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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Counterpoint, he ate an orange that was still green. He actually continued to attempt to eat it after realizing it was disgusting, spitting out each attempt but trudging onward with the gross orange.
  2. I couldn't get over that, like, clearly he and his relationship are gross but her biggest concern seemed to be expressed solely as him getting married and having children, again, gross, but also a normal human relationship. The issue never seemed to be that they appear to both be mentally ill, the concern seemed to basically be him getting married and having children, which, again, gross, but something a mother would normally want for their child.
  3. I had to go back to review this exchange to make sure I accurately captured it... Asuelo picks a green orange off a tree and proceeds to peel it Kalani: What are you eating? Asuelo: I don't know Kalani: An unripe orange? Asuelo: You want to taste it? Child correctly declines Kalani and Asuelo both try green orange and are visibly disgusted by the taste because, it's a green orange. Kalani: Why did you tell me to eat that? Asuelo: It's help for your throat. Hopefully this orange makes me feel much better because now I'm annoyed. Asuelo continues to attempt multiple times to eat disgusting green orange while so visibly repulsed by the taste that he spits it out each time. Oh, and before anyone starts, Oranges are readily available in Samoa and in fact grown locally, I checked.
  4. I just had to go back and look because I didn't notice anything exceptional at first... That's an RX 300 from the late 90s, early 2000s, worth $2,000-$4,000 AT BEST, AT BEST, in very good condition. They are actually kind of rare-ish in the US now because they are a very favored "luxury" car in developing economies because they are basically Toyota Camrys that ride higher, thus parts for them are very readily available and cheap worldwide. They were really favored at the time by late-middle aged to older women, still are, so they tend to be relatively well maintained, comparatively speaking. It's actually a very reasonable choice by her if it is in good working order for an older "luxury" car, since, again, it's basically just a Toyota Camry.
  5. So I have to confess something... I had never lived with anyone until I moved into my (now) husband's house in my thirties, my previous adult life had been in downtown high-rises and I would buy as I needed as I mostly subsisted on takeout and frozen meals, anything else I needed was a short walk away. Well, about 5 years ago after the hubby and me decided to shack up in his larger house just outside of downtown, I went grocery shopping, I had just started thinking of our needs as a household which I had never really done before and I saw bottled water was on sale, it was like 6 cases for like $15 or something, it was a good deal that I would have previously passed up because, where would I put it and it is just me but ahh-hah, finally I'm into the economies of scale! Anyways, my husband comes home and sees all the cases of water and I very proudly announce "You would not believe the deal! I figured we could put it in the garage or something, we will use it in the next couple of months!" "OK, that is a good deal, but why did you buy 6? That's a lot of bottled water." "The sign said 6 for $15, it was such a good price!" "But you know you don't actually have to buy six right, you can buy 1 at the same price even though it says 6." "No, actually at 35 this is somehow completely new information to me. Goddamn it."
  6. I still don't understand the Tania job thing, she was going to be a soap witch doctor but is now devastated that her bartending career may be over? How do those intersect at all?
  7. This is Hugh Jackman with his wife: She is thirteen years older than him. And it's super, super common in the LGBT community to have couples that seem more mismatched than your typical heterosexual couple, the lipstick/butch lesbian couple is one of the classic archetypes and VERY much truly common. I mean, I'm not saying I believe it but the idea isn't ludicrous on its face.
  8. Gentrophilia is a real thing and I know a very attractive 30 something, professionally successful man very, very obviously deeply in love with his partner of a decade, a pudgy man pushing 60 with no significant wealth or income, although super nice. The heart wants what the heart wants.
  9. Does she think an lazy idiot with a criminal record like Jihoon can just get well paying stable employment? I think is one of my biggest pet peeves at how people talk about people "living on a fixed income" like the rest of us can magically conjure a significant amount of extra income. No, I can not pick up an extra shift at my office answering emails or making copies. Jihoon will probably spend the rest of his days cleaning bathrooms or delivering pizza for poverty level wages, lots of people do, you picked him, it's only your fault that you married a guy who might work his way up to assistant manager of a convenience store, maybe and can't just walk into Samsung and get a job as a product manager.
  10. The thing is, even if the paperwork takes a long time to process, surely he has like, copies, or he got a receipt when they were filed, she could talk to his divorce attorney who would confirm where he was in the process, he has not offered nor has she asked for any other reasonable assurance that progress is being made. Pretty he can't get divorced until he pays back the dowry, he doesn't have the money, his parents won't give it to him and he is just trying to drag it out hoping the problem magically fixes itself like has done with everything else.
