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Everything posted by bref

  1. I've been appalled by those Prius ads since they debuted during the Super Bowl. Really? Let's glorify a bunch of bank robbers and it's okay/amusing because they're shlubby suburban guys in a Prius? Not to get all political, but I doubt someone would have thought this was a funny concept with a more urban-appearing group of thieves nor would the narrative of them being universally cheered on against the police seem likely. I'm still a little dumbfounded someone greenlighted the whole campaign.
  2. Given the parade of old faces trudging through these last episodes, think there's a chance we'll see Sexy Drug Dealer Guy again? Wouldn't hurt my feelings!
  3. Blah. The little trailer thingy there made it look slightly more interesting than I might have guessed, but I think I'm gonna take a pass on the reboot. I was one of those who was pretty unsatisfied by the first season and I don't think there's any real evidence it's going to be better. That said, I will check in here for your comments! :)
  4. I about swallowed my tongue when the one Klan guy compared himself and his hillbilly compadres to "the finest racehorses" because of their whiteness whilst delegating other races to the status of mules who cannot be deigned to mix DNA with. Are you kidding, dude? Your gene pool could only benefit from some of Bell's intelligence and wit. Take a look in the mirror, you are a middle aged, dumb as dirt white guy playing dressup in a tacky robe. Pitiful. I enjoyed this to an extent, but also: scary.
  5. i like to pronounce it jagular, a la Winnie the Pooh. :)
  6. Just caught up on this episode and I am confused about something. The flashbacks establishing that Claire sees there is something creepy about Hank and kids (when she rescues Jack from the rain)--when was that supposed to have happened? Because unless I've forgotten something (entirely possible), Adam seemed to be visiting with Hank and having a friendly relationship with him up until the time he disappeared. Did I miss where it was established before his disappearance that he had been forbidden to go to Hank's house anymore? Also, I remember that John expressed his frustration that there wasn't evidence against Hank and that's how Willa got the idea to frame him with the ship in the bottle. But does John know what Willa did? This show! Maybe a bit too much going on for my simple mind :)
  7. Does anyone else reading here constantly confuse Cash and Colt? Cash is weird af. Screaming at Deacon that he doesn't know his daughter? Yeah, that was ten kinds of inappropriate. And speaking of Deacon, my two cents on his behavior with Maddie? I'm the mother of a former teenaged daughter, I'm extremely sex positive and all about kids learning by experience, but I would have yanked her off that stage in two seconds flat myself and it has nothing to do with how she dressed or even the guy touching her. It has everything to do with her lying to my face and sneaking out. Not acceptable. MadamM, your exaggerated restatements of other posters' comments (Fine, Deacon is the best dad ever!; oh noes, Maddie will become a coke addict from being touched!) are a misrepresentation of what's being said. Setting up a straw man argument like that is not conducive to respectful discussion. IMO.
  8. The landlord defendant that rented the illegal basement "apartment" looked SUPER familiar to me. Anyone else think we've seen him on this or another court show before?
  9. I might add to the list of "better ways to get your friends to want to spend time with you when you're sick", don't passively-aggressively criticize what they brought as a gift and don't react to being told you look good as if it's an insult.
  10. Surprised he didn't just go with T.i.T.
  11. Wow, thanks to all of you who took the bullet and watched this. Sounds like taking a pass was the right decision. Frankly, I think my love affair with all of the RH shows is at that stage of "dead but cant quite let go."
  12. I can't find it to quote, but whoever said Scheana is morphing into Giuliana Rancic was dead on.
  13. Reading through this thread and seeing the kidnapper repeatedly referred to as Pockmark is cracking me up for some reason. That poor actor. In any case, he kind of reminds me of Mr. Carlin from the old Bob Newhart show.
  14. Three parts is definitely overkill. Unless the ponies make an appearance.
  15. If Katie were a Mormon, she'd be a pretty terrible one considering her fondness for tequila. I do*. Although I suspect you're right about how she won the poll. :) *I am also pretty sure Tom does.
  16. slushie, I think he actually said it was Kim F's first time on since she became a "real housewife".
  17. As disturbing as this arc has been, I find myself feeling a little sad that it will end tonight. Perhaps because I realize so many questions will remain unanswered, but also because of the performances, which I found absolutely riveting.
  18. It would be cuter without Mike in it. I can't believe that dude is going to be back on my television. Can't stand him, and if I had any inkling of interest left in this show, it just went bye-bye. Not that the others are much better, I suppose.
  19. Ugh. Pretty sour on everyone this week. Wish I found Kathryn or Erika likable, but no such luck, and the rest were showing off their worst qualities. I did like the spousal moments of Harry casually supporting his wife's craziness and Lisa flattering Ken with the stallion comment. Eileen, turn away from the dark side before it's too late! I do feel very much like she and Rinna are "doing their jobs" as actresses, having been instructed to be instigators. We already know Rinna will do anything for a buck from her own mouth. But Eileen seemed so sensible and now she starts these stupid leading conversations? Yeah, she's following a script now, and I think it's too bad. Conflict is not the only interesting thing there is to show, SHOW. "I'm not easy to love" may be the most insightful thing Kim ever said. Bambi and the ponies for the win, obviously.
  20. And Annalise and Co. decided to pin the shooting on Catherine why? Because they thought she was actually guilty of killing the Hapstalls with Philip so they felt ok about her getting locked up for something she had nothing to do with? I must have blinked at some point because this is the plot point I am really lost on. I realize they are all pretty cold blooded and this was something Annalise thought up on the spot to account for all the insanity that went on that night, but surely they didnt get an innocent woman locked up for five years to cover all their asses without any concern over it?* *not to mention Annalise is actually still her lawyer, right?
  21. The ladies of Archer (minus Mallory, sadly) pose for the SI swimsuit ish. ETA: Ugh, beware the autoplay video and mute speakers if need be.
  22. Article in the New Yorker about Levin and the TMZ empire. VERY long read, only worth it probably if you don't already hate him enough :)
  23. Seriously, I hope Harvey is returning part of his paycheck to TPC for using his on-air time to flog his OTHER show and the associated tour. What a dick.
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