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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. And when you're 2 weeks from being MARRIED, you should NEVER speak the word "LOVE" to or about anyone other than your prospective partner. EVER!
  2. For the love of God, PULEEZ break the hell up already!! Give those girls a break!
  3. Can't she just move to the UK with BOTH girls and make some kind of deal with the Dad of the first girl? Otherwise, she's got to pick one daughter over the other. It's sort of obvious, Lucy wins in the daughter sweepstakes.
  4. So Dennis died of a drug overdose? When did THIS happen?
  5. Anybody know why LeeAnn's cute fiance is wearing that black eyepatch all the time now?
  6. BEST episode ever!! Loved the whole boat thing, made me laugh my fool head off!! And my favorite moment of all?? Lu SHIT THE BED and she admitted it. That poor housekeeper cleaning the mattress said it all.
  7. I thought Azan just needed to pay his sister back. No big mystery.
  8. If Nicole's family were SMART, they'd offer to take May to the zoo and runnoft with her! Like, take her to the zoo in....... San Diego. They would be saving that poor little girl from a year or more in Morocco. We KNOW Nicole could never find them and even if she did, would she put up a fight??
  9. Scott paid for that Luis bag AND Sonja's penthouse, of course!
  10. Yep, think Nicole is one fruity chick but Mom is no smartie herself! Neither is Dad for that matter. SOMEBODY in her fricking family has to tell her NO already. Or just throw May away, Gone. Poor Azan family is getting dingleberry, daughter AND Azan to support. Wonder how long that will last??i
  11. At least the State Dept. had the good sense NOT to give Azan a visa!
  12. I liked Ashley at the beginning but now I'm getting definite gold digger vibes. Patricia was right. Get back to work, make your own friends. Hell, she's probably going to get pregnant. Sure didn't work for Katherine!
  13. I still say Twit's next money-maker scheme is going on "My 600 LB Life". She and old Steven can get married and eat their way to heaven, one piece of fried chicken at a time.
  14. I really think Britttany should take Jax up on the Tampa move. She's already admitted they don't use birth control and this may be the closest she's gonna get to having Jax's baby AND being closer to Mommy, Daddy & Mammaw. I say GO FOR IT! And get your dumbass and Jax's stupid ass off the teevee and into the real world. So happy the flat iron made it's comeback. And Scheana? Seriously girl, you should be embarrassed. Maybe YOU should go on a date with Adam! That Beverly Hills life you want so badly is slip sliding away. FAST.
  15. So, did Scheana and perfect boyfriend of Beverly Hills break up or what? He took too long installing a light bulb?
  16. Tagging on... Can't stand Stassi and really thought she wouldn't come back after leaving. Dang, the little twit needed $$$. Apparently, Patrick wasn't going to hand it to her on that silver platter she thinks she's owed. When LVP put her in charge of that party, I thought to myself, "Wonder what happened to KATY being LVP's assistant??" Remember, last year she was paying THAT hosebeast $30.00/hour to work for her, PICKING UP FLOWERS AND PAINT CHIPS.... Thought the "murder" birthday party was a real hoot - NOT. I think that stupid stASSi should always walk around Hollywood with a fake bullethole in the middle of her forehead. Maybe somebody would pay attention to her then? Probably not Patrick.
  17. So if Erika is a cat, Dorito must be........... a mosquito? She's annoying as hell, always buzzing around and generally being a PEST. Used to kind of like her last year but this year, I find her insufferable. She needs to put on one of her swimsuit creations and SWIM THE F*** AWAY!!
  18. Yeah, great idea to make Babs look like shamu the whale, just like Whit. I think the most ridiculous part of this whole scheme was thinking it was a great idea for Buddy to check out of rehab and go to HAWAII with the frickin' THOR family. I'd be drunk before the plane left the gate.
  19. Raises white flag very slowly....... Re: Valtrex??? Is that the latest herpes medicine?? Slinks back to corner...
  20. Good Luck Daddyo getting that heifer to do ANYTHING you want her to do.... Major props for trying but nah... You have a full blown narcissist on your and Bab's hands. Get some professional help for yourselves NOW. Funny that the most interesting part of the season is the whereabouts of BUDDY. Just goes to show you, Whitster is infinitely boring, all by her fat ass self.
  21. And WHY does FT get to have any say in Mykelti's HAIR for cryin' out loud????
  22. I think Scheana stopped eating once she realized Rob and that Beverly Hills lifestyle she wanted started slipping away. No WONDER she lost her smile! Barforama!
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