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Everything posted by woodscommaelle

  1. Is there a worse actor on this series than Mel Silver?
  2. I'm sure I've asked this on twop in the past but can't remember. What is HoO? Thanks!
  3. And therein lies the problem: she's got to 'look good', too!!
  4. Lucy the pig seemed to get more love, attention, and affection from 'T' than all kids combined this season. She's up for Mother of the Year with Michelle Duggar.
  5. Did she leave the hospital after 13 (!!!!) days without a diagnosis? If not I guess I missed it. What was wrong with her (besides all the obvious neurosis and shit)?
  6. Was the sports team lady wearing a Cowboys shirt? The lettering was terrible. And shouldn't the colors have been blue and white? I know nothing about sports gear except that I hate football jerseys. Don't know why I have such a dislike of them. Or maybe it's just the fans I don't like. Guess the wine glass won't ever see it's time at a Jewish wedding. If the guy could stand on it and it not break, no way a groom would be able to break it under the chuppah!
  7. Kieth. 'I' before 'e' except after 'c.' Guess you can't fault the guy following the rule we all learned in elementary school. But this is Survivor. And this is a snarky message board. So, um, sure we can :)
  8. How hard is it to PUT ON A FUCKING T-SHIRT? One with all of the fabric. Sides, sleeves. You know, a fucking t-shirt!
  9. Watching Tori makes me feel so much better about myself. I think my new mantra will be: at least I'm not Tori Spelling. Therapy on a Sunday?
  10. A bit of trivia: The girl who Steve won a date with on the game show, Celeste? Her mom in real life is Dyan Cannon. In the episode I'm watching now, Steve and Brandon were trying to find dates to the Lakers game since Celeste said she couldn't make it. Anyway, Steve gets a chance to make the $10,000 half-court shot. When he makes it, he high-fives people in the court-side seats. One of them is Dyan Cannon.
  11. If it were me I'd be so thankful to miss a night with Brady :)
  12. What about when one of the girls' hotdog brushed up against Michelle's chest? If looks could kill the show would be back to 18 Kids and Counting! I have no idea if Amy is a good singer or not (but according to you guys she's not :) but I love her spirit. She just seems to have an easiness about her. And she seems to be enjoying life. And Hannie looked like she was having so much fun with Amy when she was chasing her with frosting. Thought it was a cute moment we don't really ever see the Duggar kids having.
  13. Most real thing we've seen since this show first started.
  14. Having to do the puzzle using only their feet made me think the producers saw a clip of Bethany on The Amazing Race using her feet and decided to copy that idea. But, since both shows are airing now, guess I'm wrong.
  15. The look of defeat that came over Michael's face when Mckenzie was telling him she didn't need his help bc she knew everything about fires was identical to looks of defeat I've seen from Ben in his talking heads with Jessa. Starting them young, I guess. Anna seems to adopt that same baby-voice when she spends time with Priscilla. Josh's face when having his picture taken with the fish he caught was all kinds of awesome. "We're gonna need a bigger boat." I laughed.
  16. Don't worry, Dean. No one ever thought you were a great actor.
  17. I cannot get over how stinking cute Tailee is. Love that kid! This episode served as a PSA to The Duggars: Here's a family BIGGER than yours and it seemed as if each kid was successful packing their own bags for a road trip. So get over yourselves and give your daughters a fucking break!
  18. Wouldn't you be considered 'cancer free' if at first you HAD cancer, and then beat it? Rhonda declaring herself 'cancer free' was just weird to me. As far as I know she never had cancer, though I could be wrong. Robyn seems so fucking fragile 99% of the time, but then she says something pretty funny (for that group) and she just makes me smile.
  19. Since they know the paparazzi are always around, why not rent/buy a house with a big wall out front so they wouldn't be able to see them getting in/out of their cars at home? I know they can't avoid them out in the real world, but it seems like an easy answer for them at home.Tori needs to stop wearing t-shirts with the entire sides cut out. Not a good look. For anyone.
  20. That was some serious raw emotion from Treach's dad.
  21. how about if they just keep her off the show entirely?Justin to Jackson regarding his birth: tell us how it was coming out. Hah! I laughed.
  22. I hate to talk about her skin if they don't allow her any way to treat it, but Jessa's skin looked so much better this episode.
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