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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. The most telling thing Nicole said tonight was when Azan was about to go out. Something along the lines of " I have to take care of May ALL BY MYSELF! and in a foreign country!" Is it just me or does that dumb girl think he's coming to America to help her take care of her daughter for the rest of her life??
  2. THERE IT IS!!! The REAL "love connection": Jorge and Nicole!! Problem solved! And just as an aside... Who exactly is the autistic person?? Finally, my parents used a leash on my sister because she'd just RUNNOFT wherever! Girl is still here, so good on them!
  3. MOO! MOOO! Lydiot you freaking heifer! MOO!! Love it!!
  4. I'll betcha dollars to donuts, that good old NOBLEMAN will be in the bottom of some catbox, somewhere in three months! It won't last ONE FREAKING YEAR (at $20 a copy!)
  5. NOBLEMAN!!!! How about STUPIDMAN??? NOW you want a freaking baby?? Are you the DUMBEST Sparkle pony ever?? Seriously. Hope the fairy dust flies up your nose. YOU sister; are a MORON!
  6. Porsha's trigger is..... NOT BEING THE CENTER OF ATTENTION!! She'd faint if she was passed over by the bride! Plus, just between us, I think Porsha's kinda jealous of anyone who has what she wants... baby.. man.. She is THIRSTY!
  7. Poor old thorny LeeAnn. Fifty years old, great fiancé, great ring and her dang momma sems as nice as pie. This could only mean one fricking thing U CRAZY! Keep going to the Doctor! Maybe even step it up to twice a week.
  8. Oh my Lydiot, you are SUCH an Idiot! NOW you want a baby girl?? GET A FISH YOU STUPID PERSON! Baby Jeebus has decreed that YOU MAY NOT PROCREATE ANY MORE!! Any more lunacy and the world will just crater! MORON Seriously, we have enough problems in the world. You must stop. NOW!!
  9. And as my beloved old father-in-law used to say: "Ass big as the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex".
  10. I'm totally jealous dosodog! Have fun on your cruise!
  11. So what's Nicole's excuse? She's a spoiled brat. And Sprockets" YOU ARE ON FIRE!!!!
  12. Cynthia tries to have a lovely birthday party for her 50th. Everyone is invited to attend as "Cynthia Over the Years". Some came with the afro wig. with the short wig, some with the sleek long look,... All really cute. No Peter. Jackass. Speaking of jackasses, Porsha acted a fool with Nene. You'd THINK that after she'd been a total tool for the last season, she would come out of the gate with some self reflection about her actions previously. BUT NO~ Porsha MUST wake up in a new world EVERY SINGLE MORNING! What a dumbass. Discuss.
  13. Wowza, Lydiot! For a fancy men's mag you supposedly write articles for, GREAT hotel choice. Do they have a "countrytime lemonade" room too?? Way to show off some really luxurious digs.
  14. Good points, RHZ! But you forgot the most important part of this trip..... It was so that Lydiot could write an article for that fabulous rag, Nobleman. So there you go!
  15. Well dayum! How's she gonna support herself? Surely after her performance on the show last season, the law practice must be sucking hind wind!
  16. Oh crap, DeAndra! You made your momma spend $$$ on some shit that isn't even ready to sell at the appointed time!! How in the HELL are you going to take over her business??? Maybe you should just start selling PINK DOG FOOD!!! ALL BULL.... NO HORNS.
  17. Diko says "GO!" I go. Diko says "JUMP! INTO THE CREVASSE" I JUMP! As Armenian wife, this is what we do. This is why I've never been on a girl's trip and why I have never gotten a push present. Ho.Hum. Didn't we all see this coming? Tamra cries, Vicki lies, Lydiot sighes. Ugh, Are they done yet?
  18. Is she for sure not coming back? Hadn't really been paying attention.
  19. Who ARE these people?? And why are they on my teevee on Friday nights??
  20. Three words for Siggy: HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY. You'll quit crying over cake throwing in no time!
  21. If only Shannon had given old David his OWN sack of chips and bowl of salsa when he came home from work......
  22. My little sparkle friendship whisperer is really a judgmental hypocrite in real life! And Peggy: Girl, you Armenians are really BSC when it comes to folks blowing chunks! Get all hugged up on them here in the land of the free? You'd be against that wall OVER THERE if you did that to me! Step away from the sickie! DOOFUS!
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