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Everything posted by kitticup

  1. What if Hook is a foppish cowardly bard or troubadour which explains why he's not dressed as a peasant, but is befuddled when dealing with a sword.
  2. I think all those rabid SQ fans (not all SQ fans just the rabid ones) were successful in their anti Hook campaign. The once Upon a Hook was completely baseless. Hook did not have that much scene time to begin with. His screen time is mostly upped by his centrics but otherwise he's been sparingly used even in the Neverland arc which should have been Hook heavy as it is his origin story. Really it should be once upon Regina. I like Regina but am tired how she has to be shoehorned into every story. It is lessening her impact.
  3. U is for Ursula's happy ending. I also liked young Ursula.
  4. I saw the episode tonight. I was very surprised by LisaV. she totally had Kyle's back and it was obvious to me that she is as done with Kim as she is with Brandi. Unsurprisingly, Kim was awful. She was talking over everyone. I don't see why Andy did not shut her down. Brandi is full of it. That line about everyone needing an intervention was complete BS. It's something she made up after the fact to cover the plain obvious meaning of her words that everyone needs to be at an intervention for Kim vs the strained I meant everyone needs to have an intervention. I am glad Kyle called out Brandi about her hatred for Kyle. It is very bizarre. I liked LisaR on this one, but not so much in the first reunion episode. It isn't fair that everyone has to let Kim speak and get shut down for/by Kim. It is always what Kim needs, feels, wants. that is such BS. Kim is over50 years she is an adult not some special snowflake. If Kim falls off the wagon or hurts herself that is entirely on Kim. It is not fair that everyone should be bound by her emotional abuse. Eta to fix typos.
  5. I'll be honest. I was one of those people that felt Kyle was way out of line for limo gate. I thought she was horrible and felt so bad for Kim. In my defense, I have never had any real interactions with addicts. From my perspective, I thought that Kim was sober and trying to put her life together. I thought she didn't feel comfortable interacting with Kyle's friends and really wanted to stay out of the drama. I thought that Kyle was trying to drag Kim into her fight with Camille. I didn't know or understand the history between the Richards sisters. Now I have learned my lesson: you really don't know what is truly going on with these women. Kim is vile because she shows absolutely no regard for anyone. She is awful and it is clear that she was using and probably still is. Her behavior whether sober or under the influence is bizarre. I know longer think of her as shy and slightly awkward. I find her sense of humor very weird and uncomfortable. I felt so bad that LisaR had to put up with Kim in that sex shoppe. I wonder if Kim has a mental illness besides narcissism. As for Kyle, I feel for her. It seems she has tried to help her sister but there is part of her that is very angry with Kim (understandably so). I did think she let her anger get the best of her in limo gate. I still fault her for getting almost physical. Just as LisaR let her temper get the best of her in Amsterdam. Kim brings that out in people I think because everyone bends over backwards for her and she refuses to treat others well. Kyle should walk away fromKim. If Bravo has Kim back, they should make very clear that no one will be covering up for her anymore. I know I wouldn't if I was one of the other housewives. I would make clear that I will keep everything about her behavior while filming and not talk about what she does when we are not filming. So if she doesn't want anyone commenting on her bizarre behavior she needs to stop acting like she is under the influence of some substance. I would also make clear if Kim wants to bring up things not related to filming ie my family -- her family is fair game and then I would ask her how Chad was doing.
  6. This so much. I never thought of Hook as ineffective. I thought he was very resourceful given that he was "outgunned" in every way. He has no magic and no one backing him ( in fact both the heros and villains have nothing but disdain for him at the time) but he came closer than anyone in killing Rumple. Yes he shifted sides, but no matter how raw the deal he got he found a way to make it work for him. He was the one that figured out how to get to StoryBrooke, not Cora. After being betrayed by Regina and Cora, he found Rumple on his own. After being betrayed by the heros (team princess), he found a way to become relevant to Cora. Personally, I miss Season 2 Hook. He made me laugh out loud all the time and didn't take himself too seriously (his goal yes). I loved when he told the princess to fight it out to see who would go with him on the beanstalk and not to be afraid to Really get into it. I loved his scenes in Tiny. Now I appreciate how much he supports and loves Emma. I thought the "I have never seen you fail" speech was off a the charts romantic because he is telling her how he sees her and it's all beautiful. I just wish they would let Hook do more than be Emma's puppy. He is a great character to have others interact with because he is a self aware villian becoming a hero with a wicked sense of humor.
  7. I don't know how I've missed the activity on this thread. I was so disappointed and said so in my post of the episode were Rumpple took Hook's heart. I was hoping their was a reason that Rumple and Cora had never pulled his heart from his chest. I was hoping the reveal was going to be that his mother is Calypso, a goddess and his dad, Davy Jones. Like his father, Hook is a bit of an obsessive romantic.
  8. I am thinking Emma goes to Camelot and is Morgana. She has lost her memory. They should be able to use Gold's globe to locate where Emma is, just like they did with Henry.
  9. Thanks I realized that after reading the earlier posts. I start bottom up. This does not make me happy. Wow. I can't believe it. Why is Regina's happiness more important than any one else.
