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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. I'm very intrigued at who the peeper could be, assuming that there is a peeper. Quinn was at Eric's, along with Thomas, & Shauna was at Forrester around the kiss, so I think she's out. Surely Katie would've interrupted. I can't imagine who else it could be, although, maybe it was just an artsy camera angle, but, probably not. I do like the idea of Steffy/Liam/Hope working together. Geez, I'm not a Steffy fan, but have a little decency about rubbing her face in your reunion & happiness. I know she did wrong, but she admitted it, which is far better than most people on this show. I can't believe this, but I'm more excited about the Zoe/Thomas wedding than I have been for any B&B wedding in a long, long time.
  2. I know we can't have any new men, so in that vein, I think they should bring back Brooke's first love, the police officer, or whatever his job was. I know the info is out there, but I'm too lazy to look it up, but the man she was engaged to when the show started, & she saw Ridge & found her destiny. He's not a new character, God knows we can't have that, so bring him back & give Brooke someone that is only into her. I will say, it's amazing, she's near 60, if not there yet, but girlfriend can still bring her flirt game when she's with $Bill. She should give pointers. Step 1: tilt head. Step 2: slyly smile. Step 3: doe-eyes, always the doe-eyes. On & on until $Bill throws caution to the wind. On the other hand, DD could give pointers, too. Step 1: look like me. Step 2: be charming like me. There's no step 3, those are all the steps you need. On spoiler topic: I hope that it was Quinn that spied on them. Katie & Bill are boring together, the Bridge ship sunk long ago, I'm ok with a Brill reunion.
  3. Just when you think $Bill can't get any hotter...they have him playing with Douglas, & calling Thomas, "Tommy". Grrrrrowlllllll! Oh, yeah, & that kiss-look he gave Brooke....*fans self*....just damn! Steffy reminded me of Brenda Walsh at prom, watching Kelly & Dylan. Shouldn't Kelly have been included in Liam's family talk? I still hope that the 3 of them come up with a plan to set Thomas up to confess, only to have Hope/Liam/Steffy let him know he's been had.
  4. Seriously, I was going to say the same thing about Hope leaving Thomas in charge of Beth. It's 2020, they make car seats for kids to ride in. They can go almost anywhere. Occasionally, they might even go to sleep in the carseat. Some vehicles even have screens, where parents can play videos to entertain the child. These days, kids can even go over to someone's house. Sometimes, if both of their parents are going to be in the same place, Steffy's house, for example, the child could actually ride with the parent to that home, & even go inside. All of that is better than leaving the child in the care of someone who preferred that she not be returned to her family, & punished his child, for telling the truth about her. But, I'm all in for Brooke busting into Hope's house & throwing Thomas out, & announcing that she's there to care for her granddaughter. It'd be great if Steffy/Hope/Liam don't tell Thomas that Hope knows about kissgate, & Hope stops Thomas' wedding, as it's happening. He could be all joyous that she's come to her senses, sorry, Zoe, only for Hope to spill all of the details she knows about Thomas' obsession with her. Best of all, Ridge's head would explode for all to see.
  5. Awesome! Can you teach her how to cry? Or not make the cry-face, sans tears, to show emotion? She did kick ass today, 2 months late, but still. Her lack of tears took me out of the scene, though. I rag on Liam all the time, but SC is really a good actor. At the end today, his face showed everything it should have, anger/relief/the backstabbed-look/disappointment/surprise...it was all there.
  6. The description for today's show said something like: "Steffy is devastated when she overhears a conversation with Thomas." What I saw? Steffy walks in on a conversation with Thomas & Hope, about Thomas marrying Zoe fast, even for B&B standards. She sees that Hope isn't making progress & is frustrated, so she suggests that Hope leave the 2 of them to finish the conversation (not as rude as it sounds). Thomas didn't really tell Steffy that this is all a ruse to get Douglas to wear Hope down, although, Steffy knows & guessed, so what was the description about? OMG, Liam actually said to Hope today "DUH!" when she was saying she doesn't trust Thomas, or whatever she said. Liam, run for your life! She's dumber than you think, & she cares for your child & your cousin. Grab the kids & RUN! Also, Bell, if you're reading this, black characters aren't restricted to only dating other black characters. Why is Carter sniffing around Zoe? He is hot, rich, & connected, he could date anyone on canvas, regardless of skin color. Zoe wasn't directly responsible for her father, but she knew what he'd done, & that Carter had overseen the whole adoption. Just because they're both black, doesn't mean that they have to hook up. Cure Sally & hook them up. He can't really date Steffy or Hope, as he's officiated too many of their weddings, although, most have had the same groom, Liam, & that doesn't seem to be weird, or changing, but he doesn't have to just be interested in the only other black character.
  7. I'd say the move to Thursday is the beginning of the end. Thursday night is Gray's Anatomy on ABC, the CBS comedy lineup, I'm not sure what else, but, in my opinion, it doesn't show a lot of faith in the show & ratings.
