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Everything posted by lezlers

  1. How can she enforce it? Dorit signed a contract. She just has to sue her. I mean, she'll have to get in line behind Dorit's other 10,000 creditors she owes money to, but enforcement would not be difficult. That's literally what contracts are for.
  2. A lot of people make poor decisions when it comes to their romantic life, it doesn't make them bad people or mean they do "piggish things." Also, marijuana is legal in California. If you don't have a problem with moms drinking wine, you shouldn't have one with moms taking a hit off a joint. I think the good things Denise has done (including taking in Charlie's kids with another woman when neither of them were fit to care for them) FAR outweigh some bad decisions she made regarding romantic partners when she was young.
  3. The $5,000 fee was for bringing it back to a shelter instead of VP Dogs, so that doesn't make any sense. The only thing they had to do to avoid the fee was...bring the dog back to Lisa.
  4. And Dorit, in true Dorit fashion, twisted the hell out of Lisa's statement. Lisa just said that her employee is close with Teddi and told Teddi what happened. Dorit, in her little pea brain, turned that into "Teddi is talking shit about me all around town." Even when they were sitting at the pool and Teddi was being perfectly pleasant, not saying a damn thing, Dorit takes it as some slight "oh, so THAT'S the game she's playing!" WTF, Dorit? Teddi offends her by simply breathing.
  5. That's why I will always love Denise Richards. She's a genuinely good person. I continue to hate Dorit. Does something shitty, then claims zero responsibility. I can see Kyle's frustration with Lisa. It does seem that Lisa holds Kyle to a much higher standard than Dorit. Can you even imagine for a second how Lisa would've reacted had Kyle done what Dorit did with the dog? She'd have come unglued! I'm wondering if PK has some dirt on Lisa because I really don't understand why she lets Dorit get away with murder but calls out Kyle on every single solitary perceived slight. It's frustrating as a viewer, I can only imagine how frustrating it would be for Kyle.
  6. Smoking and is a bartender who wears revealing clothing and poses suggestively online. There's DEFINITELY something up with her. Someone should explain to her that a polyamorous relationship is not the same thing as polygamy.
  7. I like Vanessa too. She deserves way better than the skeevy Snowdens. They're so obnoxious. You don't get to demand the person you're dating adopt your dietary preferences and I was LIVING for Vanessa eating that steak in front of him. I think the wife likes to make up all of these random "rules" for the family (I find her and her daughter wearing the Bindi extremely disrespectful to the culture they stole it from. It's a religious symbol, not something you slap on your forehead to look cool and enlightened) in order to assure they never actually get a sister wife. I think Ashley knows Dimitri is going to cheat on her regardless so this is her way of "accepting" it. Dimitri is clearly just in it for the sex and ego boost. Yes, there's a polygamy dating site. I believe it's actually called polygamy.com. The podcaster I listened to make a joke account on there and guess who contacted her? The McGees! That trailer could've been hers! I think the wife said they were renting this new house and wanted input from the new wife before actually BUYING a new house and that they'd move before making the boys bunk up again. Her husband's texts to the other prospective wife (it was on the previews) tells me everything I needed to know. He's just in it for the sex too. Polygamy is supposed to be a spiritual calling, it's not supposed to be about the sex. The winders annoy me. Mostly because the husband (with his Kermit the frog voice) is so into showing off his two wives to everyone. I read the funniest tweet about him: How (husband) orders at the McDonald's drive thru: "Can I help you?" "Yes, me and my TWO WIVES would like a big mac..." :D
  8. Her THIRD labor! And yeah, I was not amused when I got sent home. My water had broken (well, I thought it had. Turned out I had just sprung a leak) and was having contractions, I was just 2 cm shy of their "active labor" cutoff. Fortunately we only live 15 mins from the hospital so I was able to stew at home for 3 hours before turning around and heading right back with an "I told you so" attitude.
  9. While I agree with you that there's a gap between black workers and white workers just like women and men (with black women definitely having it the toughest) the point is kind of lost when you're talking about a show comprised of an all female, all black cast.
  10. I'd agree with you if we hadn't seen Nene act in a similar fashion over the years. Nene is rude, selfish, petty and narcissistic. She might have a reason for acting out now, but her behavior has been consistent with what she's shown us throughout the years, so I'm reluctant to cut her any slack, here. The only difference is now she has validation for it, so she's not even trying to exercise ANY restraint on her natural inclination to be an asshole. And I think Tanya HAS let it go. She was perfectly nice to Nene at the bachelorette party, Nene was the one acting less mature than my four year old daughter.
  11. Considering Bri likes to bang her men (unprotected) before learning their last name, my money is in the chicken shack bathroom. Makes the "chicken man" nickname really stick, you know?
  12. I think they've posted a few times that Brittany doesn't live with them anymore. She moved out, she just comes around for filming.
