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Everything posted by kitticup

  1. I found this episode to be an odd duck. There was something very off in this that I can't quite place my finger on. It felt disjointed. 1. I usually love all the Frozen characters but here Elsa seemed shoe horned into the episode. Everything seemed contrived with her. I thought it funny that she blows away the snow queen. 2. I don't think the flashbacks worked with sb storyline. What Emma went through doesn't parallel her relationship with Regina. 3. While I absolutely loved much the CS scenes, I feel the writers need to be careful about not making hook too much like the knave. I've noticed more of a cockney accent in hook and less vocabulary porn. 4. I wonder if this was meant to be the 4th episode. The 5th tends to suffer from the World Series. It happened with good form. I wonder if Disney exec thought it was a little weaker and had it switched. I think this because this would explain how hook knows about video cameras. Also there was no mention of the hat storyline. 5. I didn't like Emma and Regina's interactions here. Normally I like them to have scenes together but not this time. Things I liked: 1. Sidney finally breaking free from the evil queen, but he does seem to want someone to order him about. 2. EM was coolly menacing and creepy. 3. Snow and Charming are cute together. 4. I loved the last scene with Emma and Hook. The chemistry was there. He was being supportive and genuinely interested in his Swan. Emma was open and vulnerable, and freeze frame of the snow queen's face was chilling.
  2. I think it is more than revenge. Rumple hates Hook and doesn't want Hook to redeem himself. There are special kind of person that want to tear down men who might be better than them; they want to bring out the worst in a person. Rumple and Pan strike as that type. They want to break down people to make them the worst possible person. Pre-dark Rumple was a coward and selfish man who turned his back on his community. He was always afraid, cowering and begging, while doing absolutely nothing to help his family. Hook is full of action, bravado and passion. Hook never begged Rumple for his life; he never grovelled; never showed fear of the dark one. When faced with the seemingly same situation to fight for Milah (duel with an opponent he can't win against) Hook fought. Rumpel didn't. Rumple wants to be better for Belle, but he can't. Meanwhile Hook is making strides to becoming a better man and to find happiness with the former lover of his son. Rumple is not going to let that happen. Rumple doesn't need Hook for his nefarious plans, but he wants to destroy any chance of happiness and redemption Hook may have. Anyway on to the speculation, I think those speculating Hook will die are right. He will be resurrected somehow. I am hoping that there is a change when he comes back. What I am hping for is that he becomes immune to all magic. He can use magical items like beans, portals but he can't be hurt or helped by any magic directed at him, so no more curses for Hook (YEAH!) but Emma won't be able to save him in the future.
  3. I've been thinking that maybe Anna is the one to open Belle's eyes to Rumple heart of darkness. Weren't Anna and Belle suppose to know each other? If Rumple helped urn Elsa and Anna, then maybe Belle will have to face that her husband is not just a lying lair who lies but sadistic psychopath.
  4. I like Rumple but I want to see him get his comupence. I hope the sorcorer is running a long con and that the hat does rid the dark one do the dagger by actually getting rid of the dark one curse and power. I am hoping that Hook makes it happen because the hat gives its power to non magical person.
  5. I liked this episode but felt a little let down. I think I need to stop watching the sneak peeks. It takes the surprise out. I liked the second half better, although I found snowing to be absolutely charming. ;) I am split on the hand storyline. I like bobby and Colin working together. It brings out the sharp edges in their characters, but 1) hook was stupid in allowing himself to be used by Rumple and 2) there is too much of a power imbalance to make this fun. I feel for hook being at the mercy of his enemy. He needs to tell Emma or just walk away from Rumple, saying you tell Emma, I'll tell belle and leave it at that. Hook of all characters knows what dark magic does and knows to never trust a crocodile. He even told Bae that resurrecting the Dark one would come at a steep price. He also under pan's thumb in Neverland, so he won't want to repeat it and Liam died because pan didn't give him details. I felt for him because you could tell he really did not like what Rumple was doing to the Apprentice. The Stilkin men really f'd with Hook trying to bring him down to their level and from being a better man. This episode really drives home what a rat bastard Rumple is. I am one of those fans that recognizes that Rumple, even pre-curse Rumple was/is an incredibly selfish man and still enjoys the character. Personally, I don't know if Rumple is truly capable of fully loving another including Bae. Had Bae stayed in the EF I wonder how long it would take before a Rumple was fully controlling Bae to keep him from leaving. Back to this episode, I want this to blow up in Rumple's face. I hope Hook's story will parallel Anna's and he gets to come out on top. I wonder if part his arc will be to face his dark side and put it aside for the greater good, and that gives him control of the hat. Hook has genuinely tried to change and doesn't seem to take pleasure in being cruel. I don't mind Henry putting one over rumple. I just don't want Regina to be the hero of this arc. She was the one that defeated Selena in 3b, and her magic played a strong role in 3a; let someone else be the hero.
