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Everything posted by vmcd88

  1. Loved this couple and their elaborate google calendar for the baby. Wait til they bring that baby home and finds out that he doesnt give damn about your pretty color coded calendar. Should be pretty sobering. Reminds me of me and my husband the first night we brought our daughter home. We thought we had to set an alarm so we could wake the baby to feed her cause what if she sleeps past feeding time. We were idiots!!! Still laugh at it though.
  2. This couple was crazy a-holes. Why didnt the mother stay in the hospital with her baby? To hell with going home. So what if I'm discharged I'm sleeping somewhere in a chair somewhere near my baby. Did I actually hear him say at some point that he was tired. If looks could kill he'd be dead cause his girlfriend looked like she wanted to kill him.
  3. They should have called this the "Alternate Universe" Episode. Catelynn/Tyler: Where you can leave your baby with the very same grandparents (2-3 nights a week) you claimed were so unfit that you gave your baby up for adoption. You need a break damn it. Being parents is hard. Complain about getting a 9-5 job and earning a living cause that would be your idea of a nightmare. I dont think Catelynn has PPD. I think she regrets giving up Carly and it's driven home by the fact that they now have Nova and Nova is not Carly. They have made alot of money from Teen Mom and she's thinking they could have kept and raised Carly. It started last week with the wedding. Cate and Ty are all talk and no action. Poor dumb Amber...fiance to a man who has 7-8 kids who he provides no child support. You cant make this stuff up. What are the chances. I guess the chances are high if you start a serious relationship with someone you barely know. Perhaps maybe get off the couch and do a background check on him. Or she could have even done the check from the couch on her iPad. I tell you this group better be glad their lives are so eff'd up cause I can totally see Teen Mom OG - the Grandmom Years. I'll watch.
  4. Wow HospiceDoc I never thought about it like that. Could totally be what happened.
  5. Am I the only one that thinks that Kevin participated in the rape too.
  6. That Taj needs to be somewhere in round the clock therapy. She needs a team of therapists devoted just to her. Jennifer seemed nice enough but oh my gawd, that makeup was wearing her. I get they are on tv so perhaps some waterproof mascara but she had on a full face. Who wants to workout in a fully made up face?
  7. My favorite scene was when Beverly was in the kitchen looking at her spice and the confusion/insanity of finding them without a lazy susan.
  8. I would think that Amber would be glad she has Leah (aka Boo Boo) every other weekend. Means more time for her to lounge on the couch. Farrah saying that she was uninvited to the white party because she's a Teen Mom is just the height of delusional. Trust me Caitlyn no stripper in interested in your man, just his money. I hate seeing the producers!!! Did Maci finally get that ring? Oh yeah and Gary saying he was the one stuck taking care of Leah....just TERRIBLE. Your daughter will watch that one day idiot.
  9. That card that Farrah wrote to herself for those flowers was hilarious. I felt like the end of card should say "said Simon......never." I would love to see Sofia interact with other kids. Damn these folks need jobs...especially Amber. Does she do anything with Leah? I have one daughter who is 8 and every freaking weekend there is some playdate, birthday party, ice skating, gymnastics, swim lessons, chuck e. cheese excursion to go on. How are they able to just sit around cause maybe I'm doing it wrong. The way Farrah talks to her mom is unreal. Poor Catelynn still gnawing those nubs. Disney must have been hell for Gary. The sheer amount of walking alone... Unless he was in one of those motorized carts. We went this past summer and I swear the walk from the shuttle to the entrance gate made me want to lay down and take a nap so I know he must have been hurting.
  10. This show started going downhill when they had Molly quit her teaching job and it became the Molly show. I'm not surprised it has been cancelled.
  11. Due to the holidays all I can see when I see Melanie's sister is the Heat Miser.
  12. Charlie please come back. I cant stand Wanda Sykes so I hope she is not there for long.
  13. The look on Loren's face when Mark was talking was priceless. That guy has no chill.
  14. How soon til Mark pulls his ex-wife's wedding dress out of the closet and suggests Nikki wear it?
  15. Mark and Nikki - I wonder...was Mark an asshole before his 1st wife left him with 4 babies in diapers or became one after (guess it's the chicken or the egg). Do the kids have any contact with the 1st wife? Maybe I've watched too much Say Yes to the Dress but did the consultant even ask if there was a budget she needed to keep in mind when selecting dress. You could see how hurt Nikki was when Mark didnt even pretend to be wow'd at the sight of her in a wedding dress. Reminds me of the old saying of "If you marry for money you will spend your life earning every penny." Wonder if Nikki will eventually end up on an episode of Snapped. Noon and Kyle - Poor Kyle. Noon should have known something was terribly wrong with Kyle's mom when he said he'd had no contact in 10 years. Rather than explain the horrible situation to Noon, he took her to experience it for herself. Now she really gets it. Noon looked lovely on her wedding day. I was sad about how hurt Kyle was that his mom didnt show. I hope Noon/Kyle make it. Alexei and Loren - For Alexei I dont think it was about the strip club. It was about respect. He wasnt asking her to never be in the presence of another man or to do something crazy. He specifically asked that she not go to a strip club. Surely there is something she could have found to do that didnt involve going to a strip club. And blaming it on her best friend was a cowardly way out. A grown ass woman would have said no I'm not going, it's not worth the headache. Or she should have just told Alexei that she/herself WANTS to go to the strip club. Loren's mom is better than me cause no way in hell would my daughter disrespect me the way Loren did. Loren's mom should have said "Little girl, I've been married for 30+ years through good times and bad, talk to me AFTER you've been married 30+ years and tell me what you know about love. For now while you're living in my house, playing house you can shut the f*ck up."
