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Everything posted by vmcd88

  1. I remember watching with my mom the night Vanessa Williams won. As an AA girl it was a big deal that the first black woman won the crown. We couldnt believe she'd actually won. Through the years I have enjoyed her music and acting. I love watching especially the talent competition. It's awesomely bad. That lady in the pant/jumpsuit was absolutely bad. Miss South Carolina (who sang that Fantasia "I Believe" song) was equally as bad. This show is everything I've come to expect from it. To the poster who posted Miss Arkansas "I wanna be a cowboy sweetheart" yep that woman was robbed.
  2. I'm telling you Teen Mom 2 needs to never go away. How did none of the other parents at that soccer game not tell Kail to shut up? It's not the world cup. Poor Javi, he actually thinks Jo might want Kail when it's really the other way around. I think if Jo were to even hint to Kail he was still interested she'd be down for it. Wow Jenelle has managed to stay faithful for a whole 2 years and had to take care of her son all by herself for a whole month.
  3. I liked this show but the family is really loud as if they are acting in a play and they are trying to project to the cheap seats.
  4. Did I miss something? Do Jo and Vee not plan to get married?
  5. Colby knows damn well she has had more work done than just lip filler. She may very well be 31 but the work she's done to her face makes her look a good 10 years older. Plus her tummy looks weird when she's dancing...what is that? I still don't get what Melissa Rycrodt offers.
  6. Colby's joker face smile will haunt my dreams tonight.
  7. This show cracks me up. "She hits me....but not in the face."
  8. Kailyn is that friend who you never want to invite anywhere because all she wants to do is bitch about her relationship. You try to change the submit, nope she'll revert back to her and her problems. Javi is no prize but Kailyn seems to want to throw her marriage away so she can hang out with her friends. Inviting your friends into your marriage will get you a first class ticket to divorce court. Jenelle is so clueless..."my boyfriend says he may have ADHD." WTF. Yet when her boyfriend mentions that it will be traumatic for her son to have no contact with his grandmom (the only caretaker he's ever known), Jenelle gets all up in her feelings. She is incapable to putting the well being of Jace ahead of her own selfish needs. What is she going to school for again? I missed that. Leah....why couldnt she get her friend to watch the kids while she takes Ally to therapy? She is a terrible mom. When the one twin was sick, she should have been scrambling to find an alternative person to either take Ally to therapy or have someone sit with her sick child... Corey, Corey's wife, that friend that comes over to hear her bitch, her mom. There are tons of people she could have called. Glad that Corey called her on her bullshit.
  9. If the Feds hadnt shown up Lobos was going to kill Tommy right?
  10. Ok I'm slow to understand sometimes. What did Angela do to Ghost's phone?
  11. I kept waiting for Leah to reach in the back of her car to pull whatever the hell that was that kept falling on her daughter. Nope Leah just ignored it and continued to defend her hoarder truck. Funny & sad, scary at the same.
  12. When Chelsea is talking to her lawyer all I can hear is "chicken in the bucket, chicken in the beans, chicken in the bucket, chicken in the beans."
  13. Run Holly Run. The Feds want to use her, Ghost wants her gone and now Tommy is gonna kill her. Wonder how Tommy is going to explain this to Ghost who already paid her to leave town.
  14. Hilarious to hear Jenelle go on and on about how they needed to "get away" from all the stress of their everyday lives of taking care of kids. Really? She has had a newborn for all of 2 minutes and her son on the weekends. Can you imagine if Jenelle had a full-time job outside the home, a newborn and a young child all at the same time? She has no idea how hard it really is. In my mind, the thought bubble above Leah's head as she got her drug test results said "get the f*ck out of here, no way did I pass that drug test, I'm so getting high when I get home!"
  15. This one episode of Teen Mom 2 was juicier/more real drama filled than the entire last season of original recipe Teen Mom. That Leah has some bad hair. It looks like a wiggy weave. How soon til we get a false positive drug test from her "headache" medicine?" Barb is a piece of work but Jenelle should be greatful. Kailyn is just a messy mess. Cant wait til next week. These girls are bringing it.
  16. Was the cruise ship episode the season ender?
  17. During that Farrah/Simon/Sophia ride to the airport I felt like I couldnt wait to get on the plane. You know Simon was doing the happy dance when he safely made it inside the airport.
  18. Did they really need to bring out Katie Couric to give Matt butt paste? Guess so. Also, the Nick Cannon dancing thing was just so awkward. Moving side to side like an very old man is not dancing.
  19. Kandi should never have asked her daughter to move. She should have told her/Todd's daughter. That said.... those aunts should have been left at home. What are they going to have do there other than complain.
  20. 1) Poor Caitlyn you'll lose weight but Tyler will then find some other hoop for you to jump through. Aww...the spinelessness of being a young woman with a need to please. I remember it well. 2) Farrah is just a mess. Wonder what Sophia will be like in her teen years. Damn me for looking forward to that reality show cause something tells me it will happen and I'll be there....watching. 3) Amber....what can I say...at least she wasnt on the couch this week arguing with Geery. She took her show to Vegas and we got a scary argument with new boyfriend/fiance. 4) Maci....Ryan is an idiot. He didnt wear a seatbelt growing up and look how he turned out.
  21. Someone needs to clue Tyler into the reason why Teresa doesnt respond to his texts....he's an a-hole. Catelynn is the reason that adoption is still open. Poor Nova, I'm sure she's gonna be growing up hearing about Carlyn constantly. They cant wait til Carly and Nova meet. That adoption needs to be closed for the sake of both of those kids. Farrah has the worst personality of anyone ever. Maci knows damn well she was not gonna be hopping off the MTV gravy train. She kills me with her moral high ground as she sits there with knocked up by her 2nd baby daddy. Amber....her fiance is creepy as hell. I still wonder what the hell does she do all day besides sit on that damn couch.
  22. I was wondering if the Goldbergs was going to give a shout out to Dance Party since it was based out of Philadelphia. I LOVED Dance Party USA back in the day. Never missed an episode. Folks I remember...Kelly Ripa - she had a lot of hair, the guy that looked like George Michael. Memories. Pretty Poison was on every 2 weeks.
  23. The Gary/Amber kindergarten drop off scene was crazy. Does Amber not drive? Why was it necessary for Gary & Amber to go with Leah to buy school supplies? Why couldnt Amber meet Gary at the school with Leah? The very sight of Gary's girlfriend causes Amber to not go in and walk her daughter into school? WTF. She needs a job already cause looking out the window...is not a job. I'm not ashamed to say that I was gleeful when it was revealed that Catelynn was having a girl. Tyler is an ass. All they do is google themselves. I did get a misty when Maci dropped off Bentley but I got all teary when I dropped my own daughter off at kindergarten on her first day. I get that Ryan cant take off work but damn he could at least said that he would have liked to be there. He always looks like he's about to explode or is in a trance.
  24. When Derek J pointed out that Kandi's dress was being carried around in a bedsheet I could not stop laughing. He had a point. Todd should never have signed that pre-nup. It was written as if the only person who could cause the end of their marriage would be Todd. What if Kandi decides she doesnt like being married? Todd gets nothing and he has to move in 30 days. WTF.
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