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3 is enough

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Everything posted by 3 is enough

  1. I have to cut Anna some slack here. If I were her I would not want to venture outside without some friendly support. And let's face it- the "sister nannies" know what it is like to be wronged by Josh too. I'd like to think they are having a real bitchfest when JB and Michelle aren't around to hear them.
  2. No, you can still access the page and see all of the old postings. Maybe it is just me. It's late and I'm definitely not the most tech-savvy person out there. But my wifi is definitely working, and I just found it odd that only Josh's instagram page was the only one that showed no internet access. Honestly, I do not understand why they (Josh and Anna) don't just delete their accounts, or at the very least go private. What is the point of exposing themselves to all of the nasty comments?
  3. Ok, so I don't know whether this means anything, but I was playing with my phone, looking at various instagram accounts, and checked out Josh's just to see if the nasty comments are still accumulating. When his page came up there was a red banner on top that said no internet access. My wifi connection was fine, and all the other pages were accessible. So maybe he really is someplace where they confiscated his phone. I wonder if he is in Rockford, and they are excluding him from any public appearances to avoid distractions and negative publicity. YMMV, but I thought it was interesting. If he still has a phone, I highly doubt it would be turned off. It was practically glued to his hand.
  4. From ET Online: http://www.etonline.com/news/171148_jessa_seewald_publicly_sides_with_father_in_law_who_called_josh_duggar_a_pretender/ Pretty much just talking about Jessa re-tweeting her father-in-law's rant, but interestingly enough they said that Josh "allegedly" checked into rehab.
  5. I kinda hope he bolted. That place is a joke. He really needed help back when he molested his sisters. He didn't get it. Thanks, Mom and Dad. I don't think he needs rehab for looking at porn and cheating on his wife. It seems to me that he was railroaded into marrying too young, railroaded into having a bunch of kids before he was really ready, and now he has come to realize that this is not the life he wanted. Not excusing his actions for a second, but it would probably be better for everyone involved if they just called it quits. The children are young enough to adapt, and it would be healthier for them in the long run. Of course it would be a terrible blow for Anna, but I believe that eventually she would realize that divorce is better than spending the next 50 years with a husband she can never trust. I can't even imagine how resentful he would become towards Anna and the kids if he stayed just because it was the "right thing to do". Really, the whole situation is just so sad for everyone involved. And I can totally see Josh saying "Screw you, Dad", and spilling the beans in a tell-all book.
  6. I am very "encouraged" that Jill referred to the Duggars as her extended family. It seems her priorities are with Derick and Israel, as they should be. Judging from the pictures they seem to have a pretty decent house- maybe they really are planning a long term stay. I thought Derick fell into the Duggar trap hook, line, and sinker after the wedding, but now I am wondering if he was just biding his time and laying the groundwork to take Jill far, far, away as soon as he could manage it. Still baffled by the purpose of missionaries in an overwhelming Catholic country, but if it lets them escape from Jim Bob's clutches I am on board. I can't really blame Jill for her poor grammar. Her teacher was Michelle, after all. ETA: That donate button on their website really pisses me off.
  7. Josh got married in 2008, so he has had open access since then. Maybe he is the reason for the password and phone protection rules? Or maybe he did his porn surfing on the computer at Duggar Motors. I think he started working at the car lot before he got married. Or maybe the porn was a vice he picked up after he got married? All the timelines are just so confusing.
  8. Maybe he didn't get online until they moved to the TTH. I think he was around 16 then. And he had that little nook to work on his "video business" with "no rug rats allowed". What baffles me is that he supposedly frequented strip clubs in NW Arkansas. I'm surprised no one recognized him and went public with that info. I was under the impression that the Duggars were fairly well-known in their part of the state. But then again strip club patrons probably were not fans of the show.
  9. Oh, FFS! She gave birth, by c-section, to a very large baby less than 5 months ago! Not so easy to bounce back to a flat tummy after that. I know it is technically possible ( we are talking Duggars, after all), but why do the leghumpers actually encourage this madness?
  10. I really hated it when Jim Bob took the whole family to a restaurant for "kids eat free night". What an ass. You could see the owners kissing the night's profits goodbye, but who is going to say "you have too many kids for the offer" with the cameras rolling? I bet the cheap bastard gave the wait staff those ridiculous fake money tracts instead of tips too.
  11. Just read the People article. Pretty much the same stuff that was online, but they did address Christian patriarchy, Bill Gothard, and Quiverfull. Also, the "source close to the family" said that "there's not a lot of difference between what they are doing and a cult". Finally a mainstream publication, fluffy as it is, is actually addressing what we have known for years. Oh, and they quoted Amy, who went to pray with them and gave Anna "the biggest hug on the planet". Guess we know who the "source" is. I got the cover with the heroes too. I will check the copies at the grocery store the next time I go. I have to say, having airline points that were about to expire came at a really good time. My subscription started just as Joshgate 1.0 broke. I would not have forked out the money for People if it wasn't free. Oh, and only 3 letters about the Jill and Jessa story last week. People are praying for them, and one reader said they needed peace, not more exposure.
