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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. Carter's & Quinn's outfits were pretty ok, though. ;-) I'm legit excited about them. I hope they're naughty FWBs all summer.
  2. So, I was way off on my date guess, but I'm not mad. I didn't take into account that it's Carter, & he moves fast. He'll probably propose by Tuesday. ;-) Having said that...damn! That's the hottest scene this show has had in ages. I truly can't remember the last time the show was so saucy, even pre-COVID. Still, maybe? That was like 4 years ago. Wall sex? Shoulder kissing? Carter, I didn't know you had it in you. It was what I was hoping, delicious, naughty, hot, it was an elicit affair, or at least the beginning of one. Now, Paris is totally going to walk in & catch them. I hope they sneak around for awhile, I'm thinking an affair like the Phlick (on Y&R) original affair. It was what I hope Carter & Quinn turn into.
  3. I'm figuring it'll end on a Friday cliffhanger, because it'll be "a shocking event that'll rock daytime." The first time Carter & Quinn had an alone scene together, they were setting the stage, & they were both batting bedroom eyelashes in yesterday's show. 2 weeks is my guess. I'm still saying, I hope it's a steamy, drawn-out, naughty, delicious affair. It's been too long, & no, Steamless rolling on the couch doesn't count. I'm honestly looking forward to this, & it's usually only $Bill that I look forward to watching.
  4. Anyone want to guess the actual date that Carter & Quinn hook up? From the look he gave her yesterday, I'm thinking under a month, although, this show moves along at snail-speed, so that could be like an actual day in show time. My actual date guess is 5/14.
  5. It's honestly been a good, long while since we've had a steamy affair. The last one that I recall was Quinn & Ridge, & they only kissed. I'm here for Quinn & Carter. Every other couple on the show is more boring than watching paint dry. They're both pretty, inappropriate, hurt, it's the perfect storm.
  6. ^^ I sort of see a young Brooke & yet another Ridge recast. I agree.
  7. Piggy-backing on this statement, TK also had the best chemistry with RS, by far, of all of his partners. Personally, I thought TK's Ridge seemed to be the most in love with LG's Caroline II, but as far as chemistry, TK & RS brought that. She's stuck with a hard character to pair up, but she's a chemistry magnet.
  8. I'm going to be honest, seeing Carter in his boxer briefs was not the worst part of my day. If Quinn is in the scene, eh, I'll take it. I know that Carter is a dud, but LSV is super hot, 2nd to DD/$Bill, in my book, for this show. I ain't mad at Bell today/yesterday.
  9. In fairness, both of the above ladies are hardly recognizable (Hope due to the recast, & Steffy due to excessive plastic surgery, or the massive photoshop in that pic, I'm honestly not certain), so I'll just say that they were placeholders. 😉
  10. I haven't even seen today's show, but I guarantee you that what you just wrote is better than what we'll see today, or in the next few weeks. Except that we'll actually get to feast our eyes on $Bill on the real, live show, & that's always a treat.
  11. Even better, I hope True is better than my daughter at her age. We took our dog to the groomer, & when he got back home, she started crying that she wanted Sam (our dog) back, because this dog didn't have hair, & Sam did when we left him that morning. She legit didn't recognize him. Poor True is probably conditioned to Khloe changing her face with the moon. Sadly, she'll probably do exactly the same thing.
  12. I was hoping Wyatt would pull out a pizza box when he went into Katie's office, for old time sake. Flo, spare me, I've got nothin' for you. I'm anxious to see how Thomas will handle this possible swerve. He could redeem himself & tell all involved, but if Vinny didn't screw with the results, then nothing will have changed, & everyone will be even more disappointed. It's a pickle.
  13. That tacky ring matches her tacky nails. It's not even pretty, it's just gaudy. I'm here for a big rock, but that one is just gaudy, I can't think of another word.
  14. Yesterday was infuriating, but I was the maddest at Brooke. So, Liam, who made vows to Hope, gets a pass, & she encourages Hope to stay with him, because they love each other. Then, she races over to Steffy's to berate her for sleeping with Liam. She should be mad at Steffy for that night, but she should be furious at Liam. She should also be encouraging her daughter to step-off of the merry-go-round of "Who Will Liam Knock Up This Year?" If that was my daughter, I'd strongly encourage her to free herself from him as much as possible, & find herself a man who can commit to her & stay committed. Also, not Thomas. Also, could be a woman. I don't care, just not Liam. Or Thomas. ETA: Hope could totally stay single, as far as I'm concerned, I just think she should not be in a relationship with Liam. Or Thomas.
  15. I was actually wondering if TT knew anything about the welcome-home celebration before he saw it on Khloe's Instagram. To be clear, I don't think his assistant set it up, either, I'm guessing that either Khloe or Kris made sure that it looked like Community Peen missed her, on her 3-day vacation. 😉 I for sure love that nickname.
  16. The line forms behind me! 😄 Last night, I was watching the show at home, while my husband was there (I didn't get to lunch with my beloved $Bill yesterday, thanks, Mother Nature), & Zoe was on. I asked my husband if he thought she was pretty. He didn't really answer, & I told him that she's basically a supermodel for the company on our show, & he was stunned. He thought Donna was pretty, but he's a boob man, so that wasn't a surprise.
