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Everything posted by woodscommaelle

  1. I've never heard of the love locks until a few seasons ago on The Bachelorette with Andi. Sometimes on the first episode during the initial meeting, a gift is given to the Bachelor/Bachelorette. One guy gave Andi a lock (after telling her about the tradition in Paris) and they put it on one of the gates on the 'set' and tossed the key into the pond. Wonder if Ben got his idea from watching ;) When Ben gave Jessa the lock, he said 'it's engraved' or 'I engraved it.' Something like that. She said 'I knew you did. I know your handwriting.' Well I would fucking hope you know the handwriting of your HUSBAND! (sorry...this show makes me stabby ;(
  2. Did I hear correctly when Ben and Jessa were in the Italian thrift shop and after Ben tried on a hat (???) Jessa said 'Winning. Winning!' The only time I've really heard that expression was from Charlie Sheen a few years back. Why do they know it, or is it just a common phrase that I don't ever hear? Or is their tv turned on (oh the horror) when the cameras are gone?
  3. But then she used his phone when she was timing his speech (after, I think, he asked her to use hers) bc she said she knew how to use his better than hers. Whaaaa? I don't trust or like her.
  4. After one of their kisses on the gondola Jessa was giving Ben some serious 'fuck me' eyes. (I'll show myself out... :)
  5. You forgot your 'language helpful booklet', Ben? Oh my god. This show needs to be cancelled bc I don't have the willpower to stop watching even though I can't fucking stand this family. Michelle mostly. What was the item she was hiding from Joy at the thrift store?
  6. There was something so absolutely hysterical to me during the dog scene. Shep was so concerned....not with the poor dog having only three legs (bless poor Ellie's heart)....but that it was jumping off of two story buildings. He mentioned/questioned it twice. And it makes perfect sense: I, too, would like to know why this dog is jumping from two-story roofs. Campaign Amy's text? Ummm. Nope.
  7. Sounds like the type of school that gave Maeby a crocodile for spelling.
  8. And what was the deal with the offer being contingent on offering a cherry flavored wipe? Does Barbara own the cherry patent?
  9. I think I tuned out more tonight than any other episode. Glad the electrical guys and peet moss guy got a deal but I couldn't have been more bored by the products. Guessing I'm not the only one considering the lack of posts two hours after the show has aired.
  10. What was with the Chinese finger traps? First I saw Barbara with one and figured it was just something she plays with like I do with silly putty. Always have some on my desk at work. But then I saw Mark with one. Did I miss something?
  11. What a god-awful boring effing gift for Jessa and Ben: a curtain. I know it's the thought that counts but that shitty mobile Anna and Josh gave to Jill and Derick was equally lame.
  12. I think she called her 'Ooskie' at one point last night. WTF.
  13. She probably fell in love with him back in his good ole 'bee-boppin' days.
  14. I'm thinking if you have a dumpster on your property, you may have too many people in your family. And fuck you Michelle. God I fucking cant stand her. JimBob, you don't 'water' a dog, you 'give the dog water to drink.' It's not a fucking plant! I had second-hand embarrassment for all of the people who had their tweets scroll across the screen. Then I remembered: I'm WATCHING THIS STUPID SHOW! I'm just as lame as they are :(
  15. "I did a complete 180 from the person I was last year. I learned how to cook. I started cleaning. I've gotten, like, 30 blazers." Oh my god Kathryn, please do not change.
  16. When Shep and Whitney were watching the campaign video you CANNOT tell me they didn't use a Beavis and Butthead voiceover for the laughter.
  17. Holy Shit. Toni Henthorn was my eye doctor back in 2010! I think I only saw her maybe twice so I don't remember much of her. The name was always familiar (since I'm in Denver) and after finding out she was an eye dr I put two and two together. Crazy small world.
  18. Odd as it may seem, I think it would be possible to run the race without pants. ;) But driving a stick is a necessity! How have I not 'noticed' Tyler up until this episode? He is really freaking cute! And yes, I would also like to know why the one kid of the eliminated team didn't need a million dollars. What's his story? Yes, a Dome Challenge. It was a to-be-continued episode as well, if I'm not mistaken.
  19. I thought the pill box/container some of you have mentioned looked like the plastic box I keep my beads in. In regards to the show, it looked to me like a box full of hair stuff: barettes, ponytail holders, etc.
  20. Pretty sure the 'rock on' you're thinking of is 'I Love You' in sign language.
  21. When JimBob 'gave' Jessa to Ben, I was expecting Ben to say 'you look beautiful' or 'oh my god' or SOMETHING! He said nothing to her (that we were shown). Seemed such an awkward moment to me.
  22. Why would Jill (and by 'Jill' I mean 'Derick) paint her toes the day of the wedding? Hours before the wedding, really. Couldn't this have been something they did in the comfort of their own home the night prior to the wedding?
  23. Yeah I had to rewind that and put on closed captioning. What is Jinger undeserving of? Jessa's love, friendship? Either way, probably one of the most real moments of feeling by a Duggar their entire time on tv.
  24. I thought it was nice that Joy was kind of shadowing Sierra around the day of the wedding. Maybe it's something she'll discover she'd like to do as a 'profession' if ever given the chance. Was Jessa barefoot at the rehearsal dinner? Running back down the aisle after the ceremony gave me second-hand embarassment. I don't like it. If she was in charge of a rehearsal dinner, I don't think in a million years Michelle would ever think of honoring the other family's deceased loved ones like Guinn did. How did NO ONE think of waterproof mascara for a WEDDING??!?!?
  25. Maybe she saw an episode of Shark Tank and wanted to emulate Lori Grenier's look.
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