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Everything posted by woodscommaelle

  1. One of the guys, think it was Shawn, had a little bit of a Ryan Gosling thing going on. Did we already know this? Ryan is an ex of Nikki Ferrell: http://heavy.com/entertainment/2015/05/ryan-mcdill-drunken-bachelorette-contestant-nikki-ferrell-eliminated-kicked-off-ex-girlfriend/ Never heard the phrase "white boy drunk" in my life. Is that a thing?
  2. Every time I watch a Dateline or 48 Hours, I go into it telling myself 'this is going to be the one time the husband didn't do it.' Pretty sure I've never been right.
  3. Reminds me of the 'bend and snap' from Legally Blonde. I heart that JD was wearing a purple and yellow bowtie to match Thomas' campaign colors. And because I was so focused on the neckwear, I noticed that Thomas had on the striped tie while outside JD's place being interviewed by the press. But when he was walking upstairs to the 'party' he had on a solid lavender tie. Then, once upstairs, back to the striped tie. Kathryn's dad seemed so happy to have her home. I thought that was super sweet. What was the pin/brooch Patricia had on the party? Looked like either a Xmas lightbulb or a red and green Mr. Hanky.
  4. Lol @ JD thinking Whitney read too much Shakespeare as a kid in regards to the assault and some possible shenanigans that Kathryn was planning her and Thomas' demise!
  5. I'm only halfway through so more thoughts later. But one for now: Fuck off, Tyler.
  6. Think it was Ideo. This time it was 'dude', 'rip' and 'wicked.'
  7. If anyone is watching this season of Survivor, Sierra reminds me of Shirin. Their facial expressions are so outrageously animated (in my opinion). Shirin seems so effing happy to be on the jury. Just as Sierra seeming to be so happy just to be around the Duggars.
  8. True but I would like to think she had some psychic ability if that was her trade. However, him FBing her asking her to go outside in a bikini? What?? So weird.
  9. And he was so cute when Anna was talking to him in the kitchen: "I did it for you." Omg my heart melted for him. He thought he was being such a good helper. I used to be annoyed by him but I think he's so adorable now. The one I can't deal with is Jackson. That kid has always bugged the shit out of me. And it seems like some of his siblings might feel the same way. Case in point: at the end of one of last night's episodes he had a TH with Justin (think it was Justin). And one of the crew mentioned 'the proof is in the pudding.' And Jackson asked if that meant he got candy. Justin seemed highly irritated.Oops. Didn't see your post Jenniferbug. Same feelings about Jackson :)
  10. But do they really have a choice to share their real feelings on the situation? And seriously now, Sierra, what the hell are you (or the Duggars) going to do with 200 pink and blue flamingos? What a waste.
  11. God that was painful. When three of the older girls were doing their THs on the couch, Joy seemed especially brainwashed to me. Very sad to see. So I don't think Derick said anything but he was in all of Jill's talking heads. Now that she's married is it a requirement that her husband sit next to her ALL. THE. TIME? Regardless if he has anything to say or not? I just can't with this family. Please. Cancel. The show. Now.
  12. Landon's giggling is too much. But after Shep shot down Craig's first attempt at a speech, and then the rest of the gang asking Craig to please make his toast, he said something like 'I need to get pumped up again.' They cut to Landon laughing hysterically. Editing or not, I agreed with her laughter. His response was just so heartfelt. He lost his mojo for a second and needed to regroup. Also, why/how does Patricia know what the inside of a Red Lobster looks like? Maybe she doth protest too much???
  13. Maci puts off school like Tyler puts off marriage.
  14. "Do you know where an ocean would be?" HAH! I'm in love with JD's voice. And his laugh. And his wife. I just like those. When Whitney was packing at the beginning I swear I saw a diaper in his drawer. Whaaa??? LOVED the bartender's reaction to Shep's "I'll take a triple."
  15. This episode was the first time I noticed Derick's use/overuse/misuse (???) of the word 'whenever.'
  16. When Michelle was 'doing' Josie's hair in the kitchen, it seemed as if she was attempting to make Josie's hair look the same as her own. So greasy. In a shot a few minutes later there was a bottle of baby lotion or something similar. Is that what she put in her hair? So, that whole 'look' is 'on purpose?' Good god. Michelle mentioned something to the affect of: "I've heard doctors and nurses know a lot about a lot of things." Um, you don't fucking say, do you, Michelle? If I never heard that woman speak again it would be too soon. Loved the (non) reaction from the kids when Jim Bob was showing them the gifts he bought Derick, which I will say were kind of cute. But I guess they were either 1. too young to get the humor or 2. just didn't give a fuck. My vote goes to the second option.
  17. As much as I'm not a Craig fan, there was something endearing about him having a glass of milk at dinner. Shep to Mrs. Conover: "How was school today?" He is so freaking adorable!
  18. Your 'image', Maci? Please, woman. Taylor hanging out with his friends discussing marriage? The Meeting of the Beards.
  19. This episode could have easily been two hours. I wanted to know more as well. Guess we'll have to read the book.
  20. That's ok. Some of us see a white dress, some see blue ;)
  21. Poor Anna. She seriously needed a hug. I know Amber hugged her for a second as she herself was still shaken up, but Anna just looked so frightened. Poor thing. Had that been my mom I would have been a mess as well.
  22. Just 'beginning'??? Where have you been the past ten years ;)
  23. God damn Landon's annoying. Sheps' date was beautiful. And Kathryn looked gorgeous in that white dress. How was there such confusion between Thomas and Kathryn and getting to the Ball? Was he supposed to pick her up earlier? Did he purposely go without her?
  24. Shep: Is this chocolate sauce? Waitress: (Little giggling) No, it's bourbon. Shep: No way. Chocolate! There's gonna be bitch slappin' ~ Patricia "Tiger Snake. I need a progress report from you." LOL! (The two of them with their walkie talkies were super cute).
  25. Hayley is awful. If I was Blair this would have been the leg I self-eliminated. I also don't care for Laura but I'm not exactly sure why. And I also don't like Jenny. The shuffle board game seems like something Rochelle and Mike partake in every Friday night in their hometown....wherever that may be. Just seemed right up their alley. Matt and Ashley for the win? I like the two of them. Very supportive of each other.
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