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Everything posted by woodscommaelle

  1. how about if they just keep her off the show entirely?Justin to Jackson regarding his birth: tell us how it was coming out. Hah! I laughed.
  2. I hate to talk about her skin if they don't allow her any way to treat it, but Jessa's skin looked so much better this episode.
  3. This is no doubt the first and last time I'll say this about a Duggar girl, but I loved her outfit!!!I was also reminded how much I DID NOT miss Jill when she had one lonely talking head at the end of the episode. Also thought it was sweet of Josh and Anna to pay for the meal. If any money was actually exchanged I'd be surprised since we heard the name of the restaurant at least four times. But still, very thoughtful. At one point on the train ride (was it when Jessa had just changed into her dress?) Michelle was shown with a tight-lipped 'grin' of some sort as if she was about to lose her shit....out of jealousy perhaps? She looked almost pained having to flash a smile and be happy for her daughter.
  4. Why does Ben need permission to ask for Jessa's hand in marriage if he already asked for permission to court her? Isn't it 'assumed' that after you court you're going to get married?
  5. I don't think anyone mentioned this the first time around but Michelle is excited bc Jill gets to keep her same last letter initial. Who gives a shit about something like that??
  6. Just one question: Why am I watching this enhanced episode?
  7. Zip line lady: Make sure to brake at the end bc there's a huge tree there. The look on Robyn's face and her 'wha???!?' reply was great. I thought the drive-thru dinner was a cute idea. Since Rhonda loves her job so much couldn't she have just gone to part time? Then she'd get the 'best' of both worlds.
  8. It makes me laugh that Cicely is frequently shown reading an In Touch magazine.
  9. It sucks that Derick's step-dad had to be on camera. That guy clearly had no fucks to give.
  10. Thank you! I was thinking three months but wasn't entirely sure so didn't want to make any assumptions.
  11. Even though I guess it worked out in the end, I love how Brady's idea for double dates initially backfired, meaning double the work for him instead of half!! Also, it seems like no one in that family knows how to pronounce the word 'drown.'
  12. Josh, it is NOT an awesome thing sharing your first kiss in front of hundreds of people! It's just not. Not everything you guys do is awesome. I'm having a hell of a time with this show tonight!
  13. Derick on first meeting Jill: "I enjoyed giving her a side-hug."
  14. Michelle should not even be speaking in this episode. Ugh she bugs!
  15. This may just be me projecting, but these five women do not seem happy. And none of their relationships with each other seem natural. Tailee (?) at the end was cute when talking about how much she loves s'mores. I think she loves s'mores more than any of these people like each.
  16. Definitely. This was the only episode I've seen of her show, and I have to say I don't like her 'style' of interviewing. It puts me off for some reason.
  17. Jenelle, if you're living with your boyfriend and 'raising' your child together, I don't think it's 'co-parenting.' It's plain old parenting.
  18. Shut. Up. Nikki. Jesus effing Christ. And John, I think the world thanks you for not wearing shorts that let your balls hang out! Jenna looked like such a broken little girl in her session with Dr. Jenn. Little bit heartbreaking.
  19. That house is pretty ridiculous for just those two to be living in! So, they went to get their nails done. But, they did them themselves? Huh? Re: the frozen yogurt. Jim Bob and Michelle both got enough to feed four extra kids, yet you couldn't see the top of Derick and Jill's yogurt. And when Michelle walked in, she 'oooed' that they had cheesecake. Whats the big fucking deal? Her reaction was like that of meeting your friend's baby for the first time. Can't stand that woman. And I can't stand Jessa...still. I actually feel bad for Ben. I wonder if he could get out if he wanted to. Can you do that in their religion or whatever it is? Thank god James was there to chaperone while Derick set up the mailbox.
  20. I think Justin used to wear a newsboy (not sure if that's the right term) hat.
  21. Why the hell did they need TWO of those extra gigantic pizzas? That was just ridiculous. WRT cleaning their hands after eating...Did you see how quickly Ben changed his reasoning to Jessa's? He seemed defeated. Weclome to the rest of your fucking life, Ben!
  22. Why is Anna freaking me out in this picture? What is going on ?!?!?!
  23. I thought the purple dress Jinger tried on with the polka dot pashmina/scarf/whatever was totally cute!!
  24. There's NO WAY that Joy Anna liked her hair after the salon (or maybe it was just me who didn't like it). She looked like a 40 yr old woman! (Nothing wrong with that; I'm 41). But seriously come on. That was bad. Loved Michael knee-slapping himself after Mckenzie said she didn't like healthy good. He just couldn't contain his laughter! Hah! That was cute.
  25. I think Mary the rookie is way too cute! I think that's what they were hoping for in Vivian, but alas, that was not meant to be :)
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