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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. Thank God for $Bill, he said what I was thinking, minus the Deacon insults. Also, like him, I nearly vomited when Brooke cutesied “destiny”. Grown-ass adults, who’ve been married many, many, many times, both to each other & others, & who’ve broken up as many times as they have, aren’t “destiny”, they’re drama queens, who are addicted to each other, rather than in a healthy, loving relationship. Having said that, Brooke still has some heat with Deacon, so I hope she chooses him, so we can witness that. Ridge & Taylor can stay together, chemistry free. Also, Liam, you hypocritical oaf. You need to look in the mirror, because what you’ve done to Steffy & Hope in the last decade, matches or outplays Ridge any day.
  2. This episode has me ugly-crying. For all of its’ many issues, it’s our only appointment tv every week, & I’ll miss it, & the conversations that Hubs & I have following each episode. It’s honestly made us discuss our wishes if we receive an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, or if one of us passes early, hopefully, we’ll get around to discussing what would happen if we go from assistant teacher to statewide curriculum designer in 1 commercial break, or less. 😉 So many great moments…Beth’s goodbye (Susan Kalechi Watson should get some Emmy love, too), William (but, Miguel should’ve been the conductor), Dr. K, Toby joking that she liked him more than Phillip, the lemon reference (as cheesy as it is, it’s 1 of my all-time favorite quotes), Kevin’s painting, allllll of the throwbacks, Kate making it in time to get her goodbye, & so many more. I didn’t like…Miguel’s abrupt, short scene on the train (they were part of each other’s lives for decades, not to mention that they were married over a decade, & he more than stood by her side in her most difficult time), too much filler time on the Brooks’ family, especially since I assumed Jack donated something for him to survive, no Kyle, the caboose bed (of course Jack would be there, but, could it not have been dinner, or something else?). Overall, though, it was a lovely tribute, & I fully think Mandy will finally get her Emmy love.
  3. I’m looking forward to the wedding, too, mostly because it’s going to be so…I don’t know the word, monotone? Kourtney is so robotic, & they both eat so healthy that I doubt they’ll even have cake, probably chia pudding, or something equally celebratory (nothing against chia pudding, it’d just be an odd wedding food). Here’s my scenario to spice things up: • Scott sits in the corner, crying. • Kravis constantly licks each other. • Kris gets stupid drunk & outs Corey. • Kendall evokes a tiny bit of emotion, but doesn’t eat cucumber. • Kylie & Travis S steal their thunder & get engaged at the reception. • Kim & Pete just chill, not seeking the spotlight, which shocks everyone. • Kanye interrupts the ceremony with “Ima let you finish, but me & Kim had the best Italian wedding of all time”. • Rob skips it. • Tristan gets caught, in the ladies room, pants down, with Kylie’s newest bff. Hulu should hire me as a storyline consultant, right?
  4. I pray that next week, we get at least a 1 day reprieve from the Steffy saga. Seriously, she hasn’t missed a day in well over a month. Please, please, I just need a short reprieve. However, I’m loving the Eric/Donna/Quinn/Carter story. It honestly feels organic. I totally think Quarter are still simmering for each other. I totally think Eric & Donna are, too, & I completely believe that they’re having a secret affair, meaning, it’s in-character. I also believe that Quinn loves Eric, & genuinely designed that ring to make sure he’s healthy, not to keep tabs. Mostly, I believe that when his ring tells her that “pickle ball” is really “honey bear nibbling”, shit’s gonna hit the fan, all around, & it’ll be glorious. This is a believable story, that’ll lead to some great drama, & it’s got nothing to do with either TOD.
  5. Cue Khloe (we should fashion a word combining “Khloé” & “clueless”…”Khloless”?) talking about what an amazing father he is. News flash: if he completely ignores the existence of 1 of his kids, dumped the mother of another, while she was pregnant, when he got a shot at fame & fortune (via Khloe/True), & claims to love the 1 that he repeatedly cheats on, but still completely, publicly favors their meal ticket child, he’s not a great father, he’s a terrible example of how men (anyone, really) should behave, & that’s the nicest thing I can say about Tristan & his Community Peen.
