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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. I hate that I know this, but it looks like a pic from a while back. I only say that because Reign has long hair, & he's had it buzzed for at least a few months. I might be wrong, & I think she's definitely wanting attention, but the pix she chose are clearly not from the last few days (unless Reign got extensions, which wouldn't surprise me at all with this family).
  2. Interesting that Kanye is no where in the pix. Kourt, Kris, the kids, but no Kanye, even in the background. I think the rumors are true, & that they're living separately. I think they'll stay like that, indefinitely, & be just fine with that, but I doubt that they're the happily married couple that they've always pretended to be.
  3. Finn could literally be a board with a face taped to it, or, a Finnequinn, & I'd still want Steffy with him over Liam. That ToD is way past its' prime. I'm just glad to have an actual love interest, or, I was, until this last month. Do we know Finn's first name? Or is he going to be like Jax, where even his mom calls him Jax. I know Jax's first name was Jasper, but even his mom called him Jax. Different show, I know.
  4. Fine, if no one else is going to bring it up, I will. Have Liam &/or Steffy showered since Hopequinn Romance night, which was actually the night before yesterday's show aired, even though it's been 53 weeks in actual show? Not to be graphic, but, you know, there might be some clues, if neither has bothered to shower since their couch boink, which wasn't even wild enough to wake Kelly, the eternally sleeping toddler. Hope may not catch it, but Dr. Finn might. However, both of them, especially Steffy, having sexy times is 100% proof that there will be a WTD in a few months/weeks. Damn, Steffy, if you've had 2 pregnancies which required paternity tests, you may need to rethink your life choices.
  5. I'm not kidding, I know someone who was diagnosed with COVID, had symptoms, including a really bad day, & is now feeling much better (still safely in quarantine, just mentioning the timeline, & it's not me or anyone in my household, to be clear), in the exact same amount of time that Steffy & Liam have discussed the Hopequinn Romance night ad nauseum at her cliffhouse. Misunderstanding night was already taken, & resulted in Douglas, this will likely result in another little boy, so it needs a name, too. Anyway, for my friend, roughly a week, & a bout of COVID later, & these 2 jackasses are still having the exact same conversation. They're sorry that they jumped to conclusions about the Hopequinn, but they'll always love each other, & they're not sorry for the night they spent together, Liam's even going to keep the memory in his back pocket, & yank it around to his front pocket when he needs a little confidence boost, but they're sorry that their actions could hurt the people that they love, so they're going to keep it to themselves, but they'll always, always love & respect each other, & they'll always wonder what could have been. Gross.
  6. If we must keep listening to Steffy & Liam have the exact same conversation day after day after day after day after day, at least let the payoff be that someone walks in & hears them. There is no reason to keep rehashing it, in vivid detail, if no one is going to overhear. It's soap 101. I'll say this, though, if I cheated on my husband, with my ex, after a misunderstanding, & then I proceeded to tell that ex that it meant something, & that I have no regrets, but that I was staying with my husband, because it's comfortable (basically), my husband would kick me to the curb, when he found out, rightfully so. I've always thought that Liam truly loves Hope & belongs with her, but this is way, way over the line. I feel like SC is playing it like Hope is the consolation prize, & I've never felt like Hope wasn't first in Liam's heart, ever. I'll just say this: Taylor needs to be back. Please recast her, HT hurts my eyes, which breaks my heart, because she was stunningly beautiful back in the day, but Thomas needs Taylor to be accountable. She shouldn't have been his phone therapist, but even if so, she missed the glaring signs. She needs to answer for that, & PhoeBeth, she just needs to come back, but look different, & not HT different, but a different actress. You know who I'd be interested in seeing react to Thomas' mannequin delusions? $Bill. I'd also be interested in seeing him read the phone book, or smack Liam around, or tell Eric to not forgive Quinn, or call Ridge "The dressmaker", or whatever he wants to do, as long as he's on-screen.
  7. You've all summed up the show super well. My takeaway from yesterday: Hope changed her clothes & redid her hair, because Beth "spit up" on her. Beth is roughly 2 in real time, who knows how old in soap-time. 2-year-olds don't spit up, they puke/vomit. There's a huge difference between spit-up & 2-year-old sickness. Huge. I swear, none of the writers have been around kids.
  8. Today actually moved, but my 1 takeaway... Hey, Finn, Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable called, & he won't be needing that '80s sweater that you're rocking back, like ever, (he's on an orange kick, these days) so you keep on keeping on with it.
  9. Don't forget, Kendall can solve all racial issues by offering someone of a different race, a soda. The KarJenners are miracle workers.
  10. She also lent her unmistakable voice to the latest (I think) cartoon version of "The Grinch". It's utterly darling, as is she. I immediately recognized her voice when I heard her speak. She's the mayor of the town. It's a very short part, but it made me smile.
  11. I hope MA keeps his mantle free, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he has an Emmy sitting there by this time next year. Superb job today. But, damn, Hope, don't just stand there when he's in the throes of delusion, text your bestie, Finn, 911 to get to Thomas'. Dumber than the Hopequinn.