  6. Heeee's baaack. - that magnificent manipulative rat bastard, rumple. Never change. I Like rumple best when he is conniving and manipulating everyone. I aloso like it when others see through his manipulations and see how quickly he can change things to his advantage. Having rumple play off of Hook is great. They are foils/mirror images of each other. In the confrontation scene both men came off as dangerous. It was good. If belle was more empathetic, I might feel sorry for her but then I think about how little concern she has shown to Rumple's victims and I am over it. Regina on the other hand. She needs to change. She needs to see herself clearly and stop trying to pretend she never did anything wrong. Regina is a villain and needs to work on herself not on her image/PR. Still I loved her reaction to Snow's blue bird painting. That office is hideous and I am not just talking about that painting. I really like Kristoff and Sven. They are both awesome. I can totally see Charming being Kristoff's friend. Hook and Elsa were great. I am so happy Hook finally has one Disney princess who might like him. Belle, Ariel, aurora, Mulan and to a lesser extent Snow aren't part of his fan club, and with reason (some more than others). I like that hook was marching off to danger and that Elsa approved. I liked the Emma charming scenes. The snow queen is excellent. My guess is that she got burned by her sister and tries to pit Elsa against Anna. I think that the Snow Queen is actually acting out of a very misguided sense of good. She is trying to protect Elsa. I like what A&e have done this season. They have set up interesting story lines that I am excited to see play out.
  7. I have a new idea. I think Hook =apprentice. Rumple needs someone without magic to use the hat. Using the hat probably comes with a price and he is not going to let belle pay that price . If hook goes mad or is burnt out from channeling all that magic, all the better from Rumple's view. He knows hook will do anything to protect Emma.
  8. Me too! I am very intrigued by this storyline. I want to know more. I like that thee two aren't friends and never will be. It's not like Snow and Regina. I still think Carlyle plays best against Lana, but he is definitely better as a wily manipulative dark character. Being relegated to Belle's boyfriend is waste of a great character and actor.
  9. I don't think anyone but Belle has heard the full story. All we've seen onscreen is David hearing Rumple accusing Hook of stealing his wife and Hook stating that Rumple took Milah from him. With this show taking someone could mean many things. I don't think David would make the leap to cold bloodedly murder in a jealous fit. I always thought that David or at Josh plays David as seeing Hook as being wrong for running off with another man's wife and it's not in David to believe a man who professes to love his wife would murder said wife. I think Emma might be the only one who deduce the true story, including that Milah is Bae's mom. It is also possible that Regina may have heard the story from some other villain in EF pre curse. I suppose Cora might know the whole story. I think she would definitely know that rumple killed hook's love. The Question is if she knew Milah was Rumple's wife. I have always felt bad for Hook because no one, even Bae, has shown any compassion or even basic sympathy for his loss.
  10. I am glad Sasha is gone. I hope that she becomes more mature quickly. She is talented but I think she would be hard to work with. I think about how awful she was in the partner competitions. She refused to provide any input or ideas. Then when she works alone, she is disruptive to others and wants them to tell her what to do. Sasha strikes me as someone who has always gotten away with the minimum. I think the other contestants caught on this week and were telling her she was doing fine to keep from being sucked into her issues. Dina's was amazing. I think beauty makeup is hard and she always knocks it out of the park. I remember her first sculpt and it was beautiful.
