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3 is enough

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Everything posted by 3 is enough

  1. The sisters boutique is not going to last forever. The novelty will wear off and the market for frumpy cheap dresses is not huge. Look at LuLaRoe- their stuff was everywhere a few years back and now it seems to be an afterthought. If they can all make a bit of money while it lasts- to maybe get down payments for houses or pay down existing mortgages then it will have served its purpose. When things go south (and they will), I can see a post announcing that "The Lord has called us to spend more time with our families". I will say this about Kelton: He seems to be a hard worker and he obviously loves his trade. His Instagram feed has lots of photos of various jobs he has done. I'm sure his company will do well. I have never watched Bringing Up Bates so I haven't seen the relationships he has with Josie's family, but from what I have read here and seen on social media he and Josie do seem more stand-offish, like Alyssa. After all, didn't they get a one bedroom apartment so they could not have guests? They seem to understand that they have to keep the rest of the Bates clan in check.
  2. From Kelton’s Instagram post announcing the launch of the company it sounds like Bobby will be handling the administrative end of the business. I just hope all of his in-laws don’t take advantage of him and expect free plumbing services the way they use Chad. He needs to build up a clientele and get paid!
  3. Josie has jumped on the caterpillar eyebrow train. She looked much better with her natural brows. At least they aren’t too dark. Alyssa has gone back to her normal brows and looks much better, IMO
  4. For what it's worth, when I was born (1959) my mother was told to put me to sleep on my stomach. When my kids were born (1988, 1990, 1992), I was told to put them to sleep on their sides, but to switch sides so one side of their head would not be flat. Sleeping on the back was frowned upon because of the possibility of choking on spit-up. When my granddaughter was born in 2018, my son and his wife were told to lay her on her back. It's really hard to keep up with the constantly changing "rules" for childcare.
  5. Erin's music degree is from Crown. The story was that she was offered a scholarship at either Tennessee State or University of Tennessee, but she was afraid that there would be people with green hair in her class. It was quite the topic of conversation a few years back. Which other son is at the police academy? At least Zach earns a real salary for a genuine job in law enforcement.
  6. Since Kevin is back in Pittsburgh, maybe the girl in bed with him is that woman he was chatting with (at the gym I think?) around the time the whole Cassie thing was going on. I remember he seemed kind of interested in her but something happened and he had to leave. I have no idea why there is no new episode next week. On the 4th The State of the Union address will preempt all prime time shows, but next week there is no logical reason not to show a new episode.
  7. So sad that the house was damaged. Surely since it was a rent to own situation there was insurance. I honestly don't think Erin would consider taking part in Rock the Block. I think she likes to stay close to home. I would be very surprised if their new Home Town Rescue series was not based in a small town in the South.
  8. Well it's easy to shop at Lowe's instead of Home Depot, but we really can't expect them to give up their PHONES or COFFEE, can we ? Some things are more important than convictions, after all.
  9. Sorry to see Veronica go. I was hoping she would get 5 wins and get to the TOC. Dennis had an impressive comeback. I have often wondered if Alex has a hand in the fact that clues (and whole categories) about Canada are fairly common on Jeopardy. No complaints from me- I always get them right!
  10. Newfoundland became the 10th province in 1949. The name was officially changed to Newfoundland and Labrador in 2001. A lot of people don't realize that Labrador is part of Newfoundland, and the general consensus is that name change was to remind everyone (especially those pesky Quebecois) of that fact. Labrador has been part of Newfoundland since 1809, but there was always some dispute about the inland borders with Quebec. That was apparently solved in 1927, but Quebec claims they never formally agreed to the boundaries. If they ever achieve sovereignty it may pose a problem. Given the richness of its natural resources, Quebec would love to have it. The possibility that if enough Quebecois moved over eventually they could become the majority and force a referendum to join Quebec was a source of concern to Newfoundland and the name change is a polite Canadian reminder that Newfoundland will not give it up.
  11. I think it's a Lowe's. I remember some talk about the Duggars avoiding Home Depot because they were an LGBT friendly business. Jer is in Florida this weekend playing in some flag football tournament with the Bates boys as per Alyssa Webster's Insta stories.