  12. Does it really matter if he's free or not? Seems like he bangs side-chicks whether he's with Khloe or not, because he knows she'll forgive him. He also seems to like having to grovel. Maybe that's the chase for him.
  13. 2 things from today's episode... 1. If Douglas winds up being a 6' 5", 280 pound Rams' player, someone better swab his cheek. That's just not Forrester DNA. If he winds up oddly attracted to his maybe-sister, ala Ridget or THope or Stick (or whatever Steffy/Rick was combined into, I wasn't watching then), then, maybe, but on looks, no way he hits 6 foot, or 225. 2. Steffy does not look like a woman rocking the afterglow. She looks like a woman who knows she made a drunken mistake. However, put on some clothes, take the blankets & pillows off the couch, & if you get caught, tell them that Liam stopped by that morning. It's not rocket science. **Bonus: I swear, Hopequinn hits more steps in a day than I do. Thomas is always dragging her to & fro, all the livelong day. Do they make mannequin Fitbits?? **
  14. It's the season of kindness & joy, & I just wanted to thank you for spreading joy. Anything that brings a thought of the $tallion in any of those situations, is the greatest joy. Happy holidays to you, friend. 😉 If you don't follow DD on Insta, you totally should. Last week, he posted a video of him digging inside a turkey, & totally flinging around the neck (I think it's a neck, I tried to avoid naming what it is, because I honestly am not sure & don't want to be made fun of, but let's go with the neck). It's penis-shaped, & he mentioned that it was impressive, & might give the $tallion envy. His wife was in it, honestly, it was hysterical. He's really funny, & gracious, too. Follow him if you don't already. I swear, he didn't tell me to say that.
  15. Liam, you are $Bill's son. I know that you're in shock, seeing a grown-ass man making out with a mannequin that looks exactly like your wife, a Hopequinn, if you will, but, use the brain that you inherited from your sharp-as-a-tack father, & reach into your pocket, grab the phone that you're currently using to stalk your wife, & record this for proof. It's not rocket science, prove that you're right about him. Having said that, I'm totally relieved, I was scared that Hope was about to be raped, by Thomas, who's already laid the groundwork to absolve him of his sins. A headache; dude needs to get a COVID test, that's one of the signs. COVID would be far more believable than whatever they'll try to sell us.
  16. I actually think JMW looks great right now. Pregnancy definitely agrees with her, her skin is great, she looks healthy, I think she looks better pregnant. Hopequinn's glowing eyes, that'll scare little Douglas. Thomas wouldn't even need to set anything crazy up under the bed.
  17. For the record, Liam, I miss your dad when I don't see him, too. How long has it been since $Bill has graced our screen? We need him back!
  18. DOUGLAS!! Man, I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw him live today. He's just the best thing on this show. Great to see him today. Also, I feel like he'd be #TeamLiam, & be totally freaked-out by the Hopequinn.
  19. Who else wants @TobinAlbers to write the show? 10x better than what we'll actually see on-screen. Plus, $Bill & Justin are actually really good, & super really good together, they play off of each other really well. It'd just be aces to see them on-screen once in a while, or more often.
  20. You know what, that didn't occur to me, but that's a really good idea, at least, temporarily. It would foster some story, & more importantly, it'd give a legit reason for the perfect Douglas actor to be off-screen, without bringing in real-life COVID issues. I'd go for that. They could even say that he wants to be in 1 place during the pandemic, rather than bouncing between houses with Thomas & Hope, if they wanted to be timely & responsible. But, I second that $Bill would drop Thomas out of an airplane, or Justin would, at $Bill's request, & he wouldn't look back. Oh, & he'd look smoking hot while celebrating.
  21. Opening up her "truth"? Um, she was live on camera, 24/7, for 3 months, for the 3rd time, so she can't feign ignorance. We know her truth. She's a nasty, jealous witch, who kicked Ian while he was down, behind his back, because the cool kids were doing it, but doesn't like that people don't like her now, so she's trying to save face. There's her truth, I saved you all hours & probably $. You're welcome.
  22. I totally could rag on Khloe's talons amazingly staying in tip-top shape, even in quarantine, but you've all covered that so I'll move on. My favorite part of the episode, & this is a Khloe compliment, was when she was introducing Tristan & Quarantina. He said something about how she looks smart, so he knows who to sit by & cheat off of on a test (or something to that effect). Khloe quickly said "I'm so glad you said the 'on a test' part." Once a cheater, Khloe. It did make me think that even if they're back together, I bet she doesn't let him live that down. Not saying she should, but he'll get tired of that being thrown in his face. He'll be making out with Kourtney's TicToc bestie this Valentine's Day.
  23. I know Thomas has gone off-the-deep-end, but I do appreciate that he seems to be the only one who acknowledges that Liam is Ridge, Jr., & that it sucked for him to grow up like that. I for sure thought Thomas was going to hit Liam from behind. I can't believe he lived to walk out of that apartment. Although, Hopequinn wants him dead, maybe Hopequinn is turning more Quinn, less Hope.
  24. If Liam is this freaked-out about the Hopequinn, just wait until her eyes turn red, & she starts talking. Although, that'll be nothing compared to the fact that she prefers Thomas. Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
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