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Everything posted by woodscommaelle

  1. Cute birthday party. Love her brother Jeff. He seems so happy and fun.
  2. Ugh Jessa did her stupid 'heh' laugh (i.e. I'm so cute but have no fucking idea) when asked what kind of flowers she liked. Felt bad for Ben. His eyes were so red in one of his talking heads it made my eyes water. I've never really had allergies so I don't know the protocol, but would wome OTC something or other help him?
  3. Michelle talked about John David as if we had never 'met' him before. Jim Bob treated the ride-along as if he was at home watching a movie and eating popcorn. Johanna should not be saying, thinking or believing 'Expectations ruin relationships' at her young age. Keep your day job, Michael. :) Michelle said 'excavator' like she says 'perpendicular.' 19 Kids and Counting was brought to you this evening by the word 'Steady.' Never heard that word used to describe someone. Guess it's not 'that bad' but, meh.
  4. That hair that Kelsey kept trying to push behind her ear? Never gonna stay, Kelsey. Either leave it alone or use a barrette. Reminded me of Tori Spelling; she was always trying to get a chunk of her hair swept out of her face but it always fell back to its original location.
  5. Elijah's reaction to the lizard shirt was worth the price of admission.
  6. I'm not bothered by their hand-holding but it's just so much so that they probably think the car won't start unless their hands are interlocked.
  7. Anyone know what the necklace is that most of the roommates are wearing? Where is Jason going dressed in a tie? Cute baby.
  8. Maybe it's in his contract just like the Gorgeous Georgina Chapman on Project Runway.
  9. I feel like that one was provided especially for us ('us' meaning the snarkers) by the editors. I mean they showed seven different angles of 'the kiss.' No one needed to see that again.
  10. How about instead of a real tutor the kid gets a real teacher! :) He looked like he was kind of getting his groove on in the backseat of the car. You go, James! Dance like no ones watching!! Jana was very expressive when trying on her bridesmaids dress, which I thought she looked great in, though that fabric looked very unforgiving for someone without a very thin body. She seemed more like a Bates than a Duggar for a brief moment.
  11. Would be interesting to see how the first round would have played out if the other contestants weren't in the room and didn't know the number to beat (just as they did for the final round). I imagine the placements would have been different. Yeji was too cute in her little boots that didn't quite touch the ground. All in all a good series. Lol at Graham's dad saying 'much more better' (or some variation of that) and trying to correct himself, not doing a great job, and then saying 'Hey I'm from Oklahoma.'
  12. I love Ben not wanting to offend any cake-makers.
  13. I'm not a huge fan of Jessa's but if she needed (i.e. was allowed) a job she could model wedding dresses. Thought she looked gorgeous in most all of them, minus the one Jinger picked out (does she hate her???) and the last super plain white one. Jessa does this little 'heh heh' thing that bugs the shit out of me. When the ladies at the shop asked her what she was looking for she did her 'heh heh', like , "I'm so cute but I have no fucking idea." Jordyn's reaction to Josie's idea of a blue dress (think that's it) was pretty cute. Very expressive and nice to see.
  14. I feel like Ryan is going to go wild (I can't think of a different/better word right now) when he goes to college. I see him joining a fraternity and having the time of his fucking life. And I also do not see him going back home. Yeji reminds me of Charlyne Yi who usually plays Jodi in some of Judd Apatow's fims. She's so stinking cute!
  15. Oh my god, Michelle, please stop talking. Alexandria, and to some extent Chris March, seemed to want to be anywhere but at the reunion.
  16. I think Kaitlyn could pass as Britt's younger (or older--- I don't feel like looking up their ages) prettier sister. Yup. I said it. I find Kaitlyn much prettier than Britt.
  17. I totally agree with you that it's blaming the victim, but still, knowing his behavior I'd just stay the fuck away from Bruno. I think Tony apologized to him the next day and I just shook my head.
  18. I know its a typo but I laughed. The family is so weird maybe Jill HAS fed Josh(ie).
  19. How did Violetta NOT get the hint to leave Bruno alone when she was trying to give him the cake pop? What a fucking idiot.
  20. When Jade was talking with her dad on the couch and he started to become emotional did she call him 'honey?' Thought she said something like, 'oh honey it's ok.' Or 'honey don't cry.' I've never heard someone call a dad 'honey.' And as someone else mentioned I found her dad a little creepy. What does ITM mean? I think I've asked before so my apologies for my short-term memory.
  21. I hate Katie's use of acrylic on all her pieces. Think it looks tacky.
  22. Sarah looks like she could be the twin sister of Elijah (Andrew Rannells) from Girls.
  23. I hope it's Britt for the next Bachelorette so I can sit the season out. But, I said the same thing when I heard it was Chris for this season bc he bored me and I had no interest in watching. But alas, here I am :(. Kaitlyn seemed so young this episode.
  24. Sonjia's yellow coat looked like corn on the cob.
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