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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. I'm with you ScoobieDoobs. What IS the deal with all the old has-been, never-beens on this dumb show? I mean, Jill Zarin's daughter (featuring JILL ZARIN!), Perez Hilton, Sonja (the nutjob) Morgan. Puleez!! And I also can't figure out WHY old Perez is showing up on just about every reality show known to mankind here lately. Just thinkin'....
  2. BORING!!! Thought old Reid & Aviva acted extra thirsty for some more "fame". Also that Natalie "THe Chin" chick from Bad Girls Club and her hubby. And Speidi?? Who really cares about them?? Nothing but a BUNCH of famehos imho.
  3. Well, just to add my 2 cents worth... Really tired of Brandi antics. Wine throwing, crass comments ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME, her whole "victim" business.. The list goes on and on. Seriously. Stop already. Love Yo's Malibu mansion! And we got to see that ginormous clearglassed refrigerator again. LOVE THAT THING! I'm curious about that doofus hairdo of Yo's. Her short hair looks good. Even with the platinum. MY hairstyle is just about the same as hers and I couldn't put it in a ponytail IF I TRIED. What's with that little ponytail she does all the frickin' time? She can't blow dry her hair? She throws a fancy dinner party and looks like she could care less. And everyone tells her she looks beautiful??? She looks like crap!
  4. There were some SERIOUSLY funny bits in this latest ep. FI Tom almost forgetting to pack his flat iron. The whole sleeping situation between the 2 Toms & Jax. Jax's bare ass. Pandora's comment to Lisa about changing diapers. Kristin's face at that dinner. AND..... NO FRICKIN' stASSi!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!
  5. OMG, she went in AN HOUR EARLY!!!!! And seriously, do people reporting to Club Fed really get a reporting time of 3AM?? Huh?? So, waiting with bated breath (NOT) for all the InTouch stories about the four beautiful dawders (Thank you Lablover27!) and poor old Daddy having to fix their dinners. Finally,some justice.
  6. It's always good to have hope MERYLINKID, but not sure THAT's gonna happen! We can also hope they fall off the face of the earth, never to be seen or heard from again!
  7. Not sure I'm gonna be able to stomach Maddie as teenager. Maybe Kate should try another revenue stream?
  8. ITA with the whole apology thing. Just move on for cryin' out loud! What I DID find interesting is that it appears that Brandi throws a drink on Eileen while the group is having dinner. WTF did Eileen DO??? And seriously, if you do that to someone you've JUST MET, what the frick do you do to people you KNOW? Take a dump on their foot perhaps??
  9. YEs, I am with all of you upthread regarding Jax's hideous body and the fact that we got no head's up that the grossness was coming. OY!! I think it was Jax's idea that Tiffany (the dummy) not come to Miami. "She doesn't know anybody".. Blah, blah.. What was hysterical was the whole comment about Kristin & James. Just completely hilarious.
  10. OMG, only 48 hours to go! I never thought I'd be looking forward to January 5,2015! Who knew? And seriously, if you're going to federal prison, what DO you pack? Ramen Noodles? Shampoo? Do they even LET you bring in your own stuff? Questions, questions....
  11. I caught that first episode yesterday too. My how the mighty have fallen! DeShawn Snow and all her "lady of the manor" BS was hysterical! Estate Manager, indeed! And can you imagine how funny her Dad must have felt having the "Estate Manager" call him? He requested Bailey's Irish Cream and Vodka. That was hilarious!!! Sheree Whitfield was a hoot too. The whole " budget?" business... Good God. Classic. I kind of wonder what all those helpers to these twits are doing now. Makeup artists, publicists, assistants, personal chefs, blah.. blah.. Think THEY remember this time in their careers fondly?? Doubt it!
  12. Ewww. Just ewww. Jax needs to carry his penecillin with him whever he goes, so it can be administered to whoever he's "banging" at the moment. Tiffany seemed like a smart woman, but apparently; her brain is not what we thought it was! If TPTB are paying that idiot stASSi $5K a month, they are getting RIPPED OFF!
  13. Could NOT believe that the princess stASSi's birthday was not formally celebrated as in past years! Shocked, I tell you, shocked!
