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3 is enough

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Everything posted by 3 is enough

  1. Meh, it's probably her version of yoga pants- comfy and her "go to" garment. I imagine a lot of her clothes are still tight and uncomfortable on her incision area, and since she is still in the shrinking belly stage she probably doesn't want to go shopping for new stuff. I give her a pass on this one, even though, IMO, it is a fugly skirt.
  2. Into the pockets of corrupt officials, end of story. This is why I do not donate money to disaster relief in corrupt 3rd world countries- it never gets to the people. My godfather worked for the UN in Rwanda in the late 80's. He saw this first hand, and told us in no uncertain terms to keep our money. Back to Derick- in this case the poor guy is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. And even the "Trust Jesus" comment, which I admit rubbed me the wrong way, was probably just a knee-jerk reaction on his part.
  3. Isn't there a risk for smothering the baby in those carriers? I do remember that happened with Snuglis some years back. When I saw the photos I immediately thought "Michelle 2.0"
  4. And will Derick take MORE time off work to come along? At some point Wal-Mart, and his co-workers who are picking up the slack are going to get fed up. Good job, Derick! Throw away a decent job with benefits for the travelling dog and pony show. I had such high hopes for Jill and Derick and they have "totally" disappointed me.
  5. Marcus will be 2 on June 2, I believe the baby is due sometime in July? Mack and Michael are actually closer- there is only 20 months between them. Yes, Josh seems a bit overwhelmed and less than thrilled. Stopping now, with 2 boys and 2 girls would be the way to go, but that remains to be seen. Meanwhile Josh is praying for a male birth control pill that he can take on the sly. I know scientists have been talking about it for years, but will it come quickly enough for Josh?
  6. I am not. This is the bride who went to have her first kiss in private. I am holding out hope that she tells the cameras to get lost during labor and delivery.
  7. While I have to agree with GEML that missing the Big Sandy trip may have been devastating for Jill, it really goes to show how messed up the whole family dynamic is for the Duggars. They claim it's "Leave and cleave, baby", but clearly it is anything but. Jill's family is now Derick and Israel. Boob, MEchelle, and the umpteen siblings have become her EXTENDED family. Also, she conveniently forgets that Derick also has an extended family. Derick and Israel come first. Period. Missing this trip should have been a given. Because we all know the real reason for the trip is that Boob just wants to show off his ever-expanding brood ("Now my kids are having kids!"). Even if Jill really wanted to go, her son's needs should have come first. That's what parenthood is all about. We have seen this before, with heavily pregnant Anna travelling cross country on the stink bus for a book tour just before Michael was born. It wasn't even HER book, but the dog and pony show has to have everyone present and accounted for. [snip] Jim Bob and Michelle don't seem to respect the fact that Josh, Jill, and Jessa have their OWN families now. They can't let go.
  8. My kids are 26, 24, and 22. No babies on the horizon. They aren't ready and certainly weren't at 19. It just makes me sad to see this uneducated couple who feel that their only purpose in life is to pop out babies.
  9. Baby is due on their anniversary, so they will have had a year as a couple. Of course being pregnant changes the dynamic so much. That little elephant in the room is hard to ignore.
  10. Well, shit. At least she waited for the first trimester to be over to announce. Maybe she will say NO to cameras during labor. If that is what they really want, more power to them. Hope everything goes well. I found the comment about being grateful for having a year together as a couple to be quite telling. I could be wrong but maybe they were not as eager to be parents as Jill and Derick were.
  11. Just when you think they couldn't do anything MORE stupid... I do think the conference is one of the highlights of their year. So maybe missing it would make Jill very upset. And she does not seem to be putting the baby first. I do hope they had the sense to fly. They don't get their first shots until they are 2 months old. Curious if Alyssa Bates Webster is there. I would guess not. She seems to have more common sense than Jill.
  12. Yeah, the "no shame" remark didn't sit well with me either. I can understand being disappointed that the birth didn't happen as planned, but what's done is done, just move on. I never had a c-section, but in my mind the scariest part is not the actual procedure, but the fact that you have to recover from major surgery, while you still have to care for a newborn, which is exhausting even if you have an easy, uncomplicated birth. Although I have heard (and maybe Doodlebug can speak to this) that subsequent c-sections are not as painful because the nerves have already been damaged with the first. Have no idea whether this is fact or myth. But in all seriousness, what if Jill was to develop PPD? would she get help or just "pray it away"? And is it more common in women who have had complicated births? I am not talking "baby blues", which most women experience to some degree, but full blown post-partum depression. There seems to be a lot of shame associated with it. How would a Duggar handle it?
  13. Honestly, I think Joy has straight hair because she can't be bothered to fuss with it. She also has a much lighter hand with the makeup than her sisters, (and her skin looks healthier- coincidence? I think not.) She really isn't into all the girly stuff, much as she has been steered in that direction. Good for her. Back on topic, I am still not convinced that Jessa is pregnant. Those side views aren't convincing me, and if she has put on some weight it could very well have gone to her boobs as well as her waist. I certainly hope she isn't, but if there is an announcement tomorrow I won't be surprised either.
  14. Ah, but here's the difference: She was told it wasn't out of the question, but not "assured that the next one would be a VBAC". Jill seems to thinks that #2 is guaranteed to be a VBAC. She is setting herself up for some major disappointment, IMO.
