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3 is enough

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Everything posted by 3 is enough

  1. Or maybe it just isn't happening. Just because she got pregnant easily the first two times doesn't mean it will continue that way. If you are truly leaving it to God then you aren't preventing but you aren't actively trying to conceive either... And yes, I know the Duggars would not understand this logic. But maybe Austin does.
  2. I saw the movie too, but I did not see the resemblance to Josh at all. In fact, I didn't even realize he had been on Game of Thrones. The dark hair and the army uniform threw me off I guess. Or I am just not very observant.
  3. @RoxiP : I do realize that not everyone watches the Oscars, for various reasons. But the fact remains that it always gets very high ratings and typically the other networks show reruns that night, much like they do on Super Bowl Sunday. It will be interesting to see the ratings compared to the usual Monday airing. I am still kind of baffled as to why they would put new episodes on 2 nights a week when it does so well in the ratings. I would think they would prefer to have 16 weeks of high ratings on Mondays instead of blowing through the episodes in less time. But I am not a tv executive, and if they want to give me 2 episodes a week I will watch.
  4. Do we know for a fact that the Bates and Duggars are anti-vaxxers? I do remember Josie getting her shots. As far as I know, the only ones who have confirmed that they do not vaccinate are Kendra Duggar's parents, the Caldwells. Even if Carlin did get a flu shot it was still a stupid idea to bring the baby over to her parents' and let her get pawed by everyone.
  5. The new episode on Sunday night will be on at the same time as the Oscars. I realize that not everyone watches the Oscars but I have to wonder at the logic behind that decision. What is HGTV thinking?
  6. I will say that Anna appears to be a much more involved home schoolteacher than Michelle ever was. Of course, she doesn't have the sheer number of kids to teach, but I do think her kids will at least be able to read at an appropriate age level and have decent basic math skills.
  7. So the good news is the baby was released today. Her blood tests were good and the jaundice has subsided. So guess what they did? They took her to the "big house" to meet all of her aunts and uncles because, and I quote, "Since it is flu season the hospital would not allow anyone under 12 to visit. So we are taking Layla to meet them now." I know the baby was in the hospital for jaundice and not any flu or respiratory issues. I still question the wisdom of taking her over to meet the family. Sure, the kids don't go to school. But Katie is at Crown- she could have been exposed and then exposed all of the others. I don't know what the incubation period for flu is but I would not take a chance. So yeah, Carlin really comes across as very dumb.
  8. I remember when there was a ton of speculation about that $2 bill. I should see if I still have one floating around. The two dollar coin (toonie) was introduced in 1996 and the bills disappeared shortly after. I really hope Derick puts his foot down and enrolls the boys in a real school- even a private Christian school if they are so opposed to public schools.
  9. Back to the Bates boys for a minute, I bet Kelly has a reputation in their social group for being the mother-in-law from hell. That alone might steer a lot of prospective brides in the opposite direction. I bet Whitney has some stories to tell. I get the impression that she and Zach have distanced themselves a bit from the party line. Between her clothing choices, the real estate job, and Zach becoming a REAL police officer who actually works on Sundays sometimes, it seems they have eased up on the Kool-Aid.
  10. I have never understood why the $2 bill was not more widely circulated. In Canada the $2 bill (now coin), has always been available, and everyone uses them. Saves you from having a stack of $1 bills in your wallet. I did like how Israel asked if it was even real. He is quite perceptive.
  11. That is very odd. I saw a tweet from Erin but I assumed it was just for one week. But I checked TV Guide online and there is another new episode airing on Sunday the 16th. Why are they blowing through all the episodes? I assume they are splitting the season in two parts, because Erin had said that for the first time they were still filming when the season premiered. Evidently they have not picked a town for the Home Town Rescue Series yet, and that is not scheduled to air until 2021.
  12. Nathan broke up with Ashley in 2016 and he's still single. I think that speaks volumes. Having his questionable behaviour documented on a tv show certainly can't be helping, and on a more shallow note he really has let himself go. I think marrying any of the Bates boys off is not going to be an easy task. With the girls it was so much easier because basically they just had to be pretty and open to having a honeymoon baby. Once Katie is formally snapped up there is going to be a fairly long drought until Addallee is of age.