  14. Praise Jesus! Only a WEEK left before Theresa has to report to prison!
  15. Kandi, if you're reading this, nobody wants to see "A Mother's Love" because it is shit. Pure stinky shit. Thank you and stay your ass at the house. Better hang on to that other business of yours. You're gonna need the money.
  16. Well, like so many others of you upthread, I've about had it up to HERE with the whole Kandi/Joyce/Old Lady Gang/chicken eating marathons. I think some of it is really how Kandi's relationship with her Mom is. Period. It's just a shame that Kandi's gonna end up all alone, with a bunch of chicken bones left to show for it. I think the reason "A Mother's Love" isn't doing gangbusters on the road is because NOBODY wants to see the shit. We've seen the shit and we don't wanna see it any more. I would rather go see a production of "South Pacific" at the local nursing home, than see "A Mother's Love". Ugh. The whole Kenya apology tour continues to roll. If she could only keep her yap closed for a second, maybe it would appear more believable.
  17. I'm with all of y'all regarding MJ and her "amarism" or whatever she called it. What an old fart. Kandi deserves everything she gets from this old beyotch and then some. Whatever happened to going to counseling? Guess that fell by the wayside in Kandi's attempts to "move on". NeNe's HAIR??? WTF???
  18. I'd need a stomach pump if I drank booze every time Nene said "bridemaid" CooksDelight!
  19. I thought it was hilarious in the previews with Jill Zarin's daughter, that Patti told Jill to "zip it" followed by Jill sticking her straw in her nose. All I could think of was Jill's crazy dog licking her nose all the time. Some things just don't change.
  20. This episode was so boring that I actually slept through about 2/3 of it. Did manage to catch stASSi droning on incessantly about "exile" for Jax. Uh, why is she on this show again? $5,000.00 AN EPISODE????? Man, they are all completely and totally OVERPAID! Seems to me this crew is getting to be sooooo boring that maybe Lisa VanderBucks needs to just transfer the show to Pump. It might be interesting to see what goes on in that bunch's lives.
  21. Dang Brooklynista,GOOD THINKING!! And as far as MJ is concerned, she is a lost cause. Kandi needs to be careful and not spend ALL her money because MJ & Riley are gonna be pissed if they can't continue "the life to which they have become accustomed".
  22. Sort of a snoozefest for me. Did enjoy the whole Spain business, yacht looked fabulous! There were more than a few things that annoyed me and you guys upthread as well! Brandi and the whole "6 figure car" stuff. Seriously, what a joke. She is a MORON. And a boring one, at that. Yo and that yuk platinum blonde hair. Her hair looked so much better and more realistic when there were some yellow tints to it. The platinum just makes her look OOOLLLDDD. And we know the King don't dig no OLD Queen. Other thing with Yo was her poor, very ill Mother and the amount of time she actually spent with her as opposed to the whining in the talking head. Either you ditch the King and go TAKE CARE of your Mom or you don't. Just shut up and do it! Quit the whole whining about it. (And I know about ovarian cancer and loved ones - it AIN'T pretty!) Lisa, Ken and Giggy shopping for doggie outfits at FIDO ON RODEO. Name of store: priceless. Watching them shop: B-O-R-I-N-G. Finally, I'd start a drinking game about how SAD it is when your kid goes to college but it would put me in a coma.
  23. So... Another boring episode! I could care less about the whole "You cheated" drama. Good Lord. This is the only story line any of these idiots can come up with? Seriously, enough already. STILL can't figure out why stASSi is even ON this show anymore. Someone upthread said it better: If you quit your job, you may still talk to your work friends from there, but move along already. The fact that ALL she does is hang around SUR to get FREE BOOZE! FREE FOOD! is just nuts. Also have had it with the dumbass Christina. She should go away too. The 50 gay mayor thing was just weird, imho. I know that Houston has a gay mayor (woman) but did we see her at vanderPUMP? Nope. Is it just gay MEN Lisa likes?
  24. Yuk. Seeing those two together again made me want to hurl! Couple of famewhores. Ugh. just ugh. Can't wait until they both drift off into the sunset, never to be seen on my teevee again. Thank you.
  25. Preach ghoulina! I sign on to EVERYTHING you said! I too am sick and tired of being sick and tired with these women. B-O-R-I-N-G as hell. What ELSE in on Sundays at 7pm? Think I'm gonna have to channel surf next week. And I USED to LOVE this bunch of ho-wives. No More.
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