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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. The above-referenced scene, is my favorite John Goodman/Dan scene in the entire original run. Roseanne took Jackie to the hospital, to be checked, after Fisher assaulted her. Dan didn't say a word, just got up, walked to his coat, grabbed it, & walked out the door. We all knew he was going to take Fisher down. JG is attractive in a teddy bear way, to me, but in that scene, when he took charge, with no words, I found him to be smoking hot. I don't advocate violence, but I made an exception. One thing that I do appreciate in the new show, is that Dan is still in love with Roseanne, & is heartbroken at her loss. Once she ended her association with the original show, I figured they'd marginalize her character, & I wouldn't blame them, her words were ridiculous. However, It would be unrealistic to have Dan move on very fast, after her death. Even the girls still reference her, as shown in "Slapgiving", or whatever that was called, when Darlene called out Jackie for always having depended on Roseanne. I know IRL Roseanne is persona non grata, but in the show-life, I'm glad that they've acknowledged her impact, & the impact of her loss.
  2. https://www.eonline.com/shows/kardashians/news/1148102/scott-disick-checks-out-of-rehab-and-plans-to-sue-over-alleged-leaked-photo?query=disick According to E!, Scott immediately checked out of rehab, when it was made public that he was there. Apparently, when he was checked in, someone on staff snapped a pic, likely sold it, & that's how it was made public. Scott is suing. Rightfully so, in my opinion. .
  3. Sandy & Cuomo broke up, but according to her, they're still friends, & talk frequently.
  4. I was actually coming here to post that the timing of the Kimye fighting stories are very odd. I've come to 2 conclusions: 1. Kris is planting the stories, including how Kanye doesn't help at home, so that when the divorce announcement is made, people know how much Kim tried to make things work. Poor Kimmy. 2. Kris is distraught that during the quarantine, because all of those pesky doctors/nurses/healthcare workers/essential workers of all kinds are considered the superheroes in all of this, & they're the people that everyone is talking about, not the Kardashians. What better way to regain attention, than to spread some stories, true or not, that her daughter in the most substantial, longest-lasting-relationship in her family, is on the brink of divorce. I completely agree that Kanye is obsessed with Kim, & has been for years. I've posted this before, but I remember hearing Kanye say that he saw Kim on TV with Paris Hilton, in like 2006, & he was like "who is Kim Kard-a-shawn?" He has been after her for years & years, & he finally got her. Didn't even Hump say that he knew that when Kanye wasn't invited to the Hump wedding that Hump knew that Kanye & Kim had a thing, current or past (too many "he" to make sense, so I went for names). I also remember Amber Rose saying that Kim & Kanye were sexting during Amber's relationship with Kanye. Finally, yes, I spend too much time with these people, but I remember at the Kimye wedding rehearsal dinner (maybe her bridal shower), Kim said that years before, she & Kanye talked on the phone all night 1 night, & Kanye was like "where do we go from here?" Kim said "nowhere, I have a boyfriend", which many think was Reggie, as she legit seemed to love him, plus, the timing fit. He's been in love with her for years, for purely shallow reasons, I think, but he definitely has her on a pedestal.