  13. I know banquette seating is very popular among HGTV designers, but I can see where a mom of a lot of kids might find it impractical. If they are messy eaters you have a mess after every meal. If the table moves out easily, no problem, but a lot of the designs have a fixed table, which would make cleaning difficult. Plus, in this case, the vinyl floor might take a beating if the heavy table is continually moved back and forth to access the benches for cleaning. I honestly did not notice the lukewarm reaction to the bench, but I did notice that she loved the table, the girls' room, and the pull-out garbage bins in the kitchen. It's not surprising that the homeowners might not like every single aspect of the renovation.
  14. I hear you! I have had one basal cell removal, and every year when I go for my skin check they find and freeze off another pre-cancerous lesion (actinic keratosis) on my face.
  15. Carlin Bates Stewart"s newborn daughter has a bad case of jaundice and is back in the hospital for a couple of days so she can be put under the lights. Cue the "mommy and sick baby glamour shot" instagram stories. Even though mom is worried sick she still had time to make sure her eyeliner was photo-worthy. I know it is a scary thing, and I hope everything is ok, but I will never understand the need to document it on social media.
  16. The comments on his Instagram page are so predictable. One leg humper mentioned that her daughter also had a breakup and then actually linked her daughter's account. Matchmaking much?
  17. Just goes to show that appearances are deceiving.
  18. I didn't pick up on that, but as a preacher's wife, maybe she craves a home that doesn't look anything like a church? You know, leave work at work? Or she had visions of how difficult it would be to have to clean up after every meal. She did really like the table though.
  19. Well that's 20 minutes I will never get back. I remember now why I have stopped watching the Duggars. They are just SO BORING. Michelle's baby voice drives me insane. And cramming all those people into a small space? We all know they only did it for effect. A couple of observations: Jana walking in with that huge basket full of snacks. They asked for cheese and crackers. The room already had limited space, so let's bring a huge basket for people to trip over. Jennifer looks absolutely miserable. The way those Lost Girls are dressed is criminal. They look like someone took Grandma's quilting supplies and pieced together dresses. I remember now how much I despise Michelle and Jim Bob. Abbie's parents seem positively normal by comparison. I wonder what they really think of the shit show that is their son-in-law's family? The inside of the weird shipping container apartment was quite nice, but where exactly are they living? I thought JD was more established than his brothers, but I guess not. This does not bode well for the next bunch of newlyweds. I think this circus has run its course. Time to pull the plug, TLC.
  20. @ RoxiP: I only asked because Ben has been exceptionally sweaty in the new episodes. Much more than in previous seasons. Not just when he is working, but even just doing headshots or walking through the houses.
  21. How hot was it in Mississippi last summer? Ben was just soaked in all the episodes so far- and not just in the scenes when he was working. I'm afraid the poor guy will have a heat stroke. They are going a bit overboard with the marathons- and they keep showing the same handful of episodes over and over. I think the first 3 seasons total 35 episodes- I know there are some that have not been rerun recently.
  22. The minister on this episode was Presbyterian. Ben's father is a Methodist minister- they are known for moving around a lot. I thought they did a nice job, especially with the addition, but it was a bit basic. Then again, no sense going all out when the family would only be there for a short while. The pew benches looked really uncomfortable. I really like Ben but the whole "Ben has a cowboy hat " shtick was a bit corny. I hope they aren't trying to dumb him up a la Chip Gaines.
  23. I think that Gil and Kelly simply cannot afford to support any of their married children. Up does not pay them a ton of money, and they never had much to begin with. For all Lawson’s faults, he made good money and I bet he helped his parents a lot more than anyone ever admitted.
  24. The impression I got was that Jamie told the other cops that they could not continue to give the doctor the accident victims' info, (no more unsolicited calls) but that they could hand out his card to accident victims. I doubt he will turn into a bad cop, but rather, he is learning that not everything is black and white. He solved the problem without getting well-meaning cops in trouble. YMMV. I actually found this to be one of the better episodes this season.
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