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3 is enough

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Everything posted by 3 is enough

  1. I think there was an incident of some kind, but it probably fell into the "horny teenager can't control his urges" category. In their world, however, it was not something that could be let alone. I also think that Josh appears to be a kool-aid drinker, but he does it for survival rather than true belief. He had to depend on his father to earn a living, because he had no real education or skills. He has always said that 2 or 3 kids would be just fine with him, and he never really made an effort to hide his big screen tv. I also think he harbors some significant resentment towards Jim Bob because of the missed educational opportunities. This kid wanted to be a lawyer at one point. I am sure that there are lots of people at his workplace who resent the fact that an uneducated reality tv personality is on the payroll. I'm also pretty sure that Josh is painfully aware of his abysmal education every single day. The fact that Derick has a university degree and Ben just graduated from community college probably bothers him to no end, as does the fact that Joseph is enrolled at Crown College. Going out on a limb here, but if this scandal does result in him losing his job, I think he would really have a difficult time going back to working for Dad. And with a family to support, I would not be at all surprised if in desperation he approached someone about a tell-all book.
  2. Congrats to Ben. It did look to me like he was wearing honor cords, so kudos to him for that. Jessa appears to have back arching down to an art. From the photo they appear to be filming Ben's birthday episode. It's actually tomorrow. More timeline wizardry...
  3. If Sierra is having financial difficulties maybe she should stop popping out babies. Evidently she is expecting her 5th. Don't think Josh ever actually owned the car lot- there was a lot of talk about it being registered to Jim Bob a few years ago. I think Dad just gave him a job. He never seemed very into it anyhow- always delegating to the other employees and taking off for trips and "family time". I don't know if Jim Bob pulled strings to get him his job at the FRC or if he got it himself, but it was probably the best thing that ever happened to him.
  4. From Josh's perspective, both his sisters got far better homes than he did. Jill got the McMansion, and Jessa got his old place, but totally renovated. Of course he should be grateful that he got help with a home, but Jim Bob clearly did more for the girls, and that has to sting a bit.
  5. I knew there was a cliff hanger coming, but I honestly thought that Penny would get the part she tried out for a few weeks ago without telling Leonard. Then she would have to decide between the part and the job. So actually she is keeping something from Leonard. And it is a bit of a deal-breaker. Not condoning Leonard's behavior, but she isn't exactly being honest either. As far as Sheldon and Amy, I just don't know what to think. But I am sure they will reconcile.
  6. They aren't even 30 yet! They could have baby number 4 and wait 4-5 years and see if they would like another. Yeah, right. Like THAT'S going to happen...
  7. Regarding the midwives: I think the ones that came to Jill's house and appeared on camera are licensed. I can't imagine anyone unlicensed would be stupid enough to allow themselves to be caught on film. The midwife who lost her license (resulting in Jill losing her learner's permit, for lack of a better name) was named Venessa, and she did not take part in the birth. But really there are so many holes in the story, details included in one account and omitted in another, that the truth will never come out.
  8. Snidely actually twirled his moustache at the end. Ugh.
  9. From the previews for next week it looks like Josh and Anna had a little vacation without the kids. I find that to be kind of sweet and shockingly normal. A lot of what they say annoys me to no end, but I get the impression that they really love each other, and are good with their kids. Now they just have to realize that 4 may be enough for now.
  10. I am no doctor, but in hindsight, looking at Jill's bump near the end, it looked pretty obvious that the baby was transverse. Her belly looked more horizontal than vertical.
  11. So is there something in the contract that states that there must be X amount of minutes devoted to Michelle's birthing stories in every "special delivery" episode? Did we really have to see all that AGAIN? And are we in for another round when Jessa has her baby? I think that was Johnson's Baby Lotion that Michelle was putting in Josie's hair. Yes, she has fine curly hair that probably gets really tangled, but they do make detangling spray for that. Nine long-haired daughters and she doesn't know that? To be fair that was just a photo op. I doubt she ever really combs any of the girls' hair.