  5. My husband didn't watch Survivor until after we'd been together a while. The first season that we watched together is the season that Rob won ~ side note, but you all amaze me at your knowledge of who won where when & how. Anyway, we started watching in 2011, so he'd never seen All-Stars. The weather was cruddy this weekend, so we binged it. We ended at the finale, when Jeff announced that Amber had won. Hubs' mouth literally dropped to the floor, because Rob ran the hell outta that season. At the time, I was stunned, & I still think that Rob played the far superior game. However, in retrospect, he completely mishandled the jury, & they were bound to vote against him, even if he'd been sitting next to Satan. 15+ years later, I can understand why Amber won, & although I disagree with it, a bitter jury is something you have to account for, & play accordingly. It was so crazy to watch, because at the time, I thought Rob & Amber were just using each other for the game. However, it was obvious that Rob was into her, hence the Lex promise. I would've never guessed, watching that season, that they'd be married, 15+ years later, with 4 little Ambers. Honestly, it was pretty adorable to know how that turned out, & to see it unfold again. Also, the prizes were top-notch. Rob won a truck, & he got a movie date, which he chose to take Amber to attend. She also won a car. I know that the show isn't as popular as it once was, but, can we have some good prizes? Finally, that was so much more pure, because there was no hidden immunity idol, no fire tokens, no advantages, it was just so much more pure. I miss the good old days. Is Lex still hating Rob? The last I heard, he was, but I'd like to think he is over it by now. Geez, I don't even hate my ex-boyfriend anymore, & he cost me years of my life, which I'd call more valuable than $1 million. I'd also forgotten that Lex took out Ethan, whom he was friends with, but was mad when Rob did it to him (it was dirty, but the game is pretty dirty, too). I binge-watched this on Hulu this weekend. I was nervous about those episodes as well. The episode where Hatch actually grinds on her aired, but the episode when Sue had the breakdown & quit the game, which was the episode after the incident, didn't air. I'm not sure if it was copyrights, or what. The episode where Rudy was voted out didn't air, either, but those were the only 2. Anyway, while the episode where the incident happened is in rotation, the aftermath may not be, & isn't, on Hulu. I'd forgotten, but Jeff scolded Hatch during the challenge. It was really uncomfortable to watch. I remember being relieved when he got bamboozled that night. ETA: I had a thought about a gimmick for a season, since they rarely have people just come out & play, like they did in the good old days. What about children of players? Big Tom's son, Beau, visited him on the all-stars season, he's probably 35 or so now, but I'm sure that there are younger children-of-contestants that would be willing to play. That way, it'd be sorta new, but sorta old school. Just a thought.
  6. I was watching today's show at work today, & I was about 5 minutes in, & thought 'wow, Flo has worn that shorts outfit for a long time". She was in Dr. Designer's office, like she was on Friday. I paused it, so my coworker didn't see me watching, & when I went to turn it back on, I noticed that the episode description was from Monday, April 6, a full 2 weeks ago. Different outfit for Flo, same exact situation, same exact dialogue, & still haunting Dr. Designer's office.
  7. OMG, "Murder, She Wrote" is my current TV obsession! I wasn't into it when it aired, but I'm loving watching it now. Angela Lansbury is a national treasure, akin to Betty White. On topic: I forgot how spectacular the show used to be, until I saw Friday's blast from the past episode. Wow, the quality has really gone downhill in the last few decades. It was opulent. I also forgot the madass crush I had on Danny. I thought he was perfection. Gina singing, so many familiar faces from the past, it was just so nice to see. I'm glad they're sharing the past with us.
  8. I'm surprised that Tristan is allowing himself to be shown. I know that Khloe is obnoxious, but he dogged her, with a friend of hers. No matter what I think about her, it had to hurt. I'm glad that they're in a place where they can amicably co-parent, but I'm just surprised that he'd allow himself to be shown on the show. I'm also surprised that he actually does seem to be trying to win her back; I didn't believe it when she's made mention of it in the past. From the gifts (loved that she said that he never sent her stuff when they were together, which I 100% believe), to him flirting in Cleveland, it does legit seem like he wants her back, or more clearly, he wants the lifestyle that the Kardashians can bring him back.
  9. Obviously, #5. I didn't even read the names, just looked for my $Bill. I'd even put up with Zoe & whoever else was in that house. I'd put up with a lot for $Bill.
