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Everything posted by kitticup

  1. I liked the episode. I think A&E were trying to do a better job integrating all the characters. I like that all the characters seemed to have a scene, even though it was a Regina episode. I liked Gramps Charming helping Henry with his crush. Henry and Violet were cute. I like that Henry is growing up and starting to act more normal teen. I liked Emma and Snow together. I wish they got more time together. I liked Hook. He is very focused on saving Emma. Hook is resourceful. He thought of using the author's pen to write the darkness out of Emma; he was the one to figure out that Zelena needed to wield the wand; he had a better plan than Regina with respect to getting Zelena to open the portal ( he was going to take her heart which I think should have worked since the heart shouldn't have been enchanted); thought to use TLK. He is looking at all options and ideas. I liked that he didn't get side tracked by the ball. I liked Captain Beauty. Only Ariel is better with Belle than Hook. It will be interesting to see where their relationship goes. I like Dark Swan. I loved that Emma called out Regina on never taking responsibility and not being the savior. I like her scenes with Henry and Hook. She softens around them. I still don't like Robin and that saddens me because Sean seems so nice. I think one of the problems is they try to make Robin so earnest that he doesn't have any range. Although I did like him and Regina dancing. I wasn't sure how to take the percival scene. I was thinking that after Emma calling Regina out, A&E were finally going to address regina's past. I sympathized with him. I love the idea that Regina should have saved his life. Whichever poster came up with that was brilliant. That would have shown growth on Regina's side.
  2. My unpopular opinion is that I don't think Milah was an awful person. She was trapped in a loveless marriage and outcast because of her husband's choices. She couldn't make a better life while she was with Rumple. I can understand her frustrations, and anger. I don't think she was a great mother but I don't think she is evil.
  3. My head cannon is that Pan was magically manipulating their emotions like the mermaids did with the Nevengers. Without Pan's influence, Bae would have forgiven Hook and Hook would Have made good on changing for Bae.
  4. I am glad fans are finally being vocal about OUAT being All Regina All the Time. I don't do Twitter, tumblr Facebook, etc. Otherwise I would launch my own campaign. The SQ faction used social media to lobby to reduce Hook's screen time by claiming that Hook had lots of screen time, which he didn't. Regina on the other hand has to play big part in all the Storylines and has to get shoehorned in, even if it made no sense.
  5. One thing that troubled me was that Abel is a fan favorite and we didn't get to see his runs expect for when he was one of the 8 in stage two.
  6. I agree with sharky. You need to be careful that you don't lose control of your property by adverse possession. See Wikipedia. Bottom line if you keep letting them do this after a certain period of time (depends on the state, min 5 years according to Wikipedia) , then they might claim an easement by adverse possession.
  7. I went to the panel. Things that stood out to me: 1. Josh is very funny. He and gennifer created the BTS set tour and it was funny. He also pretended to be an audience member before joining gennifer and Lana on stage. 2. The host commented on how Regina has great snarky comments. I think it was Eddie that made the comment that hook and Regina will be snarking at each other (not his words, mine). That's when Adam (I think) said that they all disagree on how to save Emma. 3. Regina acts resentful (again my words/interpretation of A&E and Lana's comments). Their comments were that Regina does not like feeling like she owes anyone and that Regina feels responsible for Emma's sacrifice and that Regian find herself having to do things she doesn't want to. 4. Regina and snow's relationship is explored. I actually don't believe this one. 5. Josh talked about how charming wants to discover himself. He has been a husband, a father, but may have lost his identity outside of these roles. He wants to know if he can still be heroic. This came in context of the charming Arthur bropt.
  8. Ok. I was starting to get really excited by the pics. I initially thought Hook and Arthur didn't look like each other until I saw a side by side BTS pics. I got excited that we would get Hook's back story. That maybe Hook always was intertwined with the dark one and part of Arthur's family. Maybe Arthur was the reason Merlin tethered the darkness to a person and a relative, ie Hook needed to be the one break/destroy the dark one. And then I went to another forum I like for spoilers and they pointed out that Arthur's coat of arms is the same as Robin's tattoo. I like like Sean but I don't want to watch a storyline centered on Robin, we had that in 4B. All other photos look good; hopefully A&E forgot that the lion tattoo is the same as Arthur's shield.
  9. My hope is that Emma turns on Regina and blames her for everything bad that's happen. Basically act like Regina but with justifiable reasons.