  12. Poor Priscilla. That had to be tough. I feel for her. On the plus side, some former champs (Alex Jacob and Buzzy Cohen), have tweeted or retweeted encouraging messages. Alex said " In this house we respect all Jeopardy contestants, even if they finish in the red."
  13. None of those guys is old enough to remember Lawrence Welk. My grandparents used to watch the show in the 70's, then my parents started watching in the late 90's-2000's. PBS still shows episodes on Saturdays. I just turned 60, but I still find it to be just corny and awful. Here's hoping that never changes.
  14. I understand that the whole premise of this show is how St. Jack affected every character in life and continues to do so twenty years after his death. I just don't understand why Rebecca married Miguel. It seems like all she really cares about is her memories of Jack, and she is still mourning him 20 years later. Why even bother remarrying? And when will we finally get the Rebecca and Miguel story? I feel like there are a lot of unanswered questions. The writers did a good job with the testing scenes, but they were a little off in alluding that Rebecca is afraid she will forget about Jack. Usually it's the short term memory that goes first- even people with advanced Alzheimer's retain a lot of old memories. The chances are she will forget that Miguel is her husband before she loses her memories of Jack.
  15. That was a great match. I am sorry that it is over, but Ken played so well. James has changed his Twitter name to "Goat Fodder", and has been nothing but complimentary to Ken and Brad. I also thought the zero comment came off as mean spirited, but I don't think it was intentional. A combination of social awkwardness and wanting to make a funny remark. Plus, I'm sure in James' sports betting world there are a lot of zingers tossed around. Brad was so gracious. I really was shocked that he didn't win a single game. But he seemed much more emotional about Alex than the others. Wonder if that affected his game? The rating were sky high. Would not be surprised if there was a rematch down the road.
  16. That test that Rebecca took is the actual MOCA test commonly used to test for cognitive impairment or dementia. I recognized it right away- my mother took it recently. I must admit it was a bit difficult to watch. My mother is 15 years older than Rebecca, and her decline has been much more rapid, but it still hit a little too close to home. I am getting a bit fed up with the flashbacks too. Also, it made me sad that they showed Rebecca alone thinking of the past instead of reaching out to her living husband. Poor Miguel. He really does get no respect.
  17. As far a s the blue dress goes, definitely not my style, but I wonder if Jill has any say in what she actually receives from Citrus and Lemon, or if they just ship her random stuff? As far as the dress looking like something Warren Jeffs would like, C&L is based in Utah. 😉
  18. Glad everything went well. Glad they went with a normal name. Glad it appears to have been a hospital birth. Surprised that the baby was 7 lbs 11oz. As I recall, Abbie had a pretty small bump. Based on her size, I was expecting a tinier baby. So, as of now there are zero pregnancies and zero courtships. Wonder who will be next?
  19. For most women, the moment when you have to change out of your wedding dress is bittersweet. I wonder if the Bates girls had a "Hell yes! Jeans!" moment instead. The fact that they are wearing skinny jeans before the ink on the marriage certificate has a chance to dry should tell Kelly that the "girls wear skirts" message is falling on deaf ears. But of course she just doubles down. 🙄
  20. Oh Kelly. WTF? Even the Duggar girls wore ski pants on a skiing episode back in the 19 Kids and Counting days.
  21. Cute baby. Too bad she will never learn how to use apostrophes if her mother home schools her. 🙄 Hey Lauren: It's coos, not coo's. ETA: @jcbrown: Great minds think alike! 😉
  22. I got mine at 59 and it was covered by my insurance. I had a very mild case at 17 (just the rash on my shoulder), and again in my early 50's. I got to the doctor quickly enough to get an antiviral medicine and it stopped the progression. But given my history the doctor recommended getting the vaccine. You can get it more than once. Remember Jim Bob saying that allowing the kids to get chicken pox would prevent them from getting shingles down the road? That caused a lot of uproar on the forums as I recall.
  23. I think only if they get it as teens (after puberty). My grandmother's sister was married to a man who was sterile because of mumps. They were both widowed at a young age, and when he proposed he told her he could not give her children. She told me years later that she was thrilled because she was 36 and did not want to start a family at her age. She was ahead of her time. 😉
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