flour (I use Bob's Red Mill 1-to-1. It's the best I've found). They're delicious! I made them again recently and switched the orange to lemon and made lemon buttercream frosting. I think I'll try a glaze next time. They freeze really well, too.
  13. Thanks for the info about the podcast. I'm a little late, but I finally listened to it last night. I know they were trying to guide the interview but I found them "telling" her about her life annoying. I wish they had just let her talk. I felt like she kept being cut off. The only new thing that I learned was that she and Jeffrey meet up in NYC during the week. Jeffrey's brother lives in my area. His parents lived in a senior community nearby. I remembered an article about them from years and found it: http://blog.oregonlive.com/oregonatwar/2012/02/a_soldiers_story_about_his_wif.html Has Ina ever mentioned the Time-Life cookbooks?
  14. Wow, that was bad. It seemed like another show, the comedy was so broad and slapstick-y.
  15. I've always heard that gas is better for stove-top cooking and electric's better for baking.
  16. Ha! Even the doctor's shilling...I wonder if she asked him about his new book. From the 2 month link--Ember: "a small live piece of coal wood etc in a dying fire." Is the dying fire her family? I don't get it.
  17. You're kidding, right? If not, making great burgers is what Bob does. That's who he is.
  18. Thank you. This really bothered me. I'll have to look later, but the way I remember it was that Skinner was going to continue to be Skinner and we'd never mention it again. NOT that he was suddenly the actual Skinner, just that everyone would pretend to forget and he wouldn't suffer any repercussions from impersonating actual Skinner.
  19. Jessa's wearing her only pair of shoes again, but the little girl in green up front is wearing old lady shoes with heels. I think Joy did her hair waaaay too early for the ceremony. I don't understand the 2 hours early nonsense.
  20. Oh, I have no doubt that Jana's home life and batshit crazy parents and religion have affected her. I don't find her "stunted" as in stuck perpetual childhood or being unable to cope in the real world. I don't think Jana would be crying if a shower rod fell or post photos on social media of a pile of dirty diapers on a dresser. I think, for whatever reason, Jana's chosen to stay home. I have a feeling she's resisted pressure to "court."
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