  11. Y is for frozen YOGURT. It's a little cheat.
  12. I liked this episode. I really like the Frozen characters. I think that they breathe new life into all the other characters. I really liked the Charming Anna backstory. I not entirely sure it fits previous cannon, but it was great to see David become a hero. I like that they are fleshing him out. Josh does a great job as Charming. His father's alcoholism might further explain why he doesn't like Hook. [ETA: I love the way Josh Dallas sword fights. There is a lot of energy and beauty in his movement.] Last week I didn't like the Captain Swan scenes. This week I liked them. I liked that Hook stated that what they become is up to him and Emma. He really seemed desperate when Emma was dying. I liked how he was trying to dig her out even thought it was impossible. To me that is human. Hook is not afraid of the impossible fight. I just hope he gets to win some of those fights. I liked how they held hands together. I like Grumpy in all his scenes. I like that they went to Snow and let her know she needed to lead. It was her curse. I liked Bo-Peep. She had a Ma Barker vibe. It was cool. Everyone including from Jared to Frozen actors did a great job.
  13. One the reasons I didn't initially like Good Form is that is made no sense in terms of Hook/Killian. A good backstory can have a twist that takes the audience by surprise but it has to provide a good bridge as to how the character came to be. For me Good Form doesn't work because I don't see how Young Idealistic prim and oh so proper Lt Jones becomes devil may care pirate Killian Jones, who seems to have a lot of street smarts and could do slight of hand. I think Pirates of the Carribean character Norrrington makes more sense, but it would not be what I would want for Hook. I can see how pirate Jones becomes Hook. That makes sense. So to help me get there, I read some fanfic and came up with my head cannons: 1) From Hey Brother fanfic (MAJOR SPOLIERS), which had a plausible background. Liam and Killian were both abandoned. Their mother was princess married to a Naval Officer, but it was a marriage of convenience and produced Liam. The mother falls in love with Davy Jones another sailor and runs off with him, taking Liam. When she dies shortly after Killian's birth, the father is overcome with grief. So the brothers are half-brothers but don't learn that until much later. The father does a bunch of stupid things and abandons his sons. Liam is much older than Killian. They spent a couple of years on the streets, begging for food. When Liam decides to try to get them a berth on a Naval ship as cabin boys. The captain is willing to take Liam but not Killian (he's too young). Killian pipes up that he's lived on a ship before with his father Davy Jones, not realizing his father was dishonorable man. The captain had been in love with the boys mother so he takes aboard. They work hard, as they have no home they stay on the ship when the others are on shoreleave. Anyways, one night most of the crew is on shoreleave and the boys on on the ship. They hear shouting. The crew had been ambushed. The captain was killed. Most of the other sailors are injured. Liam takes control and is able to pilot the ship to open waters; the first mate had been teaching Liam to navigate (There is a twist coming up). Killian helps the injured crew man and he helps with the anchor and sails. Because of his bravery, Liam gets commendation and a battlefield promotion. Liam goes to the palace (his grandfather's palace) to receive the award. Killian is left on the ship. At the palace, Liam learns the truth about his parentage. It turns out the first officer was his father. He feels betrayed and angry with the First Officer and he has mixed emotions about Killian. He loves his brother dearly but can't help wonder what would have happened had his mother never left the palace. He accidentally injures Killian, giving him the scar on his face while they are practicing fencing with real swords, which Liam knew better than to do. Killian doesn't understand what has gotten into his brother. To Killian, his brother had achieved their near impossible dream of becoming an officer and this was the first step in building a good future. Liam tells him the truth of their parentage. Killian is hurt because he idolizes Liam. Liam recognizes that he loves his brother. From there, the brothers are given some of the privileges of nobility (able to get rank) but no recognition of their parentage. The author stated she wanted to explain why Liam trusted the King so much and it also ties in nicely with Barrie's original work which hints at Hook being the illegitimate child of a noble person (literary speculation was that it was the Queen and Barrie fanned those flames). 