  10. That was literally the worst green scene I have ever seen. Like ever. Geez, they were like pretending to jet ski or something, in front of a very obvious green screen. It was so odd, why didn't they just say that she wanted to go to a spa to get away or something? I get that money is tight, but don't make up stories that require locations then. I, too, can't understand how Shauna could even throw Ridge a passing glance when she rode the $tallion. And, he's even hotter now than when he was younger. Get that hair outta your face & open your eyes. Crazy. This Sally story is the most frustrating, mostly because I legit think she loved Thomas. I think she likes Wyatt. Big difference. No matter what her feelings for either guy, though, the most baffling thing is that she's going through all of this trouble...for Wyatt. Wyatt. Yeah, that Wyatt. He's handsome, but he doesn't have a lot of personality. Of course, both Steffy & Hope have hinted that he inherited the $tallion's sexual prowess, but that's about all I see going for him. Plus, Wyatt is a package deal, with his batshit crazy mama. Pass on that. Girl, if you're going to insist on circling the Spencer men, you get you the real man, $Bill. Word on the street is that he's broken-hearted again. Saddle up. Last thing, oh, Quinn, gloat all you want to Brooke, but $Bill hasn't had a moment alone with you yet for your little stunt. Wyatt's preoccupied between his dying roommate, & redeeming his long-lost-first-love, he doesn't have the focus to call Daddy off of you like he did after Captive Cabin. I hope we're not robbed of a scene of the 2 of them. Each day, I get sadder, because I know we're dwindling down to no more new episodes. As much as I bitch about this show, it really is a part of my life. Salad tastes better when I share it over lunch with $Bill. I enjoy watching Baby Beth/s grow & change. Douglas is #SweetnessGoals. When they actually show fashion, I love the glitz & glamour. Anyway, I'll be sad when we run out of new episodes. Mostly, I'll miss my beloved $Bill.
  11. What was his nickname? Thighmaster? I can't remember, but, yeah, that storyline wasn't good. It's so odd, because DD has chemistry with everyone, everyone, but I don't remember Brad being like that. It's like 2 different people. I'll forever thank the Y&R TPTB for killing off Brad, & giving us our beloved $Bill.
  12. Photo #4 is what quarantine dreams (or anytime dreams) are made of. I couldn't stand Brad Carlton. When he died, I didn't even register it. Now, a lunch hour without $Bill is like a day without sunshine. He is the best, & I would've probably ditched B&B a long time ago without him. It has to be because some of DD's personality is allowed to bleed through to $Bill; I never remember Brad having too much in the way of personality. Seriously, DD is like the finest of fine wine, he just keeps getting better with age. He's definitely more attractive with a little salt & pepper. Yum.
  13. Don't throw tomatoes at me, but I actually think TK shows up for scenes with Denise Richards/Shauna, far more than he does KKL. DR was married to Charlie Sheen, I haven't seen her on that Real Housewives of Whatever, but I'd bet she's pretty fun. I'm guessing that TK genuinely likes her as a screen partner, & I think he looks far more into that pairing than BRidge. But, who cares, $Bill was on today.
  14. If you don't follow Don Diamont on Instagram, you should. Yesterday, he made a post about his celebrating 35 years at CBS. He also told a cute anecdote that I thought you all would appreciate. 35 years ago, Bill (Bell), hired DD to play Brad (Carlton). In 2009, Brad (Bell) hired DD to play Bill ($Bill Spencer). I'd never realized that, but thought you'd all appreciate it.
  15. I, too, was waiting for Brooke to snap "just.like.that." I'll never forget that moment. If Brooke had any backbone, the minute Quinn came at her, Brooke would be all "let me go ask Liam about your morality, Quinn. You know, my son-in-law, whom you kidnapped, raped, & held captive for months. Get off your pedestal, I made a huge mistake & kissed my former husband/brother-in-law, your ass should be in prison for your mistakes."
  16. My DVR didn't pick it up, but if I'm thinking correctly, right location, wrong bride. Liam married Steffy in Australia, which Ivy (whom Steffy almost electrocuted a year earlier) organized. You should follow DD on Instagram. Yesterday (or this weekend sometime, I have no clue what day it is), he posted workout pix with his sons. I think they were there, but he definitely was. Damn.
  17. If I remember correctly, Reign was a terror on the Ellen interview last year, where Kourtney & all of the kids surprised Kris, & they told her that Kim's & Kanye's surrogate was in labor with Psalm (I always want to call him "Sam" like the Nori's Black Book Instagram page). I think Reign was awful, whereas North & Saint were really well-behaved, & Chicago was so chill she seemed asleep. I'm not saying the Wests are fab parents, but their nannies do a great job, & I think the kids are pretty well-behaved. For now, but I bet North will be hell on wheels when she's older. She's the obvious golden child of the obvious golden child (Kim), & narcissistic Kanye, they'll have their hands overly full with her, I predict. I also predict that she'll be crazy jealous of the siblings; Saint is going to have the personality, as he is just the sweetest, & I smile when I see him, & Chicago is by far going to be the beauty, as I honestly think she's 1 of the most beautiful children I've ever seen. I'm not sure on Sam, but she'll be even worse to the others than she already has been. Just watch. I hate to put that on a child, but I'll bet I'm right.