  12. The end of the courtship was not announced until after the show was formally cancelled. There is some speculation that that was the straw that broke the camel's back, while others think that Marjorie's family agreed to postpone the announcement until things died down after the scandal broke. Marjorie just might be the type to spill the details in the future.
  13. People would still watch the Duggars. Maybe not leghumpers, but those who disagree with everything they stand for would enjoy seeing their downfall. Isn't the main attraction of most "reality tv" the freak factor? People watch and think, "My life might suck, but at least I am not those people". Of course the show would have to change, and show more conflict. A rehash of 19 Kids and Counting where they go on about how special they are and show the same boring stuff over and over would not work. And I doubt Jim Bob would ever agree to show the real goings-on in the TTH. But you never know. People desperate for money do desperate things, and with all those kids and grandkids to support his funds won't last forever.
  14. The STD that Josh would really have to worry about is Chlamydia. It is very common, most people who have it have no symptoms, and if passed on to a baby in utero can cause eye infections and pneumonia. The kicker is that if it goes undiagnosed in a woman, it can cause serious, permanent damage to a woman's reproductive system, making it impossible for her to get pregnant. Anna better get tested ASAP. How ironic would it be if Josh's messing around actually stopped the baby train?
  15. I think he thought he wanted the life at the beginning, albeit without 19 kids, and after a few years and a couple of kids the novelty wore off. Then going to Washington and meeting people outside the circle he just felt more and more trapped. I think the first Ashley Madison account was opened in 2011? So probably after Michael was born- he started to think, "oh crap, this shit is getting REAL", and he started panicking and ramped up from the porn. The signs that he wasn't totally on board with his parents' lifestyle were there: the big screen tv, the fact that he kept saying 2 or 3 kids would be fine. When the FRC came calling it must have been a dream come true. I think he really did love Anna, but in the real world she would have been his high school sweetheart, he would have outgrown her, and always remembered her fondly. But with 4 kids he could not leave. Should he have insisted on birth control? Of course. But at the end of the day, we don't know what really was going through his head, what was really going on at home when the cameras were off, or how much he parents and the cult messed him up. That doesn't excuse his cheating, and don't even get me started on the molestation, but I think this is a really screwed up individual. I always had a bit of a soft spot for Josh. His smugness, sanctimoniousness, and politics made me see red, but he is the same age as my daughter, and I couldn't help comparing their lives. While he was getting married, she was away at university, when he had 2 kids, she was starting medical school, when Joshgate I broke, she was graduating, moving in with her fiance, and getting ready to start her residency. She is getting married in the spring, they are very happy, and have no plans to start a family any time soon. I think that is the type of life Josh really wanted, and it is so sad that his parents were so indoctrinated in the cult that the possibility that any of their children wanted a different life never occurred to them.
  16. Joy will be 18 at the end of October. She should be done with school by now, but who knows? Josiah got his GED before he was shipped off to ALERT ( or between sentences, I can't really remember.) The Duggars used to make a bit a a big deal about that, probably as FU Interwebz moments. They had parties for Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, and Josiah when they got their GEDs. Can't remember if it was on the show or just online- TLC used to have short videos in between seasons to keep the interest up. Joy may have fallen through the cracks due to the weddings, pregnancies, and Joshgate. Or maybe she never did graduate. I think she was the first of the casualties of the sharp drop in schooling when the show started. I remember seeing her reading a book that was way below grade level on camera, and there was a debate online as to whether she was that far behind or that she just grabbed the first book she saw for the cameras.
  17. Wonder if Jim Bob gave Josh an ultimatum: Finish the program or I cut you off without a penny. I don't think Anna is in Illinois. People were speculating if JD flew her and the kids to see Priscilla, but then someone pointed out that the plane is too small for that many passengers.
  18. Point taken. But this place is NO Betty Ford Center.
  19. Guess that's why it costs $7500 for a 6 month stay- no professionally trained staff and no food. The "inmates" are responsible for cleaning and maintenance. Sweet scam- somebody is making a nice chunk of change . Yes! Let the national media run with this one. Or tell John Oliver and his Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Exemptions about it ;) Oh Jim Bob. Always looking for the cheapest alternative.
  20. Oh, please, please, please, let the mainstream media pick up on the details of this sham facility. Josh "get a job" Duggar on food stamps? Oh the irony!
  21. DD and her psychiatrist fiance are coming over for dinner tonight. Can't wait to ask him what he thinks about this latest development. phoenix62: Just further proof that there is no real therapy going on in that facility. You are so right, it really is sad.
  22. "Faith-based" rehab. Cause we all know how well that worked the first time... There is no hope for these idiots. None. My heart breaks for the rest of the Duggar sons, as well as Josh's two boys