  6. Late to the party, but you know it’s a universally-amazing episode, when 75% of the posts on the first page are pink-boxed, with at least 25 reactions. At the beginning, I didn’t like Miguel at all, I couldn’t imagine that he & Rebecca could be anything acceptable (IE, I assumed they cheated on Jack). I’ve thawed over the years, & although this episode was years ~ years! ~ overdue, I’m glad it finally happened. Miguel is just a lovely, lovely man. Seriously, he’s probably the best husband on TV. He & Mandy Moore have such a sweet chemistry. I’m also very thankful that this episode gave Jon Huertas, the chance to have his time in the spotlight, both during the episode, & after. I’m not sure that I’ve heard much from him, during the series, but after this episode, he was everywhere, & just as lovely as Miguel. I definitely enjoy him, & I will follow him to any future projects, as I will a few others in the cast. I will certainly miss this show. I’ve been annoyed with some of the characters, (almost all of them, save for the perfection that is Beth) some of the stories (Randall’s election, front & center) & some of the wrap-ups (I’m just not a Kevin/Sophie shipper), but it’s the 1 show that is appointment TV every week for Hubs & me. We’ll miss it.
  7. Damn, Quarter are still so hot together. I know they just flirt-talked, but it was hotter than any love scene Steffy has ever had, ever. I don’t mind if they let them slow-burn, but I better get that payoff. I need a break from Steffy/Sheila/Taylor, the whole crew. Has some conglomeration of them missed a single day in a month?? It’s burnout. Deacon can stay, though. Oh, Paris, telling Zende about your feelings for Carter won’t make him reciprocate. Cross the hall, that’s what Carter looks like when he’s in love.
  8. I’d read spoilers of 1 part of a couple cheating, so I was very pleasantly surprised to see Honey Bear & his pickle ball honey being the cheaters. Eric & Donna work better, & Quarter definitely work better, make a clean break. Thomas is a pushy, obnoxious, insensitive ass, & he’s also exactly right. Tough love, Hope, Liam will never fully be in love with just you or Steffy, he’s always going to have 1 foot out the door. For you to win, you need to walk out & not look back, which we all know won’t happen. Let the waffle, waffle.
  9. Steffy to her houseguests, 1 of whom mentioned being 30 feet away: “You guys go get some rest, I’ll be just fine.” Steffy, 5 minutes later, to her ex-husband, who lives an unknown distance away, with his wife & child: “I just can’t be here, alone, without my husband. Can you please stay with me??” I need a Steffy break. In every single scene today, she was either on-screen, or being discussed. So obnoxious.
  10. $Bill, paraphrased: “We’re going to catch the animal who shot Steffy & left her for dead. And s/he will pay.” Me: “Um, Dolla, if you’ll look past the scroungy man that you attempted to murder, there’s a woman who shot you in the back, & immediately fled town, & had 0 consequences. Be mindful of your company.” I’m so bored of this story. Either bring back Finn, under the guise of Li & Jack kidnapping him for safety, or let Sheila poison Steffy, Ridge, Taylor, & Liam, (Liam, only because I hate the waffle redux). I’d almost not complain, if we’d see half as much Quarter, as we do Steffy. Last thing, $Bill & Deacon on the same day…Fri-YAY!!
  11. I’d honestly forgotten that Kanye got the sex tape masters (or whatever) for Kim, so I was surprised. I just can’t tolerate his brooding narcissism, but that was pretty awesome of him to do. I genuinely do think that he always has & always will love her, but I think when she’s done, she’s done, & she’s done. I’m glad it seems like their relationship is less public, & seemingly better. It would’ve been even cooler if he & Kris hadn’t humble-bragged 83 times about him flying coach, like us peons who don’t have private planes, or the resources to rent them. I kept looking for Pete in the background of the SNL post party, but I didn’t see him. I had very low expectations of her hosting gig, but I actually thought she did a great job, & was super funny. Chris Rock agreed.