  12. No, not the shower stall, but at the beginning of the video behind Jill you can see what I assumed was a bathroom, and there is a white curtain with a blue valance and a giant blue cross. Looks like a shower curtain to me- maybe it was a curtain to close off a closet? Who knows- but it certainly looked odd. ETA: looked again. At about 10 seconds in you can see that they put a curtain with a giant cross over the bathroom door. Strangest thing I ever saw. It doesn't look like the door has glass in it.
  13. OMG. Who puts a CROSS on their shower curtain? I can't even imagine. Can't they even take a shower or use the toilet without having Jesus front and center? I am a Catholic and have several crosses hanging on my walls, but not in the bathroom. Sorry, I just cannot wrap my brain around this. And if you read the comments, according to one leg humper Jill is earning her Master's degree! *snickers*
  14. A few years back there was a rumor going around that Jana may have had a potential courtship partner vetoed by Jim Bob. I think it was one of those silly "Duggar dating" episodes, where the girls who had NO experience with guys gave advice on dating. They were asked if any of them had met a guy, and someone looked at Jana and she mumbled something to the effect of "well there was a guy..." I think this was around the time of the publication of the second book. I remember people who had gone to the book signings reporting that Jana appeared to be "tomato staked"- sitting right next to Jim Bob or Michelle, and not able to really interact with the fans. It seems to me that this was about the time she lost her spark, and people began commenting on how sad she looked. This was probably 4-5 years ago, but if she really had feelings for some guy and her parents put an end to it it would certainly explain a lot.
  15. That's funny, because when I was nursing, I felt like my boobs belonged to the baby, and she/he was just letting me wear them ;)
  16. Oh the "Blood Song"... I had forgotten about that. Can't even begin to imagine how tired those poor kids are of being trotted out on stage and being forced to sing and play their instruments like trained monkeys. Surely some of them recognize how awful they sound. How humiliating.
  17. The little guy is 4 weeks old. Why wouldn't dad go back to work? Life goes on. Jill has plenty of help if she needs it. And seriously, if her little trip to Texas set her back a bit on the road to recovery she has no one to blame but herself.
  18. Oh yes. Baby was born after 3 hours in the hospital, and 9 hours later mum was in a lovely dress (with heels!) looking gorgeous and on her way home. That's a super birther. ;)
  19. I wish. Of course there will be a cover featuring the new princess, but People will not get the access to the Royal Family for a stream of never ending articles. Jessa may lose her "We're Pregnant!!!" cover, but my guess is the articles will continue.
  20. I guess the good people of NW Arkansas are all "Duggared out". Wonder how long the notice had been posted in the store window. Nobody showed up?? That's funny. We have seen these "Look at us, we are so charitable!" storylines before. Unless there is a courtship, engagement, wedding, birth, or medical emergency it seems no one is interested. I'd like to think this is the beginning of the end for the show, but I can't count how many other mini scandals there have been with no detrimental effects, so I am not holding out much hope that this will be any different.
  21. Heck, even if they did come out of the Clown Car she doesn't care- Jenny and Jordyn come to mind...
  22. I just watched this train wreck last night on YouTube. Haven't seen this mentioned, but when Michelle talked so calmly about Josie being prone to having febrile seizures, she said something that seemed very bizarre to me. She said that Josie will be just fine, SUDDENLY spike a fever and get a seizure. I have never heard of anyone getting sudden fevers unless they are ill. Is this a "thing"? They will never admit that Josie has ongoing issues due to the circumstances of her birth. If they want to continue to be delusional, that's their choice, but their choice is putting their child in danger. That is reprehensible.
  23. Michelle looks like she is praying to Jim Bob in that photo... Oh, Jill. You had major surgery, and you have a newborn to care for. You aren't Superwoman. Stay home, let people help, enjoy your baby, and heal.
  24. When I hear "Orthodox Christian" I think of the Greek or Eastern Orthodox Churches.
  25. Oh Josh. If you are going to make a living delivering these little speeches, at least do a little fact checking before you speak. The only other country considering same sex marriage is Brazil? Check a map, buddy. Canada has had coast to coast same sex marriage since 2005. The Netherlands and Belgium had it before that. Most of Western Europe, South Africa, New Zealand, and lots of Latin American countries recognize it. And WTF is an "Orthodox Christian"? I guess the term "conservative" has gone out of style.
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