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Everything posted by kitticup

  1. Kini was robbed. Sean is dead to me. He didn't just take credit for Kini's work; he cut Kini off before Kini could say he made the blouse. To me, it seemed he totally jumped in just as Kini was finishing saying he created the dress. He knew what he was doing. Sean did not deserve the win. Char - I will miss. She seemed nice. She should have gone with a yellow she liked. They didn't need to be matchy matchy. Unfortunately her construction was the worst. As a person I like her better than Sandhya, but can't fault the judges for choosing her in this case.
  2. Sasha makes me mad. She should be kicked off the show. She is not trying at all and blaming her partner. She has ideas but is not sharing them. She's passive aggressive. She wants to throw everyone under the bus and not take control. All the others work together and switch the sculpting of the face if it is not working. She needs to take responsibility and saying I don't like any confrontation to excuse any participation is beyond ridiculous.
  3. I totally forgot about the Snow Regina and Emma heart scene. That was great. The kiss was pretty hot.
  4. Yes, she moved his hook from his hand to another location. She was giggling and trying to be cute, but it is kinda mean to take someone's hook or cane that replaces a limb.
  5. I love Hook, but I was disappointed in the first watch -- maybe I was expecting to much. I wanted lots of swashbuckling. I wanted to see Killian swordfight, preferably with Pan but I would have been ok with him fighting as a naval officer. On first watch I thought it was cinematographically beautiful. I loved Killian and Liam together. They played well together and seemed to have a deep love for each other. I also thought Colin was amazing in playing young idealistic Lt Jones. He seemed so youthful and innocent if you will. He was definitely a different person. I also hated that all we really got between Hook and Pan was hint of some deal way back when, although I found their chemistry off the charts. I actually think it was a throwaway line because A&E knew that they had to say something about Hook and Pan, when all they really planned or cared about was Rumple and Pan; and Regina and Tink. I am bitterly disappointed that never had any substantive flashbacks about between Hook, Pan, Tink and Bae. This is Neverland. It is their classic stories. Why the hell did we have to have so many flashback in 3A about Regina trying to kill Snow. The other disappointment is that it clashed with my headcannon -- by that I don't see how uptight, rigid, by the book Lt Jones becomes the pre-Hook devil may care pirate Jones that fell for Milah. When and how did he learn to pick locks? Jones seemed to be quick with sleight of hands (pickpocket type); how did that happen? My headcannon was that very young Killian had been abandoned by his father and had to learn on to live on the streets as a kid giving streetsmarts, and some dubious but useful skills. I just don't see how Lt Jones came by those skills. Those skills would be hard to pick up as an adult. Maybe he was abandoned by his father alone, later found Liam and wanted desparately to be like Liam and his officer friends that he became obsessed with good form. On later rewatches I liked it better, probably because I had my expectations set. It was beautiful, the acting well done. The end when Pan is taunting Hook does show how much Hook had fallen from Lt Jones and it's sad to know how big an impact Pan had in altering Hook's life. I bet Pan or his shadow planted the idea about dream shade into the King's head.