  18. Man, this time period is the shits for Katie. First, her fiance kiss-cheats on her. Second, the kiss-cheat is with her sister. Third, this isn't the first time these 2 have had any kind of cheating. Fourth, she's all in on Sally knocking on death's door, so she'll be super upset when it comes out that Sally lied (in an attempt to trap Katie's other-ex-fiance, Wyatt). Fifth, unlike Ridge, who will fall into Shauna, literally, Katie doesn't really have anyone to turn to (of the opposite sex, I mean). It's just the shits for her. Poor Ashley Jones/Bridget. She's had, what, 5 lines in the 2 days she's been on? She's had to stand in the background of Brooke, visible in every Brooke crying scene, acting like this is the first time BRidge have had a breakup. What a waste of having her back.
  19. I've been socially-isolated for quite a few days, but, um, I can think of an organ I'd let $Bill donate to me. His personality, obviously. 😉
  20. I definitely notice that $Bill is way hotter than Ridge (& the sun, but who's counting?). Yet again, Friday proved, the most chemistry on this whole show, is between $Bill & Ridge. They should be in more scenes together. If we have to see Ridge, we should at least get to see the $tallion, too. Oh, Flo, with the cotton candy spandex. I don't have the words.
  21. Honestly, the show is having a good run right now. First, Thomas' aborted wedding, followed by his much-deserved smackdown. Then, Sally's reveal that she's perfectly healthy & playing everyone. Now, Quinn manipulating the frame Ridge bought Brooke, to show the $Brill kiss, which everyone sees at a party, celebrating Ridge's & Brooke's reunion. It's been a long, dry spell, but, lately, our show has been good again.
  22. You've all summed-up my feelings, but I did want to mention, I've never been all that into MA's acting, or his version of Thomas, but I'm going to give it to him: Dude is the best cryer on the show. For real. When someone has a glycerin tear, it's pretty obvious. At the non-wedding, Thomas cried with his whole face. His nose was red, his eyes were red, it was a real, legit, genuine ugly-cry. Since we had an off-screen agreement/conversation between Hope & Zoe, I think we need to find out that there was an off-screen conversation between Steffy & Vinnie, where he confessed to her that he knows how duplicitous Thomas is. Then, she knows that he knew & tried to do the right thing. Seeing them there together, I couldn't help but notice how pretty they looked together. I'd love to see them get together, & for her to exit Steam for good. If Michael Baldwin, who's introduction was raping (or trying to rape, it's been decades) Cricket, can wind up engaged to Cricket, & a successful attorney in the same town he was convicted in, Vinnie can be redeemed for a rumored sale of narcotics. Make him a pharmacist & call it good.
  23. Once in a while, I want something to happen on this show. I get a vision in my head, & I almost will it to happen. You're welcome, friends, today, that vision came true. That is the EXACT scenario I wanted to happen; Hope to interrupt the wedding, in her own wedding dress. I'm hoping that this ends with her married to Liam, only because that'd really stick it to Thomas, but for right now, I'm just going to enjoy this moment & the promise it brings.
  24. I really like Vinnie, but, Dude, shut your mouth! We've waited months for Thomas to get his, don't tip him off! Let us enjoy the hopefully spectacular fireworks! So funny, as soon as Douglas walked into Thomas' room, I said to myself 'cool shoes, kid'. Thomas immediately: "You have to change into dress shoes" (paraphrased). That's why I'm not in fashion, friends. Also, I wore Isotoner slippers with my wedding dress, & it was the 2nd best decision I made that day, second only to saying "I do" to my husband.
  25. Oh, I wish they incorporated more of SC's personality into Liam, like they've incorporated DD's personality into $Bill. If Liam had more personality, I might see why 2 of the most well-connected women in LA, are willing to look like total idiots for him. Having said that, I do think that Liam & Hope really are the ones for each other. I think he loves Steffy, & always will, but I think he always has been, & always will be, IN love with Hope
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