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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Just this one and one after the season finale. I believe the OP was saying that this Talking Saul would likely be replayed after further showings of S2:01.
  2. All Hail the Master! A Pee-Wee reference has been made to Walking Dead. Our work here is done. (All my internet points to anyone who gets this photoshopped!) (PS-Am I the only one having problems highlighting text? It forces me to the bottom of the page every time I try.)
  3. What is this anarchy? Stay the course!
  4. I wonder why Greg essentially refused to call him a Wolf. He kept saying "W Man." Odd.
  5. Maybe I'm not reading enough into it, but I thought Anni's "you ruined me" to Wes was purely about her physical situation. He was only supposed to shoot her in the leg, but a gut shot is much more serious.
  6. Here's his IMDB: Christopher Berry
  7. I was ecstatic when the biker gang blew up-it was so unexpected. Love that. So the woman who couldn't properly deal with an infection without a nervous breakdown a few days ago can now work on gunshots to the head? Sure. Rick's inspirational speech about the ASZHats actually being able to learn and fight was nice and all, but there's only about 5 left, so that's not saying much. Also, I know you want to be by your son's side, but maybe clean a little of the blood and zombie guts off before you sit by and touch someone with a pretty massive, open head wound. So happy Aaron is still around.
  8. You want to know his secret? He's always angry. (sorry)
  9. I just realized how I'd like this show to end...
  10. OK, this is odd, as I was just watching Midsomer Murders, and thought I'd take break and switch to this for the first time. Note to any first-watchers on Netflix (I learned this the hard, confusing way.) : The last episode Netflix has for Season 1, "Unearthed" isn't the finale. It was made for earlier in Season 1, but not shown during that season. Apparently it was burned off as an "extra" episode during Season 2 one night. It's a bit confusing when waiting all episode for any mention of the pretty big events from the previous episode!
  11. Here I am, innocently binge-watching Fringe for the first time ever, and I get to "Snakehead" (where Walter gets lost in Chinatown and then Astrid gets attacked at the lab), and John Noble just breaks my heart. Damn. Also, his line reading of "wool socks" after he shocks Peter in one the first few episodes is fantastic.
  12. Article with some storyboards about how 9 would have been included in the anniversary special.
  13. Ugh. Xfinity doesn't "support" BBCAmerica's online full episode service.
  14. Shit! It's really leaving (US) Netflix this time.
  15. Actually, I kept thinking (starting from the monologue) how much she resembles Hayden Panettiere.
  16. Why, oh why didn't Tommy!Nathan drag Erika back to be their "conduit?" Forcing her to save the world would have been poetic. I only finished this mess because I'm a completionist, so it has been mostly background noise lately. But they did get a hearty "fuck you, show" from me when I realized who Tommy was going to go get. You deserved better, HRG!
  17. I'm getting worried about Netflix's (US) contract with BBC shows. I know they've pulled the last-minute thing the past two years, but currently it still says Doctor Who will expire on Feb. 1. Grrr.
  18. Erika's backstory was just lazy and I really don't like it when writers try to use rape as an excuse for a character because they seem to think it's the kind of trauma that will instantly instill a bit of sympathy for the heretofore baddie. It just doesn't work when tacked-on at the end and I was quite glad when her daughter still left her. Even though I am well aware all kinds of people can learn all kinds of languages, I still laughed when the security guards ask Ren his name, he says something quite long and very quick (was it his actual, full name?), and the derp-y looking security guard at the computer just types it in quick as you please, and apparently spelled it all correctly. So if Erika had promised Matt he and his family would be safe, when was she going to fulfill that? Matt kidnapped pregnant daughter and drove her to Erika, which was a trip that hadn't previously been planned, and he arrives the day before the HELE to get his watches. When was he going to get them if he hadn't kidnapped her? Most of the stuff around these watches seems messy and not well thought-out, honestly.
  19. If only Spader had been leaning on a Porsche in that last scene... (and they had gotten birthday cake right after) Am I really supposed to care that Lizzie won't be an agent anymore? Because I really don't. I have realized, with Peter's veiled threat of knowledge, that I really don't care who Lizzie is to Red anymore. That ship sailed. More Red's Super Action Buddy Squad, please!
  20. I was thinking this exact thing during this episode.
  21. Did anyone spot any free weights in Micha's holding chamber? He sure has some guns for someone apparently plugged-in to a computer while catatonic 24/7. Evil!mom is so boring. Ugh, I don't care about whatever angsty showdown she's headed for with her husband. (I, also, don't remember many of the names.) In her convo with Erica, didn't Erica confirm she was behind July whatever? Why would she still keep on killing after that info? Can people stop shooting The Hatian, please and thank you.
  22. Her name was the password, you guys! I'm such a sucker for Aram. If you would have told me in Season 1 I would be genuinely worried/saddened by Tom's possible death I would have rolled my eyes so hard, but here we are. I was very surprised when Tom didn't shoot Solomon himself, but I'm sure it's only for plot reasons so that Red can get his hands on him. No way he makes it after what he did to Dembe.
  23. I believe Ramona's dead due to the fact that the very pronounced limp The Countess had when she returned to the suite (of course, still in high heels...) was totally gone after she left. I think witch-infused vampire good might be strong enough to do that. Again I wonder how none of these ghosts seem to know the trick Tate knew about essentially wishing other ghosts out of your sight. I know it was pretty cliche, but damn I loved the initial slo-mo walk of Liz and Iris out of the hotel room at the very start. Liz was fierce!
  24. Hell yeah, Liz and Iris! The minute Liz's Douglas admitted he knew who Liz was I thought she was a goner (this episode). So, in Murder House couldn't someone just decide not see any one of the ghosts anymore and they essentially ceased to exist for that person? (Could anyone do that, or only other ghosts?) Does no one in this Hotel know this trick?
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