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Everything posted by woodscommaelle

  1. Before going to a church to check it out, wouldn't you call them to see if the date you want is available? If it's not, why bother looking bc you'll just be disappointed. The three youngest girls are super effing cute! "Hello this is Brandon." So formal. If this is the girl you're going to marry, wouldn't her name be stored in your phone?
  2. Ugh. The headband. What is that? Hipster? Hipster douchebag? I suppose he's a fine human being, but that headband seemed very LA to me. Blech. Jacob reminds me of the kid in Boyhood. Not much emotion. He seems to not want to have anything to do with filming which sucks 100% for him. Now that he's 18 can he say he doesn't want to be on the show? But I guess if he wants to travel the world he's going to need the paycheck. Sully's dog house was very cute. Good job, Matt.
  3. Oh I hated that. It made me think 'Hey. Look at me! Look how fun and kooky I am.' I also feel like Kaitlyn thinks 'she who laughs loudest is having the most fun.' Nick's sister Maria reminded me of a cross between Anna Duggar and Jill Duggar.
  4. Oh my god I wish when Nick and Kaitlyn walked in it was an episode of Intervention with Jeff Von Whatshisname. "Nick, these people love you like hell. Will you accept treatment so that you never appear on another reality show EVER AGAIN?"
  5. Random trivia: Any fans of America's Next Top Model from way back when? Umeboshi was the food Yaya spit out in Tokyo during their commercial. The judges found that totally disrespectful. Tyra told her to get some humble pie. Fast.
  6. What's the deal with Fundies and their scavenger hunt marriage proposals? Was too much for me but seemed right up Michaels alley.
  7. Late to the party. I'm loving this show! Very cool to see Wanda Bell (Catherine Curtin) from OITNB at the school.
  8. I wonder how the bday gifts worked. There were 10 guests. Was each child a friend of a specific Gosselin kid? Did the friend bring a gift for just that child? Just curious. Also surprised that none of the parents had any problem with their kids being on the show. Not that its the worst thing ever, but Kate Gosselin is a fun-suck. Guess they were there for the kids, so the parents were cool with it?
  9. I liked the one girl who was braiding everyone's hair. Such a sleepover party thing to do. Seriously brought back good memories :) Sounded like Kate was saying Colin had Aspergers. Yes? Never heard/read anything like that before.
  10. Im only 38 minutes into tonight's episode and I have just one thing to say: this is the dumbest effing show I've ever watched.
  11. I was sold in season 2/You Also Have a Pizza (Valentine's episode) when Sideboob sang You Slay Me.
  12. Does Katie Ann have a sticker on her car that says 'My other car is a buggy?' Because if so, that is awesome! And Mary, maybe try being a role model to your daughter if you want her to stay Amish. You don't appear to want to be Amish either. She's probably just taking cues from you. Oh, and way to throw your granddaughter under the bus in regards to finding out about Katie Ann's car.
  13. Love Wanda and O'Neill. And couldn't agree more about Ruby Rose. Most attractive on this show? I think I'd go with Maritza, who doesn't get nearly enough screen time. Would love to know what she's in for. She has some great, subtle one-liners.
  14. "Where in 'Rado do you live?" Please stop. I've lived here 19 years. Never EVER heard someone call it that. That competition was like watching paint dry. Somewhere, somehow I need the power to not watch this season. First episode was lackluster. Tonight's wasn't any better. There is 100% no reason why I should keep this on my DVR. Help me. Someone!
  15. Shelli's mouth reminded me of Aaryn Gries. None of these people seem interesting or intriguing. I have no interest in learning/hearing/seeing more of any of them. Hoping I can easily bow-out this season.
  16. If only Chariots of Fire was playing (a la Clark and Rusty Griswold running to Wally World) when the inmates ran to the lake. Loved that, before the mikvah, Black Cindy was only Jew-ish. No interest in Stella/Ruby Rose. Don't see what the hype was. Sad the season is over. Guess I'll have to re-binge watch as I have three weeks left on my Netflix.
  17. I feel like I missed something. Did Gloria have something/anything to do with Sophia getting jumped? And if not, who did? Was it 'merely' a hate crime? Why am I so confused?
  18. Cute kids party. Will is an example of someone whose smile 'lights up their entire face.'
  19. The scene at the lake creeped me out big time, possibly bc I recently watched the Cleveland Abduction Lifetime movie and Taryn Manning played one of the victims. Seemed way too close for home. The scene with the rabbi and the ladies was maybe my favorite of the whole series. Angie trying to pronounce Rosh Hashana was gold!
  20. Maybe she was dressed by Amanda from Project Runway. So, I find Ian's career as an Executive Recruiter interesting, what with having a PRINCETON education and all. Not a knock at all to recruiters; I was a recruiting assistant for two years and have been trying to find a job in the field for eight months after being laid off in October. I guess I would just expect something different with a degree from an Ivy League school. Or maybe it's not strange at all and I just 100% dislike him after last night. What a fucking douche.
  21. Can someone remind me what 'beer can' has to do with Caputo?
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