  17. Heather Heather Tom, is that you? Holy cow, you have a fantastic memory! I honestly didn't remember Katie being on that much, but now that you mention it, she was the one to bust Quinn/Shauna. I completely breezed past that. Personally, I like Katie, but I'd like for her to not be in any type of romance with $Bill. I looooooooove DD, but Katie & $Bill are just toxic, & they'll never be long-term, he's got the wondering eye, among other body parts. She was fine with Jax Thorne, & she's fine in business settings, & super good in sister/Logan scenes, but I'd love for both HT & DD to get something better than Batie 8973.0.
  18. Funny you should mention that, when she breezed in the other day, bearing gifts, I was trying to remember the last time we'd seen her. I legit think it was last summer, right after they resumed. I may be wrong, but I don't think we've seen her beyond that. She was in an office with Carter (at Forrester), & I think $Bill came in, but I'm not 100% sure. It's been a while, though, so I'd be livid if she received an Emmy nom, unless she does a ton of difficult work in the next few months. I was also trying to remember if Hope & FeLOny have shared a scene, since the slap heard 'round the world. I don't think they have, but maybe when Katie received her transplant, & Shauna wheeled Flo in to the room to take the credit. It jolted me for Liam to share a scene with her.
  19. The only good thing about Katie & $Bill reuniting, is that the sooner it happens, the sooner they'll break up. I say that because they always break up in spectacular fashion, which means that we'll be seeing $Bill on our screens. What a sad state of this show, when I want to see my favorite character in a loveless situation (again, I think $Bill loves Katie, but I don't think he's been in love with her for years & years), only because I know that the breakup will give him much-deserved screentime. If I wrote this show, & I had DD on salary, I'd have him on every day, reading the newspaper, grabbing a drink at Bikini, visiting Forrester to work on Eye on Fashion, consulting Quinn on making jewelry for a charity auction he's hosting (that's a stretch, but they want us to believe a fine-ass, albeit boring-ass, lawyer like Carter, with a title & connections in LA, can't get a woman who actually loves him, $Bill & Quinn can be in the same scenes).
  20. Ugh, I know. I'm so split ~ I LOVE that $Bill will at least be on-screen, but I HATE that he'll be groveling to Katie. I do think he loves Katie, but I think he hasn't been in love with her for years. Katie is always the fallback girl, she'll never really be the one he would choose, if he had other options that were more appealing in an way. I also don't understand why $Bill has to be in a romance. Obviously, I get that he's smoking hot, & he oozes charisma, & that soaps are made for romance, but I would be totally fine watching him in a business setting, or with his sons (his best chemistry), or making fun of Ridge (his other best chemistry), or anything, but I'm not down for him groveling to Katie. The one thing I'll add to the Zoe/Carter/Zende convo, is that the show is really showing the Zoe that came on the show; a stalker, who followed her ex across the pond. Hurting Carter won't even be a blip to her. She was going to marry Thomas after like 2 months. Carter, she's just not that into you, man. Donna, on the other hand, just say the word, or a letter of the word, & she'll be yours.
  21. That whole Hump thing blows my mind on 2 levels. 1. How could Hump think that Kimmy, who likely had a part in releasing a sex tape to get her & her family famous, would ever want to leave LA & move to MN? Nothing against MN, but the paparazzi aren't camped out at restaurants like they are in LA. Kim would never be happy without the spotlight. 2. How did they marry each other without discussing huge issues like where they will live & raise their kids? My husband & I knew where we would live, barring any unexpected issues, for the first 5 years of our marriage, when we were going to try for kids, all of the big stuff; you can't plan everything, I get that, but we discussed our plan. How can you plan a life with someone & not discuss that??
  22. I'm just hoping that Summer & Flo go somewhere & run into Austin Thomas. There could be another in-joke, like $Bill's in-joke. For those that don't know, the actor currently playing Thomas, played Summer's ex-husband, Austin. I'll say it again, I absolutely detested Brad Carlton. I had no use for him for all of the decades he was on the show, I honestly didn't even notice the pretty underneath a boring character. Now, I'm livid at how little they show $Bill. It's amazing what a change of scenery, a smokin' goatee, & letting DD show more of his actual personality, can do for an actor.
  23. I hope that poor baby inherits her whine. It's only fair that she have to deal with it like the rest of the world has had to deal with hers.
  24. Seriously, it’s been at least a month with no $Bill, I’m getting restless. I can’t imagine that they have an actor of DD’s caliber, & we’re wasting time watching Steam have the exact same conversation for literal weeks ~ twice, if you count Hopequinn romance night & the week+ they spent justifying it ~ but they don’t even show a single scene of $Bill. I realize that he’s over 50, but I’d tune in every day to see him, every day, & I can’t say that for a single other actor on the show. Every day, in case I wasn’t clear.
  25. Even messier if Kelly is discovered to be $Bill’s child at the same time. Hope Finn doesn’t go too far to the dark side, though. Flo was already thirsting for him the other day, if he went full-on baddie, she wouldn’t be able to control herself. Sorry, Wyatt, shouldn’t have screwed over Sally.
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