  12. This show….why, why, why is Sheila just allowed to lurk around Steffy’s room? She’s not immediate family, Steffy doesn’t care for her, it’s just so ridiculous. Det. Baker was doing a quasi-questioning (Ridge was there, but he’s her parent), & Sheila just slinks in. It’s ludicrous. Then, when he questions Sheila, she totally made herself suspect, by saying several times “Finn wasn’t supposed to be there.” How would she know that? They didn’t talk all that much. No acknowledgement, no further questions, basically “have a great day!” Ugh, I hope this wraps up soon.
  13. I'm a bit late to the party, & probably crabby, but Steffy just irked me this week. Very recently, I had surgery; it was planned in advance, & I'm fine & recovering well, so no trauma, but definite recovery time. When I woke up from surgery, I was a bit dazed. I saw my husband, shortly after waking up, & I remember him talking, but not many details. When I finally got my bearings, I asked how the surgery went, & general recovery questions: what time was it? how long was the surgery? etc. I've been married to the same man for a decade, no divorces, no cheating, no paternity test on either kid, I really, really love this guy. Never one time, in recovery, the hospital room, or at any point after, did I paw him & say "oh, my sweet husband. I am so happy to have my sweet husband here. I will be just fine & dandy with my sweet husband by my side." All of those things are/were true, but, damn, either I'm a crappy wife, or Steffy is laying it on over thick. But, at the end of the day, Liam is the douche who puts himself in this situation. If Hope can't trust him, & never fully will, (not her fault, she definitely shouldn't) she should kick him out & start fresh with a new dude. Who cares? Let Steffy have him. He's a good ex-husband. Taylor trying to win Liam for an amnesiac Steffy is ludicrous. Also, pissed at the show for dangling the Quarter carrot. Give them to us, or ignore it, but don't show actual actors, with actual chemistry, & a legit storyline, if you're just going to focus on the TOD, parts I & II. Also, when are Deacon & Bridget going to run into each other? So much potential for great (ok, I got excited, let's say mediocre writing, but will be great in the hands of capable actors like the few that can act) stories, & we have to keep regurgitating both TODs. Oh, & get off my lawn, everyone but Deacon & $Bill! 🤣
  14. The most shocking thing to come out of this, is that marriage officiant offices close. Who knew? I assumed that most Vegas weddings occur after hours, when someone is tipsy, or hit a big jackpot, so I assumed they were open 24/7. The Kardashians have inadvertently taught me something.
  15. Deacon’s saving grace might be that he was talking/yelling to someone when he opened the alleyway door. Hopefully that gives him an alibi. I hope Steffy lives, & Deacon is a hero, & Steffy has to be grateful. I had a thought that I’m almost scared to put into the universe, but what if Steffy & Finn do a Freaky Friday personality reversal? That would let both live, or at least “Steffy” (in Finn’s body), to accommodate JMW’s maternity leave. Then, they could either keep or kill Finn, once she’s recovered. I can’t recall it ever being done before, but it’s just ridiculous enough to happen. Those Still anvils were falling hard & fast today.
  16. Wait, was that the event that changes everything & has never been done before?? Because, I can’t swear to it, but I feel confident that in the history of soaps, a parent has accidentally shot his/her child & killed him/her. Did maybe Paul Williams on Y&R accidentally shoot & kill his son with Eva Longoria? These dipshits, Sheila is for real crazy ~ for real! ~ don’t go meeting her in an alley, alone. And, Steffy, for a supposedly bright girl, you’re a complete moron. Why would you talk to Sheila like that, needling her about what you’re going to take away from her, when you know she’s crazy, much less when you are alone, in an alley? Idiot. Either way, the last original story that B&B had was Maya, & they totally wasted that.
  17. I’ve been thinking that this is where it’s going. $Bill is a fan fave, & he hasn’t had a story in months, bordering on years. The Batie ship has sailed, & Destiny is rearing its’ obnoxious head, for the foreseeable future. Plus, DD has said that he thinks Steffy is $Bill’s perfect match. I’m hoping that they get a legit shot. I don’t particularly care for Steffy, but… 1. A Still reunion will give $Bill/DD screen time. 2. They’ve really never been a legit couple, let’s just try. 3. Most importantly, Steffy in a relationship will hopefully keep her out of the ToD 2.0 for a minute. As soon as Steffy & Finn had their romance night & sexy times, I knew he’d be dead soon. Judging by how much tongue the actors add to their kissing scenes, they’ll probably miss each other.