  16. Mark is not interested in having a relationship with anyone. He only wants to re-enact his past. I have no doubt that there are 19 years old women out there who do not want children but Nikki is not one of them. She's a young woman who thinks her love will change Mark. I hope she goes home. Or it would serve Mark right if shortly after getting her citizenship she dumps him for another man who will give her the family she wants. How long after marrying does a spouse become a citizen? Someone should tell Melanie there is 0% chance that Devar's relatives will not need money. How long is Alexei going to tolerate Loren? He looks miserable.
  17. Alexei and Loren - Poor Alexei, his family is falling apart and Loren is the one who needs to be consoled. How dare his family ruin her life by missing their son? I can hear Loren now "why is this happening to me? I'm not a selfish bitch, am I? I just want my beautiful wedding, I deserve it. Besides, he's here with me now and I am all that he needs." Melanie and Devar - I actually am starting to like Devar. Liked him even more when he said that even if Melanie told him that he couldnt send money back home he would do it anyway. Dont let that shrew and her evil sisters run all over you Devar!!! Mark and Nikki - have they had sex yet? Cause Mark seems asexual to me. Fernando and Carolina - in what alternate universe are we living in that Fernando lands a babe like Carolina. Is she blind. What the hell? Josh and Alexxandra - please go back to Poland. You will be miserable with Josh in that small as judgemental town.
  18. Devar's deadpan delivery of how he couldnt work so he was going to make up for it with "lovin" was hilarious. Is the "lovin" different when the cable bill vs. the water bill comes due? Better save some of that "lovin" for when the mortgage is due. Mark is definitely trying to recreate his prior life with Nikki. He bought her the same style car as his ex-wife. How long til he starts calling her by his ex-wife's name? Run girl!!! RUN!!!
  19. Boy this really is some Jim Jones style cult. Just scary.
  20. Even in death Lisa's mother chose her husband over her child. Good for MaryJane for outing Lisa's molester for all the world to see. Lisa's mother can no longer hide the truth. She's sitting up there crying like she didnt know. She needs to have several seats. That repast is going to be AWKWARD.
  21. 1) Melanie and Devar - Between her red hair, red/bitch face I thought Beverly would burst into flames at any moment. Geez take it down a notch, your sister is a grown woman. The least you could do is be cordial. Damn you Beverly for making me side with Devar. Beverly's husband was an ass too. 2) Kyle and Noon - Run Noon run. Cockroaches in the fridge!!! I'd been on the first plane back home. Can you imagine what that bathroom looks like? Kyle better thank his lucky stars that Noon is blinded by love. Hope she's had her shots cause living in that apartment, surely she will catch some disease. 3) Carolina and Fernando - watch out Carolina, nobody will be good enough for mama's boy. I expect fireworks from the start. Cant wait. 4) Alexie and Loren - why does she cry so damn much? Them living with her parents will be a disaster. Here for it. 5) Mark and Nikki - save yourself Nikki. Get out while you can. His ex-wife did.
  22. I really wonder how many other american women on vacation Devar has proposed to. It's got to be dozens before he found one who would be delusional enough to accept.
  23. Melanie's relationship seems like the beginning of an episode of some Investigation Discovery show where a woman starts a relationship with a man she barely knows and is shocked that her turned out to be a homicidal maniac. Sad that she is involving her son in her nonsense. Fine if you want to jeopardize your life with pretty much a stranger but your child....just insane. I just dont understand why she doesnt just go to Jamaica several times a year. Why move this man into your home? He cant work while here right? The man who is recreating his first marriage is just crazy but at least his kids are grown.
  24. As I'm watching this show I'm thinking why on earth would a group like 3T possibly think that anyone would be interested in buying any new material from them? The music business is tough even if your last name is Jackson. How do they make money now to sustain their lifestyle? Does that money come from the Jackson estate (especially the one with all those kids)?
  25. Call me old old school but I dont think Aubree should be moving Cole in without at least an engagement. I wish Chelsea would stop trying to force the "isnt Cole a better daddy than your daddy" issue. Whoever upthread who said Mama Dawn is 39 has got to be joking. I'd say she's looks at least 55 pushing towards 60. I know it's wrong but I find Nathan and Jenelle's arguments hilarious. It's like watching dumb and dumber. Kail and Javi are what I like to call nice nasty. Nice to your face, nasty behind your back. Jo seemed like he was trying to get along with the both of them and at every turn Kail/Javi are looking for a reason to just be nasty. I did wonder if Jo was trying to get back at Kail by not coming to the soccer on time or the preschool graduation. If Kail can take Jo to court for more child support, why cant Jo take Kail to court to get more time with his son? It seems like Jo is at the mercy of Kail/Javi's moods. Leah...she's just a mess. I dont get why MTV just doesnt say she had a drug problem.
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