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3 is enough

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Everything posted by 3 is enough

  1. I did like the pulls. They looked great all polished up. And since they have been in the house forever you know they are much better quality than anything you could buy today, and most probably were made in the US. I wasn't a huge fan of that particular shade of green, but I do like colored cabinets. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to keep a white kitchen clean.
  2. I also think the P in the quilt was unintentional. Don't quilters usually lay out the pieces before they start stitching to avoid something like that happening? Or maybe it was regifted. Nurie's dress looked nice. Her poor sisters on the other hand...
  3. Sorry, I was referring to the decorative stuff- clutter makes rooms seem crowded and smaller, IMO. And maybe they could have chosen a smaller sectional instead of that weird hand chair that was blocking the path. Also, the dark wall behind the couch just made the room seem even smaller. Not adding a tv during staging is a pet peeve of mine too. You just know that when people look at a house they are trying to figure out where the tv is going to go.
  4. It seems that most of the houses in the Indianapolis neighborhoods where Mina and Karen work are "shotgun" style-long and narrow. This really limits the options for reconfiguring the rooms without actually widening the structure. If the house is only 20 feet wide there is only so much you can do. Part of the problem is the staging- there is just too much stuff crammed in and it feels even smaller. The wallpaper was awful. I'm sure the chandeliers were good quality, but I am not a fan of that style. Sacrificing a bedroom to make a master bath was smart I think. Most buyers like at least 2 bathrooms.
  5. I'm pretty sure Josie's daughter's bracelet comes from an online shop that she promotes a lot called Made By Mary. They aren't cheap crap but real silver or gold filled. Given that when one sister does something they all do it I wouldn't be surprised if Carlin and Whitney got stuff from there too. But yes, putting a bracelet on a very young baby is dangerous and unnecessary. Hopefully it is just for the photos and then it gets taken off. I remember my daughter got a tiny gold bracelet for either her baptism or her first birthday. I may have put it on her for a photo, but she never wore it on a day to day basis.
  6. Well, they are better than Carlin and Evan I suppose. And while I don't disagree that married couples do need time alone, I think during a pandemic this kind of trip is hardly essential. I also had 3 children in 4 years. If we went out to dinner alone a few times a year I was grateful. We did not take a vacation without the kids until they were much older (9, 11, & 13). Admittedly, we did not have any family close by, so our opportunities were limited. Yes, Alyssa, parenting 3 young children can be intense and repetitive, but those years don't last forever, unless you choose to have baby after baby. And, there is this thing called "school" which not only gives the kids an education, but also helps them to learn how to socialize with people other than family. And as a bonus, it would give you a bit of a break each day.
  7. The problem was the damage was almost as much as the price of the home, which is why I assumed insurance would not cover all of the repairs. I seem to remember a discussion about this at the time of the tornado. At the end of the day it was fixed, and it looks great, which is all that matters. But seriously, this is why I would hesitate to move to an area that is prone to tornadoes and hurricanes.
  8. That was a good way to end the season. I do like the way the decor was changed. And using the fallen tree was a nice touch. I do wonder who paid for the repairs though. Erin said that the Jones' had done enough. Maybe HGTV paid? I never saw any type of fund for rebuilding the house from Erin or Ben. So the main water damage was over the kitchen? The other ceilings were not damaged I guess.
  9. Hardly shocking. He does have a brother who is a legitimate law enforcement officer, plus Lawson is proud of his "rent-a-cop" fake constable badge. Was he wearing it on purpose to stir up shit ? I don't doubt it.
  10. I enjoy all episodes of Home Town, but I must admit this one was not one of my favourites. It just seemed a bit rushed. I liked the decor of the eating area in the restaurant, but the kitchen looked a bit thrown together to me. The apartment looked good. I was a bit surprised that Erin did the logo for the business with no input from the owners. If I had a business I would want to be more involved in that choice. Of course, maybe they were involved and the editing made it appear to be 100% Erin's idea.
  11. I do wonder if fundamentalist families are against cosmetic surgery because "God made you that way"?
  12. In the Craig family photo the adopted kids look less than thrilled to be there. I also feel very bad for Rachael. ETA: The photos posted yesterday are no longer visible. Evidently Rachael has made her Instagram page private. I really hope she was not bombarded with nasty comments.
  13. I started to watch the latest YouTube video. She carries that poor little girl like a sack of potatoes, hanging over her arm at her side. Who carries a 3 month old like that? I know we jokingly call Felicity Vuolo “Prop”, but Layla should have that name. I tried to post a screenshot but I appear to be having technical difficulties. But there is poor little Layla with her feet dangling and her mother’s arm clamped across her chest. Given her heart issues and the fact that she occasionally experiences breathing issues I really question the wisdom of having mom’s arm pinning her to mom’s side.
  14. They are extremely immature even for people their ages, but seriously, postponing a weekend getaway is not the end of the freaking world. My husband and I are celebrating our 40th anniversary this August. We had talked about taking a trip to Scotland- my grandfather was born there and I have always wanted to go. But now we know it's not going to happen this year. We can go another time. Not the end of the world. If they keep popping out babies and don't lose their ME ME ME attitude it is going to be ugly.
  15. Where is the money coming from? Wasn't Evan bitching about having a hard time making ends meet? And someone made a comment about social distancing on her Instagram page. Carlin replied that in the plane they were only in contact with family. Isn't Lawson the only pilot in the family? Doesn't he have a concussion? The stupidity of these people is astounding.
  16. When I had my kids my husband was with me. That was it. No parents, no siblings. I just don't understand giving birth in a circus atmosphere. And don't most hospitals, even pre-pandemic, place limits on the amount of people present for the birth? Or do the Bates Family get special treatment because they are favored by God?
  17. Looks like Home Town has been renewed for Season 5- 16 more episodes. No one mentioned if there was there a place in the loft for a washer/dryer. They never mentioned anything, but that would be very important to me.
  18. I didn't see the eating out photo(s). I assumed they farmed the girls out to John's parents - I guess if everyone has been staying home and no one has gotten sick they figured it was safe. I just don't know. If it was me I would have waited a bit longer before leaving my kids for the weekend.
  19. At least they appear to be keeping to themselves- bringing dinner in, going on bike rides. Better than the alternative I guess. I wonder if they are being more careful due to Alyssa's heart issues?
  20. I started watching Bill back in the 90's when Politically Incorrect was on Comedy Central. I just feel that the past few years he has become increasingly opinionated and kind of mean. I think I started to get annoyed with his increasing mocking dismissal of anyone who has any religious beliefs at all. I totally understand why someone would choose to be an atheist, and I respect that choice. And while I do not agree with anyone pushing their religious agenda on others, and especially hate the mixing of religion and politics, there are plenty of believers who mind their own business but still find comfort in their faith. I think they deserve the same respect for their beliefs. The obsession with obesity is also getting old. It is true that the American diet is not the best, and we do have a lot of people with weight issues. But it isn't the cause of every single disease known to man. And when someone who evidently has never had to worry about gaining a few pounds goes on and on about it I start to tune him out. The whole "Trump won't leave" spiel is also getting old. I am no fan of the President, but that kind of fear mongering just adds fuel to the fire. I do think Bill needs a panel to keep him in check. I miss my favourite- David Frum, he is always a voice of reason.
  21. I used to enjoy Real Time but I think I’m done. Too depressing. Too predictable. Maybe when the studio shows come back, but these shows are too much.
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