  10. Souris - You were on site and saw all this? This isn't snark. This is really what happened? I am a little slow today's one I want to double check.
  11. Or maybe the author/writers needed to find a reason for Emma to give up Henry. If she was still with Neal they probably would have kept Henry and there would be no reason to go to Storybrook, which is really slimy of August to separate Emma from her son. I also miss flirty arrogant Hook.
  12. Sometimes, I am a little slow. I just realized Henry is Snow's step brother. He is his own uncle. Back to the topic. I liked August when he first came on. I thought they were setting him up as a love interest for Emma and I also thought they were setting him up as a lost boy. Disney's Pinocchio gets sidetracked by Pleasure Island, which I thought was great how they worked in Thailand as a more adult Xrated Pleasure Island, but I also thought he was going to be a lost boy that went to Neverland and that is how learned about the dagger either through Bae or TinkerBelle. I also thought that Hook knew about Neal's place in NY because Tink was keeping tabs on things. Sadly the show didn't go in that direction. It is weird to me that Emma would be so happy to see August. She knows he is the reason Neal left her and was so angry about it. I can see the argument that they were both were ripped from happy childhoods and thrust into an uncaring world and have a bond. Maybe Emma has enough distance from all the hurt because she has her family and is in a relationship with Hook, so she can let the past go. I wonder how Neal would have reacted to August if he were alive.
  13. Emma And August look very close to each other - too close for my taste. It almost seems like they are setting up a triangle and August has parental approval.
  14. Normally I enjoy watching OUAT. I considered it like a sweet dessert full of empty calories, so when you really look at it there is no substance there. this episode was not enjoyable even on a superficial level. Too many characters were OOC. Emma was ridiculous. Her concern was over the top and made her look dumb. snowing were underutilized. Regina was over the top. This reminds me of A Common Fairy but not in a good way. Both episodes took iconic characters (Tinkerbelle and Malificent) and made it all about Regina. I am very bitter in an arc devoted to Neverland, we never saw any interaction between Pan and Tink, and hardly anything with Hook. I don't understand viewers who call this show Once Upon a Hook when it really Once upon a Regina. The writers have gone to the well too often with Regina on the cusp of being dark flashbacks. We don't really learn anything new about the main characters in these flashbacks and its a disservice to the other characters in the flashbacks like Mal. I want to the iconic stories and iconic characters interact. I wanted Mal and briar rose grudge match. I wanted Tink Pan and Hook scenes in Neverland. The whole undercover thing was terribly and amateurishly done. As so many other s have said they acted like lame high school kids. Rumple masquerading as Hook, now that is how you go undercover and was well done. I feel for Belle.
  15. A&E are playing with fire. It's almost like they want to anger every segment of their fan base. They tried to placate Neal fans by naming Snowflake Neal and it only incensed them. Here they want to placate SQ fans but I don't see them ever being endgame. That will only encourage the most rabid ones to hate on CS even more. CS fans will lose interest in show because there is no emotional payoff.
  16. Bring on the red vest!!! I think he tricked Ursula to help him and she ended up being banished from Olympus, losing her goddess status. Maybe Hook lied about how old he was or maybe he/writers lost track of his age.
  17. u is for Ursula. If she a goddess or a sea witch or sea witch named after the goddess?
  18. I just realized that I have always loved tha last episode of season and 3a. There is always something in the finale that makes me want to watch. At the end of Season 1, I wanted to see what it meant to break the curse. end of Season 2, I loved the Neverbacks with Hook and Bae and I was looking forward to see the dynamics with Hook, Rumple, Bae and to a lesser extent Emma. The last episode of 3a was so moving. I was looking forward to enchanted Forest and Hook getting Emma in NY. The 3b was a lot of fun. These finales made me want to come back for more. But they blew it with season 4a. There was no pay off. Why should I care about the characters if the writers don't? I did love Belle confronting Rumple. That was awesome. Carlyle reverting back to the coward was well done, but it doesn't make me want to watch.
  19. Spookedand Beans, you should watch the season finale. You don't' have to watch any of the other episodes in Season 3 to enjoy it. I am getting to where you are. I watch for Primarily for Hook and Emma, but it is getting harder to watch, because we don't get a payoff and we basically see the same speeches again and again. I want to see emotional intimacy not just them making out or Hook playing Cheerleader. I don't want the show to be all about them. I want to see the other characters. I like Charming, liked Snow when she is in adventure mode, rumple being a magnificent bastard, even Regina when she is not being catered to by the writing staff. Neither rumple or Regina should ever be allowed to yield white magic, given their extensive use of black magic. I love Granny, the dwarves, ruby, Archie. The writers are blessed to have such a great cast. Frankly, Belle and Robin are the only ones I don't want to watch at all. Belle is still redeemable. I liked her in the last episode.
  20. I am so not looking forward to season 4b. Nothing I've heard sounds interesting.
  21. It's so weird. Colin is so bashful about anything of a sexual nature and he is clearly being a sex symbol.
  22. I was waiting for R because I was also going for Realistic Reactions. We all want the same thing. So S is for Storylines that are character driven.
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