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Everything posted by woodscommaelle

  1. Is doing Molly really that big of a deal? I mean, he's not shooting heroin...as far as we know.
  2. Steve, I don't think it matters who your next target is bc I don't think you've really had much of a say in this game yet.
  3. It sounds like it's a literal struggle for the twins to make words come out of their mouths. 'I've worked Black Friday. I know how to deal with Vanessa.' Um, that was awesome. So Just bc Becky doesn't want to make a deal with YOU, Vanessa, you think she's playing a bad game? I think she just doesn't want to play this game with you!
  4. Shelli's 'y'all's' sound fake as shit.
  5. Tonight was their first kiss? Seriously?
  6. What would have been the penalty if Shelli chose not to do the 2400 sword things?
  7. Haleigh sounded like Hasslehoff's daughter (can't remember her name) on Rich Kids of Bev Hills, minus the awful vocal fry. Really liked the wedding dress she picked out. Thought it looked great on her. Shea repeated almost everything he said two times each. I wonder if that's a nervous habit or something. It was kind of endearing. Why was the ceiling of Nancy's parents car filthy?????
  8. Zach at the suit store: What color is this? Lady: That's gray Zach: And what color is this? Lady: That's gray, too. I laughed. Not sure why but that interaction was my favorite part of the episode. Why did the entire family need to be at the trade show?
  9. I'm glad this season is over bc I still can't decide if I loved the show or hated it.
  10. Coop's hair looks like the wig Jackie and Roseanne found at the salon, realizing their mom wore a wig.
  11. Did Adderall have scratches or scabs all over her legs? Is that normal for a baby who is whatever age she is? Lol at Barb telling Jace 'it's ok. You can call me whatev' when he was 'confusing' mom and meme. Barb doesn't give a shit. She knows who that kids mom is! I felt really sad for her when she was talking about losing him. I think it would truly kill her. Vee was cute. "Because diamonds are a girls best friend." Why did that sound so fucking creepy? That house is full of 'best friends' for Jace and Kaiser. They think they can buy the kids love with toys. I'm not a mom so maybe this will offend but I hope not. But if Leah wants to be a good mom, I think the best thing would be to let Cory have full custody. That girl is not right. LOVED Chelsea's fear of the Visiting Center being white trash. Cut to the next segment: LEAH! Nice work, editors.
  12. Um what the fuck, Nathan? You tell Jace you want to put him in the oven and eat him? That kid is *not* scared shitless of you.
  13. I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life (or, you know, til the obligatory 6 months of dating comes to an end) with that laugh. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
  14. I'm in love with her final rose dress. Best thing she's worn all season.
  15. Shawn says 'it will never not be fun with you.' And I'm thinking: it doesn't look like you're having any fun with each other RIGHT NOW!
  16. Watched the Glen Campbell documentary a few weeks ago. So, new addition to saddest: I'm Not Gonna Miss You (his last recorded song) Wouldn't consider myself a 'fan' per se but this was a great watch. Watch it if you at all like music.
  17. Some really great LOL moments. Thought the movie was 'sweeter' than 'funny' but loved it. The audience I was in seemed to stifle a lot of their laughter, and I think people's laughter helps make the movie but what can you do??? (Sometimes you miss too much when there's too much laughing in the theater but I appeared to miss nothing with this crew :) A lot of the jokes seemed to fall flat with this audience as well. Every skirt Amy wore though? Way too short in my opinion. Unless....is that a thing now? They just seemed tacky.
  18. I viewed it as the two claiming to be such free spirits, ready-for-anything outdoorsy royal fucking assholes. Sorry. I just don't like those two. 'Marriage is a club. Blah blah.' Shut the fuck up 'Jer.' I do like the show though :)
  19. "Um, John. You get to stop playing everyone else's game when YOU choose to stop playing everyone else's game." This show is boring as shit. I can't understand why I'm still watching.
  20. Kail looked like a Suicide Girl when she was getting ready for the concert. 'Why is it so clean in here?' Hah!! Leah said something about 'bathing' the kids instead of 'bath-ing' them. So she actually used the proper term/pronunciation this time. Or was it decided way back when that 'bath-ing' is a regional term, like the whole commode/toilet thing?
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