  8. I swear, I legit think that DD/$Bill would do fine on a primetime show, or even in movies. He has that charm that leaps off of the screen. The only 2 other actors I've ever seen have that, are Larry Hagman/JR Ewing, & Simon Baker, from The Mentalist. They're totally wasting his time not using him more. He elevates everything, even when I hate his actions, I'm totally loving him. So, they could have leading men, & the show would be much better for it, but they're only interested in triangles & destiny. Blech.
  9. Our beloved $Bill made the sweetest Instagram post about Lee Phillip Bell. Scroll through the pix if you have a second. I had kind of forgotten that he's been a CBS star for 35 years.
  10. Um, Sally, the last female Ridge "collaborated" with, wound up as Mrs. Ridge Forrester, having a child with Thomas Forrester, & now, she's dead. Run! You have a better shot at whatever terminal illness you're afflicted with. Save yourself! She's way too good for this show, but I'll miss her when/if she's gone.
  11. You've all covered this episode pretty well, but I did have 1 other thought that I haven't seen addressed. Toby "sketching" the garage-turned-studio for Kate, is a big deal. Like a Jack Pearson-level big deal. If Jack had done that for Rebecca, Kate would have loved it. When Toby does that, she's just a straight-up bitch to him. Kate just seems to hate Toby now, or, she did more prior to her brunch with Madison. I agree that Toby wasn't stepping up with Jack Damon, but he has legit been much better since the bonding weekend. Huge props to Madison for having the balls to point out to Kate, in a supportive way, that Kate wanted Toby to be honest, then was mad that he was honest about his feelings. I loved both Kevins with Rebecca. While she most definitely favors Randall, I think she's always known that Kevin is the one that she can really let loose with. Hearing her say that she wanted to skip the appointment broke my heart. As a cancer survivor, I know how much I wanted to freeze time & not go to the appointment where I was officially diagnosed. I knew it was coming, but hearing it made it real. I've thought that Kevin will wind up with Madison for the last few years. I agree that Madison saying that he saw her with no makeup, just her natural self, & he was still interested enough to have some wild, upside-down sex. He needs someone who's all in, willing to go Kill Bill on any Crossfit bitch, or anyone else who crosses him. I think it'd be a good match.
  12. Sally is the same person, who was smart & savvy enough to swipe design sketches from Forrester Creations & quickly reproduce them for her own quasi-runway show. How can she not see through all of this Wyatt BS? Her BS-meter should function better than that. However, if $Bill walked into a room & the first words out of his mouth were "you look great", I'd be all eyelashes & dimples back at him, & I might still be too distracted to not notice that Wyatt was feeding me a line of crap. Also, show, still haven't forgotten that Flo participated in PhoeBeth-gate. Her taking a backseat to Sally/Wyatt, which she knows is a temporary situation, doesn't make me like her or forget. What they should really do, is have Sally miraculously recover, & kill Flo.
  13. I absolutely despise Thomas, & I'm completely over the using Zoe drama, but, DAMN, Hope! When you know that 2 people just got engaged, & it's nighttime, & you hear a loud thud coming from their room, followed by flirty laughter, keep your ass outta there. Again, I hate that Thomas is using Douglas, but there is no way that Hope was right for entering that bedroom. Even if Douglas was having a medical crisis, knock, don't just barge in & tell them to quiet down the celebratory sex. She is so stupid, she almost deserves Thomas, & if it wouldn't make him so happy, I'd say that they deserve each other.
  14. If I was Sally, I'd use Katie's generosity & compassion to suggest that it's my turn to take a ride on the stallion. #SorryNotSorry
  15. I watched this morning while I was doing my makeup, so I may have missed a few things, but a few things stuck out to me. 1. When Caroline died (or Thomas killed her, I'm still waiting for that little seed to be planted), she & Thomas weren't together. They were co-parenting, which is exactly what Hope & Thomas are doing. It's just odd that Douglas is a child who lived through a seemingly healthy co-parenting situation, so, he should know that even if Daddy & NewMommy aren't together, he can still have relationships & plenty of time with both of them. 2. When Thomas was spouting about how things should be he said "Steffy/Kelly/Liam", & "Thomas/Hope/Douglas". Have the writers (as well as Thomas) completely forgotten that Beth even exists? She is a child of a parent in both of those triangles, but she was completely left out in his "how things should be" scenario. 3. Liam is a Spencer. He needs to think like $Bill. If he's going to keep having the exact same conversation with Thomas, record it. Or, put on a Joe Goldberg ballcap-of-invisibility, & get a private conversation between Thomas & Vinny, which will really give him the goods. You have $Bill's DNA running through your veins, Liam, think like him!
  16. Not gonna lie, I wouldn't mind to look like her pre-surgery self. She was seriously strikingly beautiful. Now, not so much, unless you like the plastic, fake, processed look. But, OG Kim was a stunner. Me, too. I had to do a double-take. I've never seen much of a resemblance, but wow, it was there in that pic.
  17. We could, if they'd let you write it. 😉 I wouldn't mind cutting half the cast & keeping Vinny. He's not related, he has a good head on his shoulders, maybe he might occasionally sell drugs, but a little shade in the past makes for interesting conversations.