  10. Neal is such a hard topic for me. I like MRJ. He seems like a happy fun person. The rest of the cast love him. I loved Bae, and their was so much potential in both Bae and Neal's story, but Neal fell flat for me. Rumple and Neal hardly interacted in Season 2. Here was Rumple's reason for doing everything and yet nothing happened. We didn't really see meaningful interaction. My impression is that had Henry not been on the picture Neal won't have stayed in StoryBrook. It drives me crazy that Rumple's 2b story was about Lacy and not Neal. It was a wasted opportunity especially given Carlyle's acting chops. Neal was more of a mac griffin. I would have loved a scene between rumple and Neal where Neal tells him he is only in StoryBrook for his son, that he didn't want to be anything like his father and abandon his son. I could see Regina ease dropping on that and smirking. Neal's best interaction was with Henry, but he was awful to Emma. He didn't seem to have any respect for her. He acted like he was the aggrieved party. The way he flipped from Tamara who he was engaged to and who he said he needed to Emma made him seem shallow and fickle. I know that Tamara was hated character, but we needed more reaction from Neal. He is as Bad as Robin although a little more understandable. Hook's 200 year grief and vendetta may have been excessive, but at least he actually seems to care about who he is with and not quick to swap one warm body with another. It would have been great the writers had chosen to explore Neal's inner feelings about his love and betrayal by those he loves, and the realization that he had done the same to Emma, the only person that was always true to him. Instead, Emma looks kinda pathetic like a rebound booty call or Neal's security blanket because he left her and not the other way around. As part of the process he could have confronted both Rumple and Hook about how their acts had impacted him as an adult. It would have tied Neal in with the other characters. One of Neal's other problems is that he didn't really meaningfully interact with main characters. As Regian said he was just This person.
  11. I always thought the writers kept it deliberately ambiguous as to how long Bae was with Hook on the Jolly Roger so that they would have flexibility in the future to write the storyline and not be locked in. For me, I definitely see Hook and Bae being together for a significant period of time. Long enough for Hook to come to genuinely care for Bae, for Bae to learn how to sail and use a sword/cutlass and get his own pirate outfit. But I see that others might feel Hook was manipulating Bae the entire time and that he and Bae had little relationship together. I disagree that Hook sees people as objects or representations rather than for who they are. Hook saw Bae as more than a way to get revenge on Rumple. he seemed to care for him on the Jolly Roger. He was angered by Smee wanting to turn Bae over to Pan. Hook already got the information he needed from Bae so there wasn't a need to keep Bae around. hook tried to get Bae to stay, even though Bae refused to stay, which at that point put everyone in danger. Hook only gave Bae up when Bae Threw Hook's pleas for family in his face and said Hook was just like his father and only driven by revenge. at that point Hook lashed out in anger. Bad on Hook as the adult. If Hook was able to leave Neverland, he probably would have taken Bae back to the Darlings. Hook sees Milah and Emma as people, not as another man's wife or the savior, respectively. He sees them as having their own wants and needs. Rumple is the one that sees people as possessions/objects.
  12. This looks like a fun movie. I am glad for Robbie. As for Colin, he has a very young son and probably wants to spend time with his family.
  13. I really like Kaci too! She is amazing. I remember being so angry about the semi-finals because I thought that the course was so unfair. I thought it was physically impossible for someone 5ft to complete at all. She shocked me by completing it, which no other woman has done. I was again disappointed that course was rigged for tall contestants. The spider jump is 5 ft across and Kaci is only 5 ft. There was no way to stick the jump because she couldn't use her hands to stop the momentum. Megan got a wildcard into the finals as did many other women who had not completed the prior courses, so I have no problem with Kaci getting a wild card this year. They give wild cards to men who didn't complete the course as well. IIRC Flip fell and was given a wild card to continue based on his prior performances. Other competitors I love are Abel (guy raising his brothers) and the Panther. I wanted the Panther to get a wild card over Flip last year. The Weatherman is also completely amazing to me. I think he is one of the best competitors out there and it makes me a little sad that the Wolf Pack get so much attention and final spots on the final team. Now the one I can't stand is Dr Noah Kaufman. He's Obnoxious. Ok I didn't like the accountant either or the Cliff bar CEO. The truth is that there are too many people vying for a spot to compete, so they have to stand out. Even if you are "normal" it doesn't mean you aren't relatable. I really liked the trucker who saw the course on a trip and decided to give it a try.
  14. I am a little bit late but here are proposed titles for Kim's books I - The Art of Deflection II - Never Say You're Sorry (it's always someone's fault) III - Never Let them see you Drink
  15. if you like CS and tangled, then you'll love this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GqfKYS-gAFk They did a great job.
  16. I would only let them guess three times in the 10 secs. If they don't get it right in three tries, it's an X. I hated that one guy who spent most of the time guessing answers.
  17. I was thinking about Dark Emma. I think A&E might do a mash up of Morgana and the Black Swan. So I am hoping Emma's evil costume is black with black feathers on the shirt and collar.
