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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. 1. That's not how slander works 2. The women sign contracts at the beginning of every season prohibiting them from suing one another. If Kandi couldn't sue Pheadra for accusing her of conspiracy to rape, Jennifer sure as hell can't sue Margaret for saying she heart a rumor her husband cheats on her. 3. It was sincere enough that Jennifer accepted it. It was only when the two were getting alone sufficiently and Danielle couldn't stand it, that she stoked the flames more.
  2. True, but a parent can choose not to have her (grand)son around that schizophrenic adult who is in between halfway houses, yet Barb failed to do that. A parent can also choose to refrain from doing things such as saying "he's been so BAD. He's really BAD. I told him if he doesn't stop being BAD he can't live here anymore!" which she admitted to saying to Jace a few seasons ago. I give Barb no passes.
  3. My son is in the first grade and they actually had the morning planned out to include parents, to the point where I went just because I didn't want my son to feel left out being the only one WITHOUT someone there. So I think it's sort of expected now.
  4. Whoah! Coming in hot, there. My kids used to cry when I left them at daycare. You know what? Literally 2 minutes later I'd get a text picture of them happily playing from their teacher. Kids cry. Experienced mothers know this and are able to tell when their kid will be okay and when they won't. Her becoming hysterical would've done nothing whatsoever to help the situation. In fact, it would have made it 10 times worse. I talk a lot of shit about Briana for various reasons, but I thought she acted totally appropriately (with the exception of bringing a camera crew to Nova's first day when it's obvious Nova is uncomfortable with attention on her) at the drop off.
  5. No one is saying Marge was justified in saying what she did or that it wasn't as bad as anything Jennifer and Danielle said (although, in my opinion and in Tre, Dolores and Jennifer's "old school" ways, children should be off limits so Danielle's comments WERE worse), people aren't coming at Margaret because Margaret immediately gave a heartfelt apology, unlike Tre and Danielle who continue to act like Danielle's comments were totally justified and warranted.
  6. That's the difference between a mature, kind person and a fucking monster like Jennifer and Teresa. Everyone gets upset. Everyone says things that hit below the belt out of blind hurt. But not everyone can immediately take in what people are telling them, reflect and then admit they were wrong and give an authentic apology. Assholes like Jennifer, Teresa and Danielle think that behavior they'd call out as being inappropriate and wrong coming from someone else is perfectly acceptable if it's directed at someone they don't care for. What happened to Teresa's "old school" values of not bringing up people's families? It's okay so long as one of her allies does it?
  7. I'm hardly mother of the year, but we always take the kids to the pumpkin patch every year. Mostly because we're always looking for stuff to do with the kids as they're still too young to entertain themselves for significant periods of time and usually spend the day circling us, bored, or trying to kill one another. I'm with you on all the other stuff, tho. Kail is such a killjoy. Even when she's not angry, she still SOUNDS angry. Her normal speaking voice is dripping with aggression, begging to be challenged. And Nova might be one of those kids who doesn't like being the center of attention and cries when she's uncomfortable. I was like that as a kid. And The Coven make such a big ass deal out of everything, it's probably making Nova super uncomfortable, hence the tears. Poor thing. She's her daddy's twin, too! That boy has got some strong genes.
  8. I'm feeling so vindicated this season. I've been saying for years that Barb isn't much better than Jenelle and that Jenelle didn't become Jenelle in a vacuum. Barb supporters were having none of it. Barb and Jenelle are codependent AF and Barb will ALWAYS put her relationship with Jenelle above the safety of any of her grandchildren, including Jace. Jace is going to turn out marginally better having been raised by Barbara instead of Jenelle, but it's a painfully small margin. There's a reason all three of Barb's kids ended up fucked up. Jace never had a chance. But her FUCKING collarbone hurts SO BAD! She's seeing molecules, dude!
  9. I think it's HIGHLY more likely she's just looking to be on television.
  10. I thought I was the only one who constantly visualized Kermit whenever that guy opens his mouth! So with the on demand, the day after it airs you can't ff through commercials. After that first day, you can. I learned that the hard way.
  11. I think the issue is twofold: making it illegal to purport yourself as married in public is meant to dissuade people from the practice of polygamy. The Snowdens are the (insufferable) exception, the vast majority of polygamists do it for religious reasons. Therefore, they're not really going to be willing to call the other wives "girlfriends" or something else. Also, I believe the statute prohibits cohabitating as a family, also meant to dissuade polygamy. Bigamy is illegal already, you can't legally be married to more than one person so in order to criminalize the act of polygamy you have to go after what it is they're actually doing: living together as a family. I think the reason it's outlawed is to prevent the abuse of children and welfare fraud. At least those are the reasons the legislators responsible for the bills are putting forth as their justification. I do believe a number of polygamous families (the Browns included, before their show) are on public assistance. I know Christine Brown and I believe Jenelle Brown as well, were both on public assistance while being "married" to Cody. So it does go beyond a "to each their own" type of situation. I don't believe anyone is actually prosecuted for polygamy, however. They're usually prosecuted for welfare fraud, child abuse, ect. The second issue is Utah being so "touchy" about it. For starters, I believe (and I have no actual data to support this) a large portion of polygamists are located in Utah. Utah is a hub for Mormonism and polygamy is derived from that religion. Therefore, there is a disproportionate amount of polygamists located in Utah. Hence the need for laws on the books in that state. Secondly, I don't believe Utah is the only state that has outlawed polygamy. It's just often featured because, circling back to my first point, there are quite a few polygamists that reside there.