2) I think this is a mash up of two fanfics (can't remember the name) had Killian abandoned by his father alone. Liam had already been off to the naval school. Killian ends up on a pirate ship as a child. I think his father left him on the ship or his father sold him to the Captain for money for his escape. Killian becomes the cabin boy. The ship is captured and everyone including Killian is sentenced to hang. He is still a boy. Liam is at the execution and recognizes his brother. He stops the execution and pleads for clemency for his brother. Clemency is granted but all others are hanged. The fanfic doesn't delve into what happened next, but I assumed that Liam took Killian under his wing. If I were writing a sequel to this fanfic. I would have Killian not fitting in with Liam's world initially. Liam's friends would be upperclass and see Killian as untamed feral child and talk about his bad form (lack of bathing, dirtiness, no table manners or any manners). For drama, I would have Liam making a choice between marrying into a well to do family or keeping Killian. In the end he would choose Killian, which would explain Killian's devotion and all the prejudice Killian faced would fuel his obsession with good form. 3) My headcannon is that Killian is abandoned at a port that is far from home in the Middle East. His brother is already serving in the Navy. I would have Killian barely escape falling into the hands of slavers. Killian lives on the streets. He is smart and a child so he picks up the language fairly quickly. He may have runs in with a Flannigan type, explaining his street smarts and sleight of hand. Anyway, one day, there is a English type gentleman in port seeking to trade but there is a language barrier. Killian offers to help translate but at a price. The Englishman is like a Marco Polo type who has been commissioned by the Queen to learn more about trade routes for better business opportunities. While he is in town, Killian helps the Englishman. At the end of the stay the Englishman and Killian work out a deal with Killian helping the Englishman with his travels in exchange for food and money. The Englishman calls Killian "Boy" or "the Boy" and they travel through the MiddleEast and Orient. Due to his privileged station, the Englishman doesn't think much about Killian's status and simply refers to him as "Boy" or "the Boy". Slowly they become close as Killian acts as the man's personal servant/butler type. The man is a very learned man. He works with Killian to translate non-English texts and comes to realizes Killian's intelligence. He takes Killian to plays and sometimes they read the classics and discuss and debate them. he teaches Killiian to navigate by the stars. This explains Killian's extensive vocabulary, education, and his adaptability. Killian is loyal, often negotiating great deals for the man and does most of the translating, and even saves the man's life. When the mission comes to an end, the man has mixed feelings. He does not want to leave Killian but is not sure what he would do with "heathen". Ok the framework for this fanfic I was coming up with is: Belle finds the journal of the man and she is taken by his travels to unknown realms and falls in love (in a favorite character way) with "the Boy". The Boy is learning and wants to become a man of honor, even though he has experienced very little of it except for the e man. So the journal ends with the man finally deciding to take the boy back to England and trying to decide on a "Christian" name for the boy, when the boy tells him his name is Killian Jones. Belle is shocked and doesn't want to accept it but finally asks Killian to tell her the rest of the story. Killian finds his brother. With the help of the gentleman and his brother Killian is able to attend one of the best schools of England. He is a little bit of a celebrity, being that he went to these truly exotic places. The gentleman dies and his estate is inherited by a distant cousin.
  14. Now you have me worried. I ship CS (not hardcore), but I didn't like them in the premiere. I felt all there scenes were forced and I never felt that way before. It was also the only time I felt Hook's pirate clothes were wearing him and not the other way around.
  15. D Is for Divorce. Too bad for Milah. she would have everything and full custody given Rumple's desertion at the battlefield.
  16. We also don't know how long Hook was in Wonderland. How long did it take him to find Cora? Did Cora want to leave immediately? Did she and Hook hang out in Wonderland for a while so that Cora could get tie up /down a few things before she left? Who knows? I doubt the writers do. It depends on what plot they want to follow. Now that we know Hook was in EF for some time before the curse, he could have a relationship with Maleficient. Maybe Mal told him that Regina was holding Belle. There are endless possibilities for Hook. Sadly, the writers are willing to sacrifice Hook's back story to give us more Rumple. I am still very bitter that the Neverland arc basically had very little about Hook, even though that is his fairytale, so we could get Papa Pan.