  6. I really liked this episode. I loved Bae and Hook in this. They are both in such pain and had found in each other a chance for peace and possible happiness only for it all to be shattered. I felt for both of them. Bae was brave and strong in this episode and wanted nothing to do with his cowardly father. he tried to protect the Darlings and faced Hook with a sword when he initially thought Hook had killed his mother. He was his mother's son and Hook saw that. I think he saw the same strength and fire that Milah seemed to have. I think Hook did come to love Bae and was sincere in his offer to be his family. I understand why Bae lashed out Hook. He just found out his mother had abandoned him like his father, and he took at all his anger at his betrayal and abandonment by his parents on Hook, the man his mother left him for. It makes sense. Hook was the only one Bae could hurt and it is easier to blame a third party than parents. Bae did his best to hurt Hook, going so far as to blame Hook for his mother's death, even knowing that it was his father that murdered his mother and that Hook had truly suffered at his father's hands. You can really see both Bae's and Hook's pain. I think Hook was sincere in his offer to protect and be Bae's family; and even after Bae's initial rejection, I think if Hook had the ability he would have taken Bae back to the Darlings. While I certainly don't approve of Hook handing over Bae to Pan, I understand it. Hook had no good options. With an uncooperative Bae, Hook could not realistically hide him and could not rationalize keeping Bae on board without risking his crew and/or a mutiny. He had also offered Bae everything he had, even to change and let go of his revenge, and had it all thrown in his face. Hook was wrong and he should have been the better person as the adult in this, but I understand what he did and it was very human. He may have thought his back was against the wall on this. Someone said in another thread they live for those character moments and I think these scenes had a lot of character moments. I had refused to watch any Hook scenes (I skipped the Crocodile entirely) because I thought that Hook was going to be eye candy joke. This showed he had depth and he is now my favorite character. I agree that Snow's speech was stupid and I don't like characterizing Cora's death as unjustified in any way. I hate false equivalence arguments. Telling a white lie (like telling a parent their kid is cute and not saying the kid looks like Chucky) is not the same as committing fraud that robs people of their lievelihoods and dreams. Killing someone (especially a murderous sociopath) in self-defense and/or in the defense of others is not the same as killing defenseless people. I hope no one will claim killing an unarmed Hilter, Vlad the Impaler, Pol Pot, or other murderous dictators to end their reign of terror is unjustifiable. I wish that A&E would stop trying to use false equivalence. I think Bae's refusal to accept Hook's offer to try to create a family really had an far reaching negative impact on both Hook and Bae's lives. Hook had nothing left but vengenance and he fully embraced, believing love and family out of his reach, which is why Emma's offer to be part of something was such a turning point for him. I think that his turnaround was more about him seeking a better life than any attraction to Emma. Bae ended up alone for a very long time and I think it snuffled out the fire in him and made him more likely to run away which is how he became Neal. He became more his father's son. A young Bae would never have allowed Emma to go to jail for him; just as a young Lt Jones probably never become a pirate; but adult Neal spent his life running away from the consequences of his actions and people. Things happen in life that change us. Neal was starting to turn that around.
  7. I hated Phil at first. He was trying to hard to be cool for his kids. That bothers me because parents need to be parents first and not the cool friend-parent. However, he has really grown on me. He is one of my favorite characters. He means well. Initially I hated Claire; now I can take her in small doses. Claire strikes as very hypocritical and too neurotic thinking she knows better than everyone else. She is not a nice person. Luke is the one I really don't like and I feel like they put too much emphasis on him recently.
  8. I like Manny. I really like Manny's and Jay's relationship. Jay seems to have a closer bond with Manny than with Clare or Mitch -- probably because Jay has mellowed out and is no longer as type A and judgmental as Clare and Mitch are now. Manny and Phil seem like the only genuinely nice people. All the other characters are too willing to take advantage of others to get want they want, which often makes for funny TV but not nice characters. There was a period where they were making Manny too afraid of everything and that didn't work for me.
  9. No!! I hate skinny jeans. Ick :p I think that Hook is going to have a hard adjusting to the modern world. He doesn't have job, home, or any modern skills. He is going to struggle to find a place for himself.
  10. I am glad that Colin is able to kick his heels together like that because he must mean his leg healed well.
  11. H is for Hook, the man Rumple maimed because his wife loved him and not Rumple.
  12. This so much! I think the show is often damaged (not always) by the need to make the StoryBrook and Fairy Back about the same main character, even when the fairyback adds nothing new. I don't need to see yet another fairyback of Regina trying to kill Snow. Because the main story and fairyback will take most of the episode, it doesn't leave room for other characters emotional arcs to span multiple episodes. This stops any momentum carrying from one episode to the next. While I want to see Emma work things out with the Charmings, I won't want that to be the whole show. I may complain about Regina and Rumple but I find the characters entertaining and when done right, very compelling. Honestly, I would rather see Regina and Snow build a real relationship, where Regina finally acknowledges that she was wrong and Snow gets to be angry about everything Regina has done to her and cost her. I like Hook. He is entertaining and compelling to me. I like that he got angry because Rumple killed Milah. His quest for revenge makes sense unlike Regina's. I like that he often adds a sense of lightness and fun into the show at least in Season 2. He was the only one that didn't take himself too seriously. I loved the innenudos because they made me laugh. Sometimes this show takes itself too seriously. Season 3 Hook wasn't as light or fun, but he was there for Emma in a way that no one else's has been. I like his redemption arc.