  13. Say what you want about Kail, her boys are the sweetest and best behaved of the TM kid bunch. She must be doing SOMETHING right. I also thought it was super weird the hospital sent Chelsea home at 5 cm dilated. That's...a lot. My hospital considered you in active labor and would admit you once you reached 4 cm (it's way fun showing up at 2 am, being sent home then coming back again at 5 to be admitted.) Especially because Chelsea lives in a very rural area, relatively far from the hospital. Just seemed unnecessarily risky, especially with a woman who has had 2 early births already.
  14. Briana works full time and has two kids. I'd say she's justified in taking a vacation. I felt so bad for Shirley! That vacation looked awful for her! Hi, third wheel!
  15. My favorite part was when Kandi just dug into that food without hesitation before anyone else even got there. You can always count on Kandi to EAT! 😄
  16. Nene absolutely CANNOT handle all the attention not being on HER. She is petty, mean narcissistic. I think that's the real reason she's dealing with Gregg the way she is. Everyone is sympathizing with him and no one is showering her with sympathy and attention and she CANNOT handle it. So then when Tanya dared to get a smidgen of sympathy from the girls at that lunch after Nene went all nuts on her with barely any provocation at all, she became public enemy number 1. Notice that after her funky little attitude (I swear, my four year old is more mature than her) was largely ignored she dropped it and started acting right. Sorry you couldn't ruin Eva's party just because Tanya was the one throwing it, you damn CHILD.
  17. To nitpick a little: Sarah and Michael had sex almost immediately after he got out. She said she was ovulating at the time (which, for someone who "isn't trying" to get pregnant, is laughable) It's now been over two weeks. That's typically when a woman WOULD discover she's pregnant, if she thinks it's a possibility and takes a test when her period doesn't start on time.
  18. Megan won't do this because this is a game to her. She knows about Sarah and she knows that there's no real reason why she would only be able to physically see Michael for less than 24 hours over the TWO WEEKS he's been out. She knows he was driving from Michigan to New York with Sarah and wasn't answering her calls during that time. She's being willfully obtuse at BEST and knowingly playing the game at worst. My money is on "at worst." Megan crosses me as the type who is used to getting what she wants and for some godawful reason, that shitbag Michael is what she wants and she's gonna get him, no matter who gets hurt in the process. I mean, just look at the smug look she was giving Sarah on the preview for their sit down. Girl has zero shame or remorse. Because it's easier to attack the other woman than admit they were wrong about their "twu wuv."
  19. The WWC guys are hysterical. I can't even see Dr. Evil or Marge's assistant come on the screen without cracking up just thinking of their impressions. I think this is the real reason, right here. Teresa is good at following orders (less intelligent people usually are.) You can see the wheels turning in her head (honestly, smoke is about to come out of her ears) trying to justify her continued support of Jen and Danielle when questioned about it. All she knows is she's supposed to be on that "side."
  20. That's been known for a couple of seasons now. She said it herself on the show, I think it was last season. They even showed a picture of her in her uniform.
  21. I HATE the "well they didn't do anything to ME" argument. It's so narcissistic. If someone treats their other friends like shit, you're totally cool with it, so long as they don't cross YOU? GTFOH with that. How someone treats others speaks to their character. Why do you want to hang out with someone who repeatedly shows bad character? Don't you give a shit about the people they're mistreating? Or screw everyone else so long as YOU'RE okay? It's such a shitty attitude to have, and I would expect nothing less from Tre. She's just being a good, traditional Turkish wife! (gag)
  22. Or she genuinely didn't think it was a big deal because she knew Nova would be fine 5 minutes after she left. That was the point of my post. When I drop my kids off at daycare and they're crying, I'm not going to my car and bawling after the trauma of it all. I'm fine because I know THEY'RE fine. Again, kids cry. Roxanne was being a drama queen.
  23. It's the age of social media. First day of school was never a big deal when I was growing up either (elementary school in the eighties.) But now that everyone posts every mundane detail of their lives for validation and affirmation online, we've become an inherently narcissistic culture who has begun to believe that if something isn't documented publicly, it didn't really happen. Thus, the "first day of school extravaganza" every year. So what's the over/under on when Brianna will announce her pregnancy by "chicken shop John"? Do I even want to know what "spotlighting" is?
  24. I totally agree. I HATE Marcelino, but he was in the right during that conversation. You can tell Brittnay is used to manipulating people to get what she wants and was getting a bit upset it wasn't working with him. I kept waiting for Lizzie and her bodacious tatas to burst into flames in that church. Matt is like so many of my clients. Rage simmering just under the surface WAITING and BEGGING to be challenged so they can pop off. He'll never get a job and if he's not back in prison yet, he will be shortly. He simply can't exist outside of prison. I hate Megan. I hope she's mortified by this episode. Something tells me she won't be, however. Clint's family really loves Dr. Phil, don't they? I legit LOL'd at that comment.
  25. Yes, truth is an absolute defense to libel. You also have to show actual damages in a libel suit. I doubt Dr. Evil is going to lose many clients because someone on a trashy reality show said "word on the street" is that he cheats on his wife. Good luck with that.
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