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Everything posted by backgroundnoise

  1. I read from the link about Season 1: I respectfully disagree with parts of this. I agree she was harmless, but not because of any goodwill on her part. She came into the competition with a plan to befriend everyone with her motherly guise, then use any personal information they gave her against them to "get them out of her way." I would think that would be emotionally harmful to be betrayed like that. I think that's worthy of contempt. She was harmless only because the competition wasn't set up in a way she could do anything, but that doesn't excuse her intent. And I'd argue she was an idiot in never realizing her strategy was stupid and pointless, and for trashing her reputation in public. And I'd argue she was a jerk at times, especially her smirk at Kevin after he was eliminated. (No, I don't think anything Wendy said got Kevin eliminated, but, again, she thought she could with her two-facedness.) I compare Wendy's intention of deliberately deceiving everyone from the get-go to Kara Saun's badly-handled mistake with the shoes. KS could not have intended to cheat--she was open about where she got the shoes and that they were free. She even had them delivered on camera. She did not respond well, but that's not the same as intending to cheat, IMO. I guess the fact that I still care enough about S1 to post this means the show did do something right.
  2. I was hoping he'd answer "Martha Cratchet" just to see if the judges knew there were other offspring of Scrooge's clerk.
  3. I don't have as much of a problem with skipping two of the first five steps, because the basic skill needed is the same. But jumping over the rolling log should have been disqualified. The skill isn't leaping, it's strength in holding on and then overcoming the rotation sensation. I really can't believe they allowed that. Good for Flip, and the other two guys going for redemption who's names I can't remember.
  4. I also think Jennifer made a foolish bid. She didn't help herself at all for FJ.
  5. I know drug companies have to put disclaimers in their ads, but I still think it's kinda hilarious when they say, "Don't take (drug name here) if you are allergic to it." Duh.
  6. When ad companies are testing new commercials, they really should note how the forum group reacts to constant repeats of a commercial that sounds fine the first time you hear it. I like Neil Patrick Harris just fine, but after hearing him hem and haw about Heineken refunding your money, I just want him to shut up. I'm not stupid, okay, I KNOW you are not personally going to refund the money!!! But I do remember it's from Heineken, alas.
  7. I ones I get angry about are the phone companies who show things like the mother working three jobs to pay for the "family plan" that lets her lazy, sitting-on-the-couch teenagers text all they want. Or people dumping their significant others via email. Or the latest one from AT&T with the smart-mouthed kid going "You admit that!?!" when the nice customer rep says she's into bedazzling. Message: These phone companies' customers are assholes who raise snotty kids. Sigh. Advertisers these days seem to think bitchy is edgy and cool. Not cool.
  8. I'm also finding it jumping around in search of a tone, especially the sound track. The massacre of Goliad was strangely unmoving, maybe in part because they kept trying to interject bouncy, upbeat music whenever the two young guys appeared
  9. Sheldon's mother has been shown to be exceptionally warm and accepting. Sounds like Meemaw was, too. I bet he got lots of hugs as a kid. Leonard is the one who should have sexual issues due to lack of hugs, not Sheldon. I can see Sheldon's sexual development as being affected by his always being the youngest person in his class up through Graduate School, though. Either way, I just don't see it as believable that he'd really like sex at this point. I'm sure the show will go there, but I don't like it. I also think Amy has been pressuring him for years. She knows he doesn't like physical contact, yet keeps telling him she's hoping for more. They should just realize they are not ever going to be sexually compatible and remain friends. I wish the writers had never gone this way. It's not funny, it's just depressing.
  10. I agree. I disagree. I don't watch Criminal Minds to practice my eyeball rolling. This show used to be smarter than this. Can anyone comment as to whether or not it is even possible to induce a stranger into murder? I guess I can buy the kids because they were preprogrammed to fear the Scratcher, but how would drugs along work on the lady doctor or Hotch? I find it hard to believe you can throw something into anyone's face, say "Kill the first person through the door" or "Stab yourself in the neck" and it would happen.
  11. I agree. She was only $200 ahead; she had 13200 and the closest opponent had 13000. Betting $2000 on the final question was foolish. If she had got it, she still wouldn't have put herself so far ahead she couldn't be caught and she ending up losing her lead. Either bet enough to make it meaningful, but don't risk your lead over a possible slightly bigger lead. I was rather hoping she'd lose due to this foolishness but she lucked out. One thing I've always wished Alex would stop saying is "No harm, no foul" whenever all three contestants are mistaken. Losing the exact same amount of money is NOT the same consequences for each--it depends on the proportion lost. Please stop saying that, Alex.