  17. K is for Kooky Fun. ETA Fun. I like that it is Kooky and Campy. Yes there are problems but I like watching the show.
  18. D is delusional. I love the show but sometimes, well...
  19. R is for Rabbit Hole where we can find a drink to make CGI Snowman more palatable.
  20. I've always thought that Rumple wanted his cake and to eat it too, meaning he wanted to keep his power/magic and wanted Bae too. He was unwilling to sacrifice his power for Bae. I think that is way this whole complicated curse was needed so that Rumple could come to the without magic and bring magic here. If he was willing to give up his magic, he probably could have found a way to the world without magic.
  21. But the thing is Rumple does not know the circumstances of Bae's death. For all he knew Bae was an old man who had lived a full life before he died a hero, especially since the last time he saw Bae was centuries ago.
  22. My absolute favorite thing in these episodes is Emma's face when she meets Rumple in Imp form. Her face was HOLY S&%*!. It was priceless. My second most favorite thing was Abigail. She was awesome. My hero, indeed. She does snark so well. Charming was totally the hen pecked fiancé. More seriously, I felt JenMo did a great job with the acting. Her facial expressions were amazing. You could see the wonder she had watching her parents fall in love. I think that is hard too emote. I liked that Emma loosened up and was having fun. JenMo is so vivacious in interviews and I finally got to see that in Emma. I think one of the reasons I ship CS is because Hook does bring out the soft warm side of Emma. She is not a naturally warm person. She loves Henry but she isn't playful with him. With Hook, she is playful and warm. He also challenges her in a way that is constructive. I think he is good for her. I think the finale is more Emma's story than Hook. He is always there to support her. He is proud of her and sees her for how she truly is. I think his belief in her is the sexiest thing about CS. He is ready to fight for her; is there to comfort her; helps set the timeline right; and tries to help her avoid his mistakes. He never demands, even asks, that she returns his affection. I like how he gives Emma her space when they get to StoryBrooke. It was Emma who sought him out. He in no way forced himself on her. It makes me sad that I have to write that. I think Colin did a great job when he tells her about trading his ship for the bean. He is trying to keep it light and make it seem like it is not a big deal. I forget how cute Charming and Snow are together. We need to see more of that in Storybrook and bad-ass Snow. I also want Snow to have her friendship with Red. It makes Snow more well rounded. I loved that we got to see so much of the townsfolks. I hope that we get to see more townsfolk in Season 4, even if it is quick seasons. I just wish we got to see and hear Philip. He was my favorite Disney prince, Flynn is probably my second, having recently watched Tangled. The Dark One's wedding was appropriately dark and creepy. It cracks me up that a therapist had to marry them. The wedding reminded me of Pheobe's and Cole's wedding on Charmed. I loved the montage with the wedding vows and the cuts to the other couples. Snowing: "I have not spent my life losing you. I spent it finding you." CS: "When we met I wasn't just unloved and unloving, I was an enemy of love. Love had only brought me pain. My walls were up and you brought them down. You brought me home." Well done show. My only real complaint is naming the baby Neal is weird to me and the contrived Marian triangle. I actually like Marian, but don't want another fiasco like the Hook-Emma-Neal mess.
  23. I agree with this. I would like to see this aspect of Belle be explored. I want her to see that she is becoming darker. It would be best if it is Rumple that sees it and he decides that he needs to break up with her permanently rather than let her become corrupted. I would love it if someone throws in her face what a hypocrite she is in expecting others to forgive or ignore all of Rumple's misdeeds without him showing even the slightest bit of contrition or regret let alone justice but that she expects others (Regina and Hook) to apologize to her.
  24. P is for his poppa, Peter Pan who clearly suffers from Peter Pan syndrome. PS This is not a branch in the family tree you want.
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