  18. We've just started watching You. The books are better, FYI. However, our favorite mall-attorney, Matt Durning, popped up as a really bad dude. It was a departure from dull-as-dirt, Matt, to this character.
  19. I missed Friday's show, & didn't realize it until I jumped on here this morning. We don't know officially what Sally has been diagnosed with, correct? Any guesses? Ugh, Quinn, Flo is NOT sweet! Maybe she was at one point, & everyone makes mistakes, huge ones, but... aiding & abetting a kidnapper, signing legal documents stating that you birthed a child, keeping your mouth shut for months, when you saw how much the "adoptive" mother was bonding with the child, keeping your mouth shut for months, when you saw how completely devastated the actual birth mother was, after the "loss" of her child, continuing to keep your mouth shut when you found out that the birth mother was your cousin, continuing to keep your mouth shut when you were welcomed into your bio-dad's family with open arms, knowing that their niece/granddaughter/daughter was alive & well, not doing a single thing when you suspected that someone else who was in on the secret was involved in the death of a young girl, not doing a single thing when your cousin, who's child you helped steal, married the monster that you suspected was involved in the death of a young girl, ONLY coming clean when a child outed all of you lying liars who lied. No, Quinn, Flo will never be sweet. Maybe, maybe if she found the cure for whatever disease Sally is afflicted with, but even then, I'm calling it a maybe.
  20. I was on sabbatical from the show during boink berry, did Brooke & Thomas actually/technically do the deed? Because if not, Quinn could really one-up Brooke by nailing 3 generations of Forrester men ~ even though Ridge & Quinn technically didn't have sexy times, they were close, & they likely will in the future. "I see your trifecta & raise you a 3-generation trifecta."
  21. I'm super late to the party, but I just finished both books, You, & Hidden Bodies. I read both books in less than 3 weeks, & I didn't order Hidden Bodies from the library until I finished You. Rookie mistake, I should've reserved it while I was reading & enjoying You, because it took 3 days to arrive. Anyway, I'm sort of embarrassed at how much I loved them. The first thing that I tell people about them is how hilarious they are. In particular, I'm remembering a scene in You, where Joe is describing in great detail why he bought a caution tape shower curtain. It was hysterical, as are several other scenes. We just watched the first episode of the show, You, last night. I'd warned my husband that it's a bit naughty, but he was a little surprised. It was very difficult to not binge-watch it all night. In watching the show, I was driving myself nuts about how I could forget that Joe had a neighbor kid, Paco, who had an abusive home life. Finally, I Googled, & was relieved that I wasn't wrong, that they were just characters added to the show. I knew that PB was cast as Joe, so as I was reading, I pictured him. However, I'm surprised at the others. Specifically, I pictured Peach to be far less attractive, & far more dowdy. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought she was not as attractive as her portrayer on the show.
  22. Off-topic, have you read the book? I haven't seen the show yet, either season, but I've read You, & I'm on the second book, Hidden Bodies. OMG, they're so naughty, but so, so good. She's a fantastic writer. Again, I haven't seen the show, but there's no way that the show can share the crazy amount of detail that the book does. If you haven't read either You or Hidden Bodies, RUN to get them. On topic: somehow, my DVR picked up yesterday's episode. I didn't get through all of it, but I saw enough to know that we missed nothing in our impeachment sabbatical. Quinn is all in for getting revenge on Brooke, but nice that she took a moment out of her Brooke hate-on to make sure Wyatt knows that Sally's feelings don't matter, & that Flo, the baby-knapping conspirator, lying, childhood sweetheart, is who Mommy wants him to be with.
  23. Maybe big-mouth Katie can tell the rest of us what's happening on the show. I'm seriously asking, are they going to air the impeachment trial for the duration? Ugh, it's on 539 channels, paid & free. If people want to watch it, they can change the channel...I NEED my $Bill over lunch!
  24. ^^I just saw the Benedict Arnold episode the other night. Another great example is the murderer in the "If It's Thursday, It Must Be Beverly" episode. Everyone suspected the philandering husband, or one of his ladyfriends, & it turned out to be none of them, but it boiled down to the oldest motive in the book. It's so funny, if I'd just pay attention to the randoms that appear, as in that case, I'd probably know who the murderer was off the bat. I'm fairly new to watching the show; I never watched it when it was actually airing, but I absolutely love it. For a show where there's at least 1 murder per episode, it's shockingly charming. In fact, my family played "Cards Without Humanity" at Christmas, & I told them that they had to leave a bit early, so I could watch an episode of Murder, She Wrote, before bed, to cleanse my palate from the naughtiness of the game.
  25. No joke, it really is a shame. Kim was such a natural beauty; I'd say OG Kim was one of the most beautiful women in the world. I've said it before, but it blows my mind that Kanye went along with all of the surgeries. Not only because of his mom, but I've seen interviews where Kanye mentions that the first time he ever saw Kim, she was on TV (or something) with Paris Hilton, & he immediately looked up "Kim Kard-a-shawn", because he didn't even know her name, but he thought she was stunning. She barely resembles the natural beauty she was.
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