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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. God Bless Bobby Zarin. He seemed like a fine man from what I saw. God's Peace, Bobby. Just as an aside, WHO is that with LuAnn and WTF message is she sending?
  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sigster's being on this show has completely screwed her career as a "life coach" or whatever the hell. She has shown us all wwaaaayyy too much cray to come back. If I were Sig, I'd just go ahead and move my ass to Israel or somewhere and hope for the best. Maybe the rest of the world doesn't know how completely nutso she is. Otherwise, stick a fork in her, she is DONE.
  3. Hey! Scoobie actually SOLVED mysteries! Didn't he?
  4. Hell, Meri,,, You and the Codster are already divorced... Just go do your thing and forget about it! Split up the $$$ from the show and G-O!
  5. Thank JEEBUS, this shitshow season is OVER... One more "siggy-ism and I would have had to throw my tv out the window!
  6. LVP MUST be getting some extra $$$ FROM THE STATE OF California for keeping these dunces all together in one area! I've never seen so many dumbasses all together at one time as at the "housewarming" party. I'm surprised they didn't set the damn place on fire when they heard the word"houseWARMING'
  7. I loved Starting Over too! Didn't think Iyanla helped it at all but whatever. If I NEVER see ANY of the Zolziak/Bierman family AGAIN on my tv, it'll be too soon. I think Atlanta howives are just plain played out. TIRED! TEAM KANDI!
  8. Twit's next big thing IS Dr. Now!! Then she and that idiot Steven call roll off into the sunset a la dos amigos!
  9. The whole damn thing was bullshit. Avi and "Lurve" : BS Wedding dress shopping? BS The fact that the bridal salon even had TWO DRESSES in size "Omar the tent maker" available? BS!! It's like if I wanted to go wedding dress shopping... My husband died in 2007. I haven't been on ONE date. I weigh 90 pounds and am barely 5 feet tall. GEE! I think I want to try on some wedding dresses! HUH??? Ate up with the dumbass.
  10. They all need the $$$ obviously. How would they make a living otherwise?? What makes me LOL is Schwartz just getting blind-ass drunk to pretend he's not tied married. Old Maloney is kind of a fishwife and I'm not talking about fish. Anyone who lets that dumbass StASSi come on their honeymoon with them has at least a million screws loose. JMHO
  11. The Sigster has really made a mess of her reputation, IMHO. The whole non forgiveness thing is really dumb and makes her look like a moron. I understand how cray you get after a hysterectomy, it's like one day: here and the next day: there. HOWEVER, there are things you can do to combat the hideousness and ways that you can cope. Sigster showed neither the inclination to change NOR the foresight that her actions may cause harm to her reputation. Cards fall. Who in their right mind would listen to her now?? IDIOT!!! Hope that Bravo money was worth it!
  12. My poor little Whitnit .This scam of Ari's just goes to show.... YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!! But we knew that already, didn't we?
  13. "You're going to make a BEAUTIFUL bride!" Oh Babs, you poor delusional lady.....
  14. On the cruise ship, 3 miles is 12 times around the top deck. I know. I've been there and done that. Best 3 miles a day ever! That photo of her in the water reminds me of that beautiful DOLPHIN I swam with last Thanksgiving. Not that Twit looks like a dolphin but she's the same general size of one in the water! OK, Dolphin is longer and probably weighs more but dang! THEY BIG!! And so is Twit. You go KAR328!
  15. Happy it's back and glad to see all NEW people!!
  16. Let's not forget all the food available on cruises. Some even have room service between midnight and 6am, in addition to all the choices during the day. Twit could eat her way from one island to the next. Seems like those people on Dr. Now's show are all in wheelchairs and we KNOW they're XXXXL.
  17. Actually, LYDIOT is the idiot in this show... no ifs, ands or buts... PLUS.... She's a ginormous hypocrite ! To sum it up: Meghan: meh Lydiot: BLECH. JMHO
  18. Oh my little sparkle pony... Your friends and that noballs hubby are trying mightily to backpeddle for your dumb ass... Sorry. We see you and we don't like your hypocritical bulldookey. We all know WHY you came back but the bigger question for you is: Did old NoBalls magazine make you ENOUGH $$$ to get the FFFFFFF off my TV? Lawd, I hope so! If not, ask Mommy Sparkle for some mo money!!! Just puleez: GO!!!!
  19. With you grumpbump. OTOH, great sleep! Save you on the benedryl, melatonin.. whatever.
  20. Big hugs, AttackTurtle!! And KFB, I really like the way you think.
  21. Uh.. the BEST breakfast place in Claremont! Let's not forget THAT! I think David Poor's friend Chris not only is footing the bill for David Poor and poor Annie in California, didn't he also foot the bill for EVERYTHING in Thailand?? I remember old Poor always saying stuff like " I'll have to borrow the money for the water buffalo, borrow the money for the gold, borrow, borrow, borrow.... Yep, he definitely knows where ALL the bodies are buried! I'm still confused as to how good old spoiled abusive girl; Nicole couldn't have found some idiot schlub to marry right there in Florida?? . Somebody in her own fricking time zone. Ugh! That poor baby girl.
  22. SparklePony and old NoBalls aren't the brightest bulbs on the old Christmas tree now are they?
  23. Looks to me like Nene and Kim have been shopping at the same wig store. And Porsha is STILL a complete moron! Now I think Lauren is a bigger moron because she seems to go along with every half-baked idea dumbo comes up with!
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