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Everything posted by AnnieBeez

  1. I don't see Jana as a helpless, stunted person at all. She may or may not feel that she can leave home, but she seems the most independent of all the older girls. She knows how to get shit done. She'd be fine making her way in the world solo, if and when she should choose to do so. I've known too many quiet, sly people to think she has no personality. I see a twinkle in her eye and, and like JD, she can sling a low-key zinger on occasion.
  2. Yes, it was mentioned that she used iron-on tape (whatever it's called) to attach the piece of Kendra's mom's dress.
  3. Why is Jeremy choking that dog? Jeremy, release the headlock.
  4. Mercifully little Jessa in the episode. I didn't notice though. Joy surely did though, as I'm sure you've seen and heard by now.
  5. I think you've said it all, and I suppose it's just lighting, but what about the two different colored "long" legs? That cutesy head tilt thing makes me sick. How old is she, indeed.
  6. Just waiting for those snaps or buttons to start popping off.
  7. I would have said Aretha also. There IS a pink Cadillac in this song.
  8. That's my thought, as well. I just can't see how she's showing that much at ~16 weeks, even if she's poking her belly out.
  9. I saw JD but I don't think he was interviewed, though. I noticed him because he was sitting off by himself when they were sitting in the folding chairs where the groomsmen and Joe were hanging out. Maybe he was disgusted that Joe and Kendra were forced to include Josh. Speaking of Josh, I saw a faceless blob in the same scene(s)...and I mean blob. Maybe Josh?
  10. Seriously. I had to scroll back up to see whose account it was. She's gazing up at him and he's looking straight ahead (into a mirror? ha).
  11. Thank you for the good info. I have a tiny family and none of us were married in a church. I come from an area that didn't have many Catholics so I've only been to one or two Catholic weddings. I've never ever been to a church with a "stage" for any reason.
  12. Right, it seemed like a natural thing for a father to do--to give his daughter a peck on the cheek. It was odd that she had to ASK him and even odder that he said no. eta: Holy moly! Joy looked way more pregnant than a honeymoon baby. Also, I switched from contacts to glasses when I was pregnant. It's been 30+ years, and I can't remember why contacts bothered me. I went back to contacts later.
  13. This is EXACTLY it. It's the choosing a home based on preferred counters or cabinet colors. Seriously bugs.
  14. Kendra's nervous giggle finally got to me. What bugs is that she never actually laughs. It's all that little giggle. I was fine with it until she was still giggling with her dad. The "give me a kiss" when he lifted her veil was uncomfortable to me. It was odd that she had to ask and odd that he said "not now." [or whatever he said] Agree with all who said Jana's everyone's mom. Also, she gets it done, doesn't she? Sewing a dress on the floor barefoot. Hiding Joe's injury.
  15. Thank you, ginger90. That enlarged picture really helped. I'm glad I missed out on that fad, mynextmistake.
  16. I should never have clicked on that spoiler button!
  17. I'm visually-impaired and have made that photo as large as I can. I cannot figure out that table top. Can someone tell me about it? It looks chipped and white near D's left elbow. Are they in some furnished apartment somewhere for Derick's "work"? That looks like some cheap-ass rental furniture. Also I can't help but repeat, a scented candle so close while you eat?! I hope it's at least a "food" scent.
  18. As long as it wasn't baby Shakespeare(s), I think sparing Santa's the way to go.
  19. Someone who piles up dirty diapers is in need of something more than a cleaning person. I'm in agreement that the diapers and disgusting sheets are just a bridge too far. I've found surprise dust once in a while, but 6 months? I was a stay-at-home mom and never much of a housekeeper. There's a difference between clutter (toys, clean laundry that needs to be put away) and filth. The Seewald home is just disgusting. And like with her "don't cook" proclamation, she seems to take a perverse pride in it.
  20. I don't understand lighting a scented candle while you eat, but I pretty much hate them anyway. Someone upthread mentioned Derick and the disclosure of Josh's molestation of his sisters. I've always thought that it's what led to the unraveling, but I've never really gone back and checked the timeline.
  21. Yes, the "sanctuary" is what I meant, not a side room to the Girl Scouts or providing a space for AA. I HAVE heard of churches renting out meeting space, just not the actual church part of a church.
  22. I was hoping they'd choose the beach apartment. 3 had a view, but really of what? The city? If I'm moving to a beach town, I'm living at the beach. It's been a while since I was a teenage girl, but that would've been living the dream for me. Still would.
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