  18. Guess we can assume that President Biden is #TeamTaylor. ;-) I bet the cast/production team is livid about the timing; they’ve hyped the heck outta this episode. Anyone know if they’ll air it tomorrow? Overnight? I was honestly looking forward to seeing the stars who aren’t on the show anymore: Thorne, Nick, $Bill, (especially $Bill).
  19. Still more believable than 2 accomplished, grown-ass women, spending decades fighting over a nothing like Ridge. $Bill I would understand, that they’ve spent their entire life fighting over Ridge (anyone, really, but Ridge is just scum) is mind-blowing. He doesn’t have a single quality that most people would look for in a spouse. Ugh, I could go on & on, but you all know.
  20. My immediate thought was that Tristan very, very frequently works up a huge appetite, cheating on Khloé/knocking up other women conditioning, he probably snacks a lot. Cheating on a diet & eating junk food is chump change compared to the normal kind of cheating he does with that community peen.
  21. Probably happened in January, 2022, maybe earlier, we just haven’t heard of it yet. 😉 I also think Khloé will have another baby with Community Peen, but I think it’ll be via surrogate. She wants True to have a sibling (from her genes), & she & Kim can’t carry any more babies, because, reasons. A surrogate would mean less time with CP, too, I’d think, IE, no ice cream runs for him to bring her at midnight. My prediction is that before True turns 5 next spring, she’ll have yet another Khloé /Peen sibling.
  22. I remember hearing DD on Insta Live, or something, during the beginnings of COVID-19, tell a story that I’ll repeat, because it’s cool, & right now, we could all use a lot more DD in our lives, even if it’s a rehashed story. BILL Bell hired DD to play BRAD (Carlton). BRAD Bell hired DD to play BILL (Spencer). It’s not earth-shattering, but no one is crying, parent-trapping, plying an alcoholic with alcohol, or being Ridge, it’s a good time.
  23. I’m about to do something I don’t think I’ve ever done, certainly not in the last several years. I’m about to compliment TK. I thought TK was great in the fight scenes & the aftermath. He rarely, rarely shows any passion at all, but it was there with Deacon. It’s so odd, because his best scenes are with strong, male counterparts, namely Deacon & $Bill. They should quit having him be schmoopy as often as they do. Romance isn’t his forte, but his chemistry skyrockets in scenes with other strong men. Not saying make Ridge gay/bi, I’m not $Bill, but just tone down the lovey dovey stuff that he kinda sucks at.
  24. If I was Brooke, & Steffy barged into my home, to basically slut-shame me, I wouldn’t have let a tear escape, I’d have lit into her, starting with the fact that both of her children had to have paternity tests, in utero, & I’d get all the way to how she killed Aly, then, tried & failed to kill Ivy. That was a long sentence, but I also wouldn’t let Steffy’s sweater that’s missing a chunk around the shoulder, odd for the CEO of a fashion empire, escape my wrath. Steffy is just insufferable. She doesn’t care about Ridge, she wants to 1-up a Logan. But, thank God for Deacon/Sean Kanan. I hate that I missed Breacon, 1.0, because he is bringing all of the hotness, still, 20 years later. When he snapped (like an alligator) at Sheila, omg, that was the cutest thing this show has seen this side of Douglas. Sheila/KB snapping back was cute, too. You can tell that they’re enjoying playing off of each other, & that they’re friends. $Bill will always be my Day 1, but Deacon is coming in hot, like he’s at midnight, Day 2, right now. Absence doesn’t make my heart grow fonder, I’m more of an outta sight, outta mind kinda girl.
  25. I 99% thought it was Bill the whole time. Of course it’d be the male that’d bring maximum drama. I thought there was a skinny chance it’d be Cal, like a 1% chance, but Bill brings more drama. Honestly, Isaac has been the MVP for me this season. I have 1 episode left, but I’m gonna hold off until I have time to enjoy with a margarita & chips/salsa
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