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3 is enough

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Everything posted by 3 is enough

  1. I am surprised at myself for saying this, but Josh is actually a lot less insufferable since he moved to DC. I think being away from the family and interacting with other people at work has had a positive,and to some degree, humbling influence on him. He also seems really good with his kids. I'm sure his social media posts still grate, but I don't follow him at all. Just commenting on what I saw last night.
  2. So Jessa wants a small house that is "easier to keep clean"? Do I detect some sour grapes? My bet is that Jessa and Bin end up in Smuggar's old place. Who's with me?
  3. Props to Anna for noticing how hard Jana was working, and actually commenting on it. Am I the only one who finds hanging over 100 family photos on the wall a little odd? I love a special family photo as much as the next person, but I certainly don't have them plastered on the walls of every room in my house. And were they all of Duggars? Derick has a family too. All those frames were not cheap. Buying used sofas and splurging on fancy picture frames? Someone has their priorities messed up. Of course there was the requisite letter "D" on the mantel. The Duggars' decorating style is straight from Hobby Lobby.
  4. So the wedding episode airs 5 days before Jessa's actual wedding day? Will next season be all about Jessa's wedding or Jill's pregnancy? So many choices... Whatever will TLC do???
  5. So the wedding episode will be next week? Or are we now going to have a day-by-day countdown?
  6. On a truly shallow note, what was up with Amber's shorts? I know the character is supposed to be quirky and unique, but those were beyond ugly. Seriously.
  7. maraleia and flyingdi, there was a little exchange between Derick and Jill about his job during last week's episode.
  8. Jill's comments about wanting Derick to quit his job and work for Daddy dearest are so infuriating. More proof as to just how sheltered, ignorant, and totally removed from reality this family is. She is upset because he goes to work 5 days a week from 9 to 5? Do those jobs even exist anymore? My husband travels about 3 weeks out of every month, and when he is home he gets calls, emails, and texts at all hours of the day. What I wouldn't give for him to only have to work 40 hours a week . And we are not newlyweds- we have been married for 34 years! This child bride needs a serious reality check. And I really hope Derick puts his foot down and sticks with his job. Quitting and going to work for Jim Bob would be a huge mistake, and likely to cause significant marital problems.
  9. I have taken the online test twice. I really think my problem is that I do not type fast enough. 15 seconds to read the clue and type the answer is not a lot of time. Of course I got some clues wrong, but I missed a lot simply because I ran out of time.
  10. My husband is Italian, and brides often receive baby clothing at their showers. I never understood or condoned that practice, but evidently it is a "thing". So the Duggars are not alone. The howlers can not possibly learn how to lay carpet by watching it being installed one time. I call BS on that one.
  11. Don't understand the brown shoes and belts. White or ivory would have looked much nicer. As for the dresses, poor Jana did her best. While I would not have picked that style, they weren't totally hideous. Yes, if the extra layer had been the same colour it would have looked better, but finding an exact match was probably impossible. Just feeling bad for Jana. I hate it when certain family members are designated as the "go to" workhorse and never shown any appreciation for all their efforts.
  12. Funny, I turned to my husband and said that I found that category kind of sexist, then forgot about it. Seems I am not alone. There is a piece on the msn homepage about it.
  13. They all have uniforms- Sheldon wears a long-sleeved t-shirt under a short-sleeved one, Howard wears skinny jeans and a big belt buckle, Leonard wears a hoodie under a jacket, Raj wears a vest under a wind breaker. Amy wears a skirt, blouse, and frumpy cardigan, and Bernadette wears the floral dress, short sweater ( the same one in every colour imaginable),and opaque tights. Only Penny seems to have a more varied look, but she did have her waitress clothes. They do switch it up for dressy occasions, but it is pretty predictable.
  14. I have been a fan of the show since day one, but the last few seasons have had so much unnecessary melodrama. Too many crises for any family to handle and remain sane, IMO. Adam and Christina had enough problems with Max but then they had a job loss, an unexpected pregnancy, starting a new business, cancer, and running for mayor and opening a school? Seriously? And why did they ever bother with the pregnancy storyline? Once born the poor kid was promptly forgotten. Julia and Joel always struck me as the sanest couple of the bunch. So why did they have to break them up? Wasn't the secondary infertility/adoption/switching roles as the primary breadwinner enough? Unnecessary melodrama. Sarah and Amber have been flaky from day one so no surprises there. Crosby has settled down nicely. Who would have guessed? Zeek and Camille- aside from the unrealistic house switch, their stories ring true, especially Camille getting fed up being taken for granted by everyone in the family. Glad Zeek saw the light. 12 episodes to go. How convoluted can it get before things start to get wrapped up? I will keep on watching, but I hope I am not too disappointed.
  15. Somehow I have a feeling that Jim Bob may use a lot of "creative accounting" while filing his tax returns. I wouldn't be surprised if Derick would be uncomfortable with this practice.
  16. ALERT seems to be a re-indoctrination boot camp. Any boy who shows signs of rebellion gets sent there- a masculine version of Journey to the Heart. Poor Josiah- he is so over everything. Wish he could escape. Sadly, even though he is over 18 he is basically uneducated. It would be a tough road for him.