  11. I'm about to head to bed and process all of this overnight but for now... Why do all of these people act like all of all of their circumstances have just, happened to them, do any of the idiots believe they have any agency whatsoever? Oops! You know, sometimes you have a baby! You know that thing where out of nowhere you end up living in a decrepit apartment with a lying shiftless moron in a foreign country? I know this is TLC driven but have some self-respect. I literally don't understand the part of cheesewhiz not quitting the job he works remotely from, I literally don't understand it as a storyline, he is supposed to quit his job that he can apparently work remotely from to get a local gig at a cybercafe or something? I've been working from home for months now, it's fine, they put money in my bank account every two weeks, I video chat sometimes, why would he quit a job that is not tied at all to his location because he moved? It's not even a time zone issue.
  12. Books, movies, photographs, video phone calls with family, his father-in-law? He's not from some insular tribe in the remotes of the Amazon rainforest, honestly what is he even talking about? Also my culture is having a damn job to pay the fucking phone bill. We don't even need two incomes in my household but I'm trying to imagine the conversation with my husband where I declare I've decided to become a part time barista and play recreational volleyball and hence for will be too busy to do laundry.
  13. Besides the witchdoctor gig that seems to not be working out has Tania just given up on any career that does not involve bartending? Like, I'm sure it can be fun but, like maybe take it as an opportunity? Hell, I have barely left the chair in my home office in months for work and they still keep putting money in my bank account.
  14. I mean of course there is the famous Point Dume and Paradise Cove mobile home parks in Malibu where a mobile home can set you back literally millions of dollars but the general issue is mobile homes are typically depreciating assets, difficult to maintain and ironically difficult to move and most people do not own the underlying land which makes for a huge mess in a lot of situations. If you own the underlying land and can afford the upkeep, mobile homes are not the worst idea, the problem is many mobile homes end up basically immovable, in disrepair on leased land which just creates a circling drain of poverty and poor conditions.
  15. His job may be very hands off, but the business is very hands on with remote work very difficult for most employees so it may be a case that he/they feel they can minimize his exposure at work while still having someone on site with ultimate oversight.
  16. I am not asking for sympathy, just asking that you extend little, if any, to our abusers.
  17. I would suggest you not struggle and have almost exclusive sympathy for the child tortured with hatred that he has to live with his entire life and not the people that, at a minimum, enabled it. Internalized homophobia and our relationship with the people, often our own family, that committed that act of violence against us is a very understated trauma that almost all gay people have to live with, even with "pride".
  18. This has been brought up before but major age differences between gay couples is just not as much of a thing as it is with straight couples. I'm sure it's been studied a lot and the reasons are complicated (Gender power discrepancies, decisions about housing/children, finances, cultural norms, etc) and they are certainly not universal but 10-20+ year age differences between gay couples are extremely common and accepted in the gay male community and not looked on with peers with the same suspicion as heterosexuals.
  19. And that matter so many relationships in the US that are overflowing with dramatic proformative gestures of love and nothing underpin them but drama. So much about what can make a relationship work or not work are largely cultural. Like, I know SO MANY gay couples that are in open or semi-open relationships, for gay men in the US that is largely just a choice you can make when looking for a partner, a very popular one, like having kids or if you are going to have a dog or live in a house or a condo, that very much does not exist in the same way with most heterosexuals.
  20. I am personally utterly fascinated with this recurring theme on this show, now with Syngin, Paul, Kalani and Jihoon that you somehow just, get a well paying job like it is catching a fish because I heard it a few years ago after being laid off from my father and heard it from my father in law with all the COVID-19 layoffs. Like, surely these spouses understand on some level that none of these people are not qualified for a career in anything right now, much less a decently paying job with benefits.
  21. Yeah, that I do not understand. I get that there are some "traditional marriages" were spouses didn't spend an extraordinary amount of time together or were even sexual before marriage but that does not seem like Whitney. Oh how many relationships/marriages have exploded because two partners realize they don't like spending much time together, much less living together. And I have seen no indication that Chase genuinely seems to enjoy spending time around Whit, even as a friend, frankly he seems repulsed by even touching her.
  22. The Knot registry was almost certainly a product placement tie in, they did an "exclusive interview" with her after the engagement was announced, they were almost certainly going to do a Say Yes to The Dress! tie in, probably with a plus size bridal line that was product placement was well. In the Knot "exclusive" she says they only thing that had figured out was the venue, I'm guessing more product placement, some destination wedding event venue. For the right "celebrity" there can be good money in wedding product placement. I really think the plan was for them to actually get married, I just can't understand why they would think that such a horrible idea was a good plan. I dunno, maybe Chase was trying to gain fame by proposing to Whit and the whole thing just got out of hand.
  23. I was wondering the same thing, does he have like, clinical developmental delay issues? Like, he doesn't seem all there in the head, every conversation is like talking to a confused 12 year old.
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