  15. I still think it will be the M4 gender reveal. That has not been addressed on the show yet, and Josh and Anna need to remind people they still exist.
  16. Translation: I really wanted to be a nurse or CNM but Daddy said no. This was the compromise.
  17. With "only 3 episodes left!" you know they are setting up for a cliff-hanger. Penny gets the part and has to tell Leonard...Blah, blah. blah. Definitely not up to the standards of recent episodes.
  18. So have we really heard ANYTHING about little Israel? That he sleeps a lot, or he is very alert, or he has a big appetite, likes to be held? Nothing. It's all about Jill and her trauma.
  19. That side view looks perfectly normal to me. I always wondered if there was enough food to go around in the TTH anyhow. Now she is cooking for 2, and there is probably more than enough for seconds. Heck, I gained 10 lbs after I got married. Sundays with lunch at my Italian mother-in-law followed by dinner at my parents were partly to blame. I remember the endless speculation about Anna between Michael and Marcus, and before she announced she was pregnant with M4. And the camera does make people look heavier. Jessa will announce a pregnancy when she is ready. I sincerely doubt that it will be quite as early as Jill did- I can see her waiting until she is 3-4 months along. And I would not be at all surprised if the cameras did not roll during her labor and delivery. I don't think she would be on board with that. But on the plus side, they will be married for 6 months in 2 weeks, and still no pregnancy announcement. Pretty unusual for a Duggar.
  20. The Royal Baby may grab the headlines, but we will not get nearly as much info about the birth. We will get something along the lines of: Buckingham Palace (Or HRH Queen Elizabeth) is pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge has safely delivered a son/daughter, on dd/mm/yyyy. We may or may not get the weight of the baby. There will be photos of the Duchess leaving the hospital with the baby in her arms. Then probably not much until the christening. Possibly a cute photo of Prince George with his little sibling. The Royals certainly manage to do a pretty good job of guarding their privacy when you consider the fishbowl they live in. The Duggars , on the other hand , have no qualms about sharing ANYTHING. Cameras following Josh and Anna to their hotel room door after their wedding, Anna's toilet birth, and the multiple scenes of plugged toilets we have had to endure come to mind.
  21. Well I just went and real today's People exclusive. How illuminating. Apparently he "encouraged" Jill by reading Bible verses and singing hymns. Just what every woman wants when she is in the midst of a difficult labor. They certainly are milking this for all it's worth. The comments were entertaining. I would say 90% of them were complaining about the excessive Duggar coverage.
  22. Well I don't know if I am strange, but after my daughter was born I remember being in the hospital room alone thinking that I could never do this again. And this was an uncomplicated vaginal birth of a 6lb 8oz baby. My only issue was a wonky epidural that only took on one side, so I felt a lot of pain. Of course I got over it and was back again 2 years later. This time I had a boy, and I thought " Well I never have to do this again" But number 3 had other ideas and I was back again 2 years later, secure in the knowledge that DH had had a vasectomy. My point is "next time" was the farthest thing from my mind after giving birth. And I did not have any of Jill's issues. Can't she just enjoy her son and not worry about "next time"? It seems very sad, and at the same time somewhat greedy to me.
  23. I stand corrected about the going out to lunch after her water broke. I apologize if I sounded critical of any women who didn't drop everything and rush to the hospital as soon as their water broke. I also took my time and had a shower and made sure my little ones were ok before leaving. And if you are in close contact with your OB and they say to go ahead and have a meal first or do what you need to do before coming in, so much better. But Jill just pisses me off with her "I am a trained midwife and I know more than the trained and licensed doctors and nurses" attitude. I think the thing that had me more wigged out was that she had tested positive for Strep B. If she knew this in advance, and she should have if she had proper prenatal care, then she really should have headed to the hospital asap. I think the details are just so fuzzy, the stories keep changing, and it's getting to the point where you can't believe a word anyone is saying. I don't know if they are in serious damage control mode, if they are trying to drum up anticipation for the birth episode, or if they are really just that stupid. Probably a combination of all of the above.
  24. The thing is that when your children are covered on your insurance plan, the premiums only go up once, when you add "dependents". It doesn't matter if you have 1 child or 20, you pay the same premium. My daughter turned 26 last December and she was kicked off our plan IMMEDIATELY, but the premiums did not go down. So Boob being the cheapskate he is, I can see him allowing Jessa to stay on the plan until she ages out. After all, it isn't costing him any extra $$$.
  25. So I just read the latest People article. It says that her water broke on Saturday morning, yet she supposedly went out to lunch at the Mexican place that day to see if "things could get going". Who goes out to eat AFTER their water breaks? And did she know she had tested positive for Strep B at this time? I just don't know. There seems to be some back-pedaling going on. Certainly I sympathize that her labor and delivery didn't go as planned, but I would have thought that someone who truly believes that babies are a gift from God would not hesitate to put the health of the baby first and foremost. It certainly does not seem to be the case. My water broke with my third baby. I was 4 days overdue at the time. Called the doctor, and was told to come in to the hospital right away. They gave me pitocin to start the contractions and my son was born 6 hours later. End of story. This was nearly 23 years ago, but I had been told that when your water breaks the baby is much more prone to infection and should be born asap. I did not question what sounded like perfectly reasonable advice.
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