  17. I am not a fan of short hair, probably because I was forced to have an awful pixie cut as a child. That being said, I think Penny/Kaley's haircut looks nice. The long bangs make all the difference. Truth be told, her hair was not looking great in the most recent episodes- it was greasy looking, the roots were way too visible, and the tightly pulled back from the forehead with the odd looking skinny headband look did nothing for her. Her hair was much more attractive in the earlier episodes. The new cut, with the darker hair in the back is slightly reminiscent of Robin Wright in House of Cards, but a little less severe. I did see pictures over the summer of Kaley with a bob, so the shorter hair came in stages, evidently. The bob was really cute.
  18. I am just so over this. Show the damn wedding already! IIRC, when Smuggar got married they managed to get the wedding special on the air within a week or two, long before Anna got knocked up. At this rate, Jill will be pregnant with #2 by the time the VSE airs. And are we going to have everything repeated, ad nauseam, for Jessa? We get it, Duggars. You are special snowflakes who don't kiss before the wedding and the rest of us are godless heathens. Ugh.
  19. Never understood the appeal of the visible bra. Charlotte's wardrobe wins hands down. Classy and pretty. But the bigger issue for me is just that I have a really have a hard time suspending reality and wondering how those women, especially Carrie, could possibly afford to live in Manhattan AND have a never ending supply of new designer clothing. Miranda was a lawyer, presumably making a decent six figure salary, but even then how could she afford to buy an apartment, have fabulous clothes, eat out all the time, and never have any cash flow issues? It is Manhattan. Even if you can afford an apartment the property taxes are horrendous. And isn't there some sort of resident tax above and beyond that? I know it is just a tv show. And most shows are very unrealistic. I guess I am just too practical. But seriously, did they NEVER wear the same outfit twice? The only show that I have ever noticed people wearing the same clothes multiple times (aside from a uniform of some sort), is Downton Abbey.
  20. Can anyone tell me what the postcard pinned on the dead guy at the end said? I saw "Greetings from" but not the place. Thanks!
  21. Aside from the TLC money, freebies, and "love offerings", Jim Bob has several commercial properties that he rents out. Also, he has at least one cell phone tower on one of his properties. That alone has the potential of bringing in as much as 10K per month. Knowing him, he probably swung some sort of free service deal to boot. They have all sorts of shell corporations and LLC's. If nothing else, he is quite the shrewd businessman. I think he puts on the "good ole boy" persona to catch people off guard, then moves in for the kill. After all, didn't he put 250K of his own money into his failed senate bid? And the girls do get "paid". Something like 5 cents per chore. ;). Hope they got part of the book proceeds.
  22. No doubt in my mind that Derick really loves Jill. He is such a nice, normal, guy. And such a pleasure to hear someone who can actually speak properly! But I can only imagine how many "WTF have I gotten myself into?" moments he has had since he hooked up with the circus.
  23. Not a style I would pick but it is her ring. As long as she is happy that is all that matters. I do have to wonder how Ben was able to pay for it. I got engaged 35 years ago. I was almost 20, DH was almost 21. We had both graduated with associate's degrees and he was going to night school to get his bachelor's degree. We had decent paying technical jobs. He spent $525 for a 15 point diamond. It was small, but really good quality. I was very happy with it. When I turned 40 he got me a bigger stone, and had the original set in a pendant for me. My point is, he got something he could afford without help from anyone. And we both had good jobs and saved our money for a year before we got married. We did not have a registry. Of course we got gifts, but they were modest and we were happy with them. We got our educations, made sure we had good jobs, and THEN got married. We didn't save our first kiss, or first anything, for that matter ;) for the wedding. And we didn't have our first child for a long time. We may have been young, but we approached marriage as adults. I don't get warm and fuzzy feelings about these two. Two uneducated, unemployed, horny kids desperate to jump on each other is hardly a recipe for a successful marriage. Add the inevitable baby ASAP and that is one honeymoon that will be over far too soon.
  24. I must agree with sigmaforce, I thought the chaperone was for the drive to the hospital, but once they got there there was no reason for her (was it Joy?) to go up to the room. And cameras in the room? Major dick move, show. A little respect for someone so ill would be nice. Although Derrick's mother was very gracious, sick as she was. Loved the barely contained jealousy from Josh and Anna when they saw Jill's new place. He just HAD to get in a snarky remark about carpeting, didn't he? Derrick has a degree and a REAL job. He didn't need to be handed a crappy used car business. I think that's the real issue, not the house. As Joy pointed out, they didn't own the house when Josh got married. Poor Ben. I don't like the kid, but talk about being blindsided! What a totally awkward situation. Jim Bob is such an ass. Where were Jer and Jed? Didn't see them. Hope they haven't been shipped off to ALERT. They do seem to be a bit brighter than the other howlers. Gotta nip that in the bud and keep them towing the line. Just have to add: What was with those deer heads on the wall of Ben's room? CREEPY!
  25. When I was pregnant with my first, I could wait until I started showing. I think I finally looked pregnant around 4 1/2 months. Maybe Jill is just eager and is subconsciously pushing her stomach out so it looks like she is showing. With my second I wasn't as eager to start showing, but I did much sooner. Go figure.
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