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Everything posted by kitticup

  1. Wow. Those neighbors sound really bad. Did your landlord do anything about them? Water damage can be costly to fix.
  2. N is for Neverbacks that we should have gotten in Season 3, but it has to be organic not shoehorned. I love Tink, young Bae and Robbie.
  3. A is for Author telling the villains that their happy endings or not so happy endings are entirely the result of the villains' own decisions and actions, and no one else's.
  4. V is for Vault where very creepy things happen.
  5. S is for Sven, who has more Sense than most of the characters.
  6. Happy birthday Z! This was one of my favorite episodes of the season and definitely top 10 of the show. It was a great way to end the arc. It was moving. I liked all the characters in this one. I felt that Regina earned her chance at redemption in this episode. In the past, I felt everyone was expected to treat her well because she wasn't killing/hurting others. Here she made a huge sacrifice for others and finally put Emma and Henry above herself. I felt bad for the Charmings. Emma is so upset and they all did an excellent job at the town line. I liked how Rumple finally had a moment of bravery. There is another discussion in another thread about Rumple's act in this episode. I firmly believe that at his base Rumple is a coward. He has always been ruled by his cowardice, but I think he was able to overcome it in this one instance. I think everyone has it in them to have one shining moment and hopefully that moment is the start of better choices. Rumple was backed into a corner he knew that his father would destroy everything and knew the prophecy that the boy would lead to his end. I think knowing that he was doomed no matter what, he was able to confront Pan. There was probably some anger at his father driving him as well. I did want to see rumple cut off his hand to escape the cuff. I was shocked when it looked like Rumple might do it. I love Pan. I think Robbie did a great job. I just wish he wasn't Rumple's father. It made him go from psycho interesting creepy to dirty old man creepy. I don't think it was necessary. They could have made Pan a close friend or brother to Rumple and not dragged out the reveal. I felt robbed that we didn't see Hook or Neal's reaction to find out Pan was Rumple's father. Both of the men had suffered for centuries under his rule. I love Tink too. I will always wish we got Neverbacks of Hook, Pan and Tink. These are the classic Peter Pan characters and we hardly saw them interact. (Heck we didn't see any interaction between pan and Tink) and to me it is a shame given how great the chemistry between all three characters. Back to Tink. I love that she doesn't take much guff from anyone. She calls out Regina and hook. I ship CS but Pirate Fairy was my crack ship.
  7. L is for Little Bo-peep who wants your sheep, and really isn't little.
  8. I love that hair.Oops look like I didn't refresh. H is for Helga and Hans.
  9. b is for BlackBeard, the new Captain of the Jolly Roger.
  10. I agree the writers are great at set up but fail on development and resolution. they could have had a small scene at the loft with Emma's family, Elsa and Hook having dinner having a quiet moment and thinking about next steps. Baby Snowflake starts to cry and hook goes to pick him up but can't. As a person with two hands picking up anewborn freaks me out because I am afraid I could hurt the baby. I don't see how Hook would be a able to pick up a baby. Of course S now or David would pick up the baby. Hook wants a family and not the life of a pirate. The hand could represent that.
  11. I is for Innocence, the realm the witch of West is the guardian of, also think baby snowflake was supposed to represent innocence.
  12. I don't think that is entirely fair. Snow's mother was murdered when she was a child and even worse Cora messed with her. She gave Snow the ability to save her mother by killing another person. Imagine the guilt a child would carry no matter the choice. Sadly I think Snow has been trying to recapture the relationship she had with her mom with Regina. Only to have Regina unfairly blame her for everything. That has to be awful. Her father is murdered. Her throne is usurped and she lives on the run in very primitive conditions. Finally she find happiness. She expects to be separated from Charming but at she will have and raise Emma but Emma came early. She didn't have the time to adjust to the fact that she would not raise her daughter. In span of minutes of giving birth, she gave up her baby. It wasn't planned. She had so many hormones and emotions going through her just from th birth, to let go of her daughter and then to see her husbands critically wounded as the curse took her must have been completely overwhelming. She didn't get to process and adjust to that. Regina is a absolute witch* for what she did to Snow. Snow is a victim. A far greater victim than Regina. I agree that Snow has not dealt well with Emma at all. You are right she is focused on her own pain and not Emma's but I think given everything she's been through it makes sense. No one is perfect. Emma is prickly (so am I) and it hard for people to get close. Snow wants to be her mom, not her friend, but she is never going to have that typical mother daughter bond. Snow does need to try harder and needs to hear about Emma's tough childhood to understand that it was hard.
  13. I think that was a problem for a lot of us -- that Neal did not seem to be the same person as Baelfire. There was too much of a disconnect. Bae was passionate and righteous. Neal is low keyed and murky for lack of a better word. I used to wonder if Neal was so beaten down by his experiences of being abandoned and being in Neverland that he lost his passion and became very detached to everything. After finding out his mother abandoned him, Bae seemed to lose his ability to discern. Look at who he trusted - August, Tamara and he believed Pan about his Father, though I don't blame him for that one. Sadly he turned his back on a sincere Hook (who I believe would have treated him like family) and Emma.To curio's point upthread, the insult that Hook could have thrown to Neal: he had grown up to be his father's son, willing to run away from love and not fight for it (when he abandoned Emma) and that he had lost all of Milah's Fire. I've always wondered how long Bae was on the Jolly Roger. For me it seems like it could have anything from a few weeks to a century, given the nature of Neverland. It was long enough for Bae to get an outfit tailored for Bae and to learn how to sail the Jolly Roger, and to learn how to use a cutlass. I was more interested in the Hook/Rumple/Bae triangle. How would Rumple react to knowing Hook had saved his son's life and took the boy in? He lost a wife to Hook and to know that Hook took in Bae after Rumple's abandonment would have been meaty drama.
  14. c is for Crocodile, who knew it was Rumple until Season 2. I want to edit my post because I came up with a better one: C is for Cora, a real heart stealer; but the best one is C is for Claude, you remember Claude.
  15. U is for unicorns killed in Regina's magical training by Rumple.
  16. G is for Graham, who died at the hands of Regina.
  17. D is for all the Dearies, Dearie and the Dungeon we first met Rumple in.
  18. Y is for Yuletide celebration. thanksgiving would be nice too.
  19. Z is for the Zingers Regina and occasionally others make. Next topic, who or what you want to see on OUAT
  20. I've been wondering how a Rumple would react to a very desperate peasant who is shunned by his village for his cowardice came to him (rumple) for help to save his son from an illness or simething? Would he identify with the peasant? If so would he show compassion and charge nothing? Would he project his own self- loathing onto the man and deny him help with insulting him? I wonder. I think Rumple would be troubled but still demand a price. ETA: Lana is a woman of color. She is Latina.
  21. E is for the Enchanted Forest. It is beautiful and generally the flashbacks are interesting, until they get repetitive.
  22. A is for Actors. The true magic of this show is its casting. Every single one of the actors brings more to their characters and dialogue than the writers do. They elevate this show. A&E should thank their lucky stars.
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