  12. My problem with this show is that they drag a story line out all season (or even into the hiatus) so that by the time they wrap it up, I no longer know nor care about it. They they rush the wrap up so fast, I'm confused. But I don't care enough to try to figure it out. I had forgotten so much about Cahill, Woodall and Forstman the resolution wasn't satisfying the way it should have been. That seems to be a consistent writing style this show has--drag out the whatever-the-new-conflict-is all season, then rush the wrap up. It really doesn't work for me as a viewer. I hope the writers and producers know what a treasure they have in Louis, because he's the saving grace of this show.
  13. In the chocolate episode, I was disappointed that the one who lost on the dessert round lost. I thought that overall she presented better tasting dishes and the woman who won (sorry, can't remember any names) kinda slid by by default. Her appetizer and entree weren't very imaginative compared to the other chef. Maybe they were punishing her for "hogging" all the cream, all two containers. Yeah, I had a don't-they-watch-this-show? moment there, too.
  14. I thought Sonjia's dress would look matronly on a young woman, but "trying too hard to be sexy" on an older one. Odd dress.
  15. My guilty pleasure is Platinum Weddings. Every single one has the bridesmaids in absolutely plain, long, shiny strapless sheathes, with a big waist sash with a bow in a contrasting color. I'd have loved to have seen all five designers do exactly that, one in each of the colors in the palatte. They could mix and match up the main/contrasting color. I have to confess I did not get the penis reference to Michelle's dress. What was that about?
  16. Given the pretty good runway walk of the "bridesmaids", plus their extremely evident boredom of the whole thing, I'd say they were all professional models of some sort. If the bride did all this for a free Marquessa wedding dress, you'd think she'd at least get one that 1) fit her, and 2) flattered her figured. Nope.
  17. I also thought the movie veered off track at the flying scene. I really disliked the surreal last scene.
  18. That was a very satisfying finale. I would have been happy with any of the final three winning, but it does make sense for Gabe to take it all. Who was this mythical, fantastic, incredible cook named Eric Anthony kept talking about? /sarcasm Anthony, America only likes to root for underdogs that show at least a scintilla of humility. It sure sounded like all three made terrific meals. Great finale!
  19. I guess I'm not willing give Tony that much benefit of the doubt. I think he's thinking she's tough because she keeps trying through her tears or something--completely discounting the idea that it's her tears that are making her seem weak. YMMV. I seriously doubt producers would let her get away with sharing a sob story and not making it public, for the draaaaama, you know. I think Tony got snowed by Vanessa's insistance that she has more passion than anyone else, which is a ridiculous argument and I wish more people had called her on it.
  20. I just don't see Vanessa as this poor shy, delicate snowflake with low self-confidence. The situation she found herself in was entirely her own doing--she herself chose to go on a reality TV show. She somehow had the stamina and determination to go through a rigorous multistage audition process, and anyone watching this show knows they should expect criticism. But I might be prejudiced by my utter lack of sympathy for contestants who turn on the waterworks at the slightest criticism. YMMV.
  21. Maybe, but I for one loved her calling her a crybaby to her face. Everyone else just does it in a TH. I bet everyone was just dying to say something to Eric about how he sure blew them all away, like he shouted at them he would before the solo challenge. Hee. Hubris is a bitch, aint it.
  22. Every time I saw Michelle's model I thought, "Elephant Man in drag." For an avant garde challenge, they awarded the least AG outfit (or at least tied with Sanjia's for the least AG).
  23. The only way I can get behind the cookoffs is if they make it a true cookoff between losing chefs, meaning those tied with the same number of red stars. If one chef has the most, they should be automatically out. Take the politics out and really make it about the Taste, as they keep saying it is.
  24. Tom's best revenge is being able to go back to his highly successful restaurant and cook how he wants. I can't remember back to the start of the season, but I'm thinking Eric is one of those chefs everyone thinks is so good because he keeps saying how good he is. Has he won any gold stars yet? I was wishing Eric had lost, just to see the steam come out of his ears, and Anthony being abashed. But then I thought how Anthony would take that out on Tom, so I'm glad he's spared further putdowns from his supposed mentor. They really need to stop saying how this show is all about the taste, when things like the cook-off mean it's not.
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