  18. I live in sunny so cal. I just did some landscaping. Because of the drought and because I want to help the native birds, I went with native plants, with one exception lavender on one border. You have to know what zone you are in, how much light the area you want to seed will get in order to find the best plants. I wanted a flower or veggie garden but those require lots of water. I am so jealous of Shanna Marie who went from drought to more than enough water. I hope California gets water
  19. I am so angry. These SQ folks cannot be that big in number. Why doesn't everyone ignore them. I am tired on them being placated. Their whole once upon a hook campaign relegated Hook into background when he is a fan favorite.
  20. I am sorry but if Regina and not Hook and Snowing are the most key to Emma's rescue, I am truly done with this show. The back half of season 4 barely held my interest. I am not signing up for a Regina Emma buddy show. Emma's relationship with Hook, Snow, charming, Henry and Lily interest me far more than Regina and Emma. I would rather see Snow with Emma and not sucking up to Regina. I hate that most of Snow's flashback boil down to Regina. Regina and Snow might be interesting if the show and characters really acknowledge all the crap Regina did to Snow. nothing Snow did remotely comes close to Regina's acts against Snow, including murdering her father with malicious intent and not in self defense. I would rather see Regina interact with Rumple, Hook and Charming, because they are all willing to remind her of her past acts, even if they are willing to work with her. Regina snarking Charming for the egg knapping and Charming firing back about how she stole Emma's childhood from them. I am so split on robin. I like Sean as a person, but I feel Robin is so bland and i don't understand his thought processes. I hope Zelena baby story and her stolen title of mayor keeps Regina in StoryBrook. The first part should be Belle, Henry and maybe Hook researching a way to Merlin. I liked the Belle hook scenes. I think Belle and newly minted author Henry could be good way to go. Then they figure out how to find Melrin, so Hook ( since he seems to be a portal magnet; too bad Rumple didn't work with his ex-wife to find Bae) and Snowing.go to find Emma/ Merlin or they could split team to find Emma and Merlin.
  21. What's really a shame is how the writers rushed through all the rich material they had set up. The great sacrifice could have been at the end of the series. There should have time for the characters to react to the curse being broken, for Rumple finding his son and then fir the reconciliation. Instead it is all rushed.
  22. I would want a Neverback to Bae if they want to parallel Hook's relationship with Henry. I really want to know what happened between those two.
  23. I watched the episode. Overall I liked it. The second half was stronger than the first. Regina as bandit Snow didn't resonate with me. She didn't seem like someone who lived in a forest on the run. She was a little too polished. her hair and the way she carried herself said Park Ave girl slumming it for a weekend. One thing I don't think anyone mentioned was when Charming stabbed Hook, he said "I never did like pirates". It made me chuckle because it is part of Charming. I would like backstory on this. Did someone he love get robbed by pirates? Did his family crops not get to market because a pirate ship boarded a transport vessel? What drives his hatred? I didn't like Charming in Season 1 but I have grown to like the character and actor. I hope A&E do right by Charming/Josh next season. The death season was beautifully done. It felt like it was a scene from a movie with the sweeping music and slow motion fall to the ground. You better watch out Regina, cause Hook not only cries more beautifully than you he also dies more beautifully. As for AU characters my favorites were evil war council (evil dwarves and Granny were awesome), Ginny was great as evil queen and wimpy Hook were my favorites. The actors did a great job and credibly built altered personas. I liked Knight Rumple (he was totally a Mary Sue), Poor hen pecked Charming, guard Lilly. I thought Emma and Henry were great. I liked that Henry finally seems past that really awkward stage. I loved that the base character peaked through in the AU personalities. I liked that Rumple reverted to villian with a Hello Dearies even in the AU. I liked that Hook found his courage. Charming still hated pirates and still was falling Snow's leads. I agree several episodes in the AU world would have been great. However, like coca cola, the story was all empty calories. Nice to watch but hardly substantive. If you think about this story too much so much of it falls apart. I don't know how I feel about the cliffhanger. I've been burned on the past, so my expectations have been lowered. I thought Neverland could have been mind blowingy good but they didn't go for inherent character drama in their story and went Papa Pan (ugh). I am taking a wait and see approach. ETA: I forgot Blackbeard. Charles Measure is a very attractive man, but he is so NOT sexy as Blackbeard, but I still love the character. I like seeing him come back. I would like him to make a deal with Davy Jones, like he has to get Davy's son ( Killian) to take his place in exchange for not being locked in Davy jones' locker. On missed opportunity actually two missed opportunities. I would have loved it if Emma had said to AU killian , we make quite a team when they took down dragon lily. I also would have liked it if Emma had said "find/come save me" instead of I love you. The ILY could have happened in the bed scene, and the find me harken back to the Charming family motto , come save me Hackensack back New York Serenade.
  24. I recommend going to YouTube, do a search on killianhook and she has every hook scene. That's where I get my Hook fix if I don't want to rewatch a whole episode.
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