  13. My completely unsupported head cannon is that Neal was a graphic artist for a company designing logos etc. I think that would be good job for him
  14. Y is for fire breathing Yaogaui, one Prince Philip's cursed forms. I feel bad for Philip - first Aurora is cursed, he's cursed as Yoagaui, attacked by a wraith and turned into a flying monkey. He was always my favorite Disney prince.
  15. I agree that Regina did selfless thing when she willingly gave up Henry to Emma and gave them both happy memories. But, for me, that is only a first step along a very long road to redemption. Just like Rumple did when he faced down Pan. The thing is going out in a blaze of glory when it really is your only good option is a little bit of a cheat (Regina was going to lose Henry no matter what; he would have been alone like Emma and like Bae and probably had a bad life; Rumple understood that Bae, Belle and likely himself were going to end up dead under Pan's rule so it was a no brainer to sacrifice himself since he was essentially a dead man walking). Unless you are sociopath, it's much harder to have to face everyone knowing that you have done them wrong and trying to live your life everyday trying to make for what you have done. At the end of season 3A, both Rumple and Regina made a sacrifice that made redemption a realistic possibility for me as a viewer, but they have to earn it now by admitting they were wrong and trying to make it up to their victims. In some cases, they will never be able to atone for example nothing Regina does now could ever atone to what she did to Owen. She destroyed his life. She can't make that up to him. While I don't think Regina has to be perfect or grovel for forgiveness, Regina needs to admit her quest for vengenance was completely wrong and utterly baseless. She needs to understand that her unhappiness is complete on her fault and that she is not entitled to everyone's forgiveness.
  16. V is for magic Vaults that can only be entered with magic and where an Evil Queen practices her dark magic and holds the hearts she's stolen.
  17. I agree that the continual knocks Hook got helped him see that the only one he was hurting was himself, but it also helped that he doesn't let himself fall into self-pity. He could easily let himself wallow like Regina or Rumple. Frankly I think Hook has suffered far disproportionately. He spent at least 200 years at the mercy of Pan and we all know Pan isn't exactly merciful because he wanted vengenance against the man who killed his love and maimed him. Even when he tries to do the right thing, he often gets it thrown back in his face -- Bae rejecting him, Emma chaining him at the top of the bean stalk, Emma always pushing him away (because of her emotional trauma at the hands of others) and how Charming and others are usually so ready to believe the worst about him. The good news is that he has learned not to lash out when things don't go his way and stick to doing the right thing. Regina and Rumple have gotten off too easily. They need to pay heavily for everything they've done.
  18. P is for Pegasus sail made of the feathers of the last Pegasus.
  19. J is for Jolly Roger made of enchanted wood and fastest ship in any realm.
  20. G is for the Giants slayed by Jack and James
  21. My fantasy is for Grumpy to run a town gossip blog caller the Town Crier or The Town Tattler, where he shares the juicy salacious type gossip. All the news that is not fit to print.
  22. Although Emma did make that comment at the hospital about Hook not being much help with his one hand. I want Hook to keep his hook. It's defines his character. I like that he never wallows in self-pity like Regina and Rumple.
  23. See I am hoping that Henry goes on one of his do-gooders rants and missions and starts returning all the items to the people they belong to. Emma will get her unicorn mobile, Hook gets his sword and hand (not re-attached), Gephetto gets his parents, etc. Frankly Belle should have been returning items while Rumple was gone. She is so the gangster's moll. ETA: The hand is pretty front and center in the Crocodile as well IIRC. I was wondering if we would see it in the season 3 finale at Rumple's castle. Shanna Marie, on 29 Jul 2014 - 6:40 PM, said: But Hook can't go back to being Lt Killian Jones. Too much has happened to him to be that idealistic and proper. I don't think Hook is going back to piracy, but he will have an edge and may do some shady things. I think that is a good thing and keeps him interesting. I wonder if he hated who he was prior to becoming Hook and consumed by revenge.
  24. Awhile ago pre Comic con in Speculation thread, I speculated that: I now revise it and instead of Black Fair/Snow Queen, it is Hans. Rumple made deal with Hans to urn Elsa and Anna. Hans is the one to figure out about the dagger. I think Hook may figure out Rumple is being blackmailed and is torn between seeing Rumple suffer and helping Rumple -- maybe?
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