  12. That's definitely odd. I wouldn't imagine there'd be a HUGE crossover between the Bravo audience and NFL audience... But..this show isn't on Bravo, right? Isn't it on TLC or Lifetime or something? Either way, not a huge crossover audience with the NFL. Who watches this show live, tho? Don't most people DVR it? It's not like back in the day where you had to actually CHOOSE which show you were going to watch based on when it was on TV.
  13. They said on the announcement it's going to be NEW couples. I think we've seen the last of Traci. Regarding Tito's house: she said he did 11 years for manufacturing Meth. She didn't say WHEN he did those 11 years. Could've been a decade ago for all we know. So, he could've buried the money he made making meth in the desert Walter White style (just because he manufactured it doesn't mean he used it, although it'd be unusual for him not to have), could have been released long enough ago to have re-established himself, or he could still be in the game, just smarter about it now. As people have pointed out: housing is pretty cheap in that area, as well. I'm more curious about Michael paying for all this shit with Megan. I'm assuming that's either being funded by production or he's slinging drugs again. That's the only way a dude would have access to money so quickly after getting released.
  14. Could not agree with this post more. Apparently Caitlyn has a kid. WHERE IS YOUR KID, CAITLYN? WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A JOB? In my head, she's just as bad as Matt. Just as bad because she doesn't have her adolescence being stunted by having spent it behind bars as an excuse for her uselessness. And Megan bugs the shit out of me. The smugness is real. I have a feeling she TOTALLY knows about Sarah. She gave herself away with her "competitive" comment She's trying to "win" Mike, because he's such a goddamn prize. This was my favorite part of the whole episode. Mr. Big and Bad practically cowering in front of Tito. It was magical. I answered this question in a past thread and other people have answered it, too. It's her smugness and the fact that she acts like a petulant child with that shit eating grin whenever anyone brings up very valid concerns over her "true love."
  15. She said in a pre season interview that she didn't want to deal with upkeep of wigs and hairpieces while she was in the house, so she just went in bald. That's what I think too. I don't think he quit at all, I think this was planned from jump. The mole thing is lame, but I don't feel his exit was spontaneous between the number of houseguests being even and his very quick trip to Davos upon exiting. I also think this was a bit of a "the more you know" moment from CBS with the Mooch's little "we're more alike than different and we can all learn from that" nugget of wisdom at the end.
  16. Yeah, but how do you explain 12 houseguests when they're all on Jury? How would they deal with a tie? They said he was never a houseguest so he wouldn't get to vote. I'm assuming.
  17. Kato is totally growing on me. He's like the lovable, awkward dad. Kandi bugs, she's always taken herself WAY too seriously. She annoys me on Atlanta housewives and she annoys me in the house. I REALLY wish she would've been voted out. I find Ryan kind of endearing too. Ricky I don't know what to think of the Mooch twist, either. Seems like kind of a waste. Of course, having 12 houseguests wouldn't work for this season since everyone is on jury. You could conceivably have a tie at the end and no one to break it. So maybe it WAS a legit "twist"? I dunno.
  18. He would be released from prison into immigration custody. When someone is deported, they don't release them into the community and make them pinky swear they'll go back to their native country. While it would be awesome if this story was true, I don't believe for a hot SECOND that someone who lives in Teresa's neck of the woods doesn't know who she is. Come on. The mother is a liar liar pants on fire. Not only has she been on TV for the past 10 years, they were all over the news during their....troubles.
  19. Right? What kind of costume jewelry pendant costs two grand? She's full of shit and just wanted to make a scene to ensure her spot next season.
  20. I don't think he'll divorce her, as I don't think divorce is acceptable in their all important Turkish culture. He'll just have affairs throughout their marriage, she'll pretend not to know and take out her anger on her castmates and the other poor souls who have the misfortune of crossing her path after she's had a drink.
  21. She's a horrible brat, but that wasn't a pacifier. That was a ring pop.
  22. I love hearing a teacher's perspective on all of this! My kids are only 6 and 4 but I will make damn sure to adopt a rule like Mrs. Martinez when they're old enough to have phones!! And I don't get the "I only want a family member watching my kids" philosophy, either. My daughter's preschool teachers are a hell of a lot better than some of her family members, in my opinion. Hell, I'd go so far as to say she's better off with her preschool teacher than me all day long! Being a blood relative does not automatically make you a better choice as a caregiver. Hell, the majority of molestation victims are molested by family members. People are dumb. I once had a woman actually say to me "I was like you with my first two kids, I worked so someone else raised them." Excuse me? I asked her if her kid's teachers are raising them for her now. She just stared at me. Idiot.
  23. My son is in first grade and his school starts at 8:20. He goes to before school care, however, since both my husband and I work. He's usually dropped off between 7:15 and 7:30. So I guess the start time isn't TOO crazy. Maybe I freaked out because she said they had to be at the bus stop by like, 6:30 or something. That sounds ludicrous to me (and I'm a morning person!) There was some study done I really wish I could remember where, that showed high school students did much better in school with a later start time. As high school kids aren't usually dependent on their parents to get them to and from school (at least not to the extent that elementary school kids are), you'd think they wouldn't start that early. Back in the dark ages when I was in high school, I think we started at like, 7:50. And I always thought sports practice/events started pretty much right after school, so they WOULD finish by 5 or so, leaving enough time to go home, do homework and eat dinner. I was the kid hanging out by the bike path smoking cigarettes though, so what do I know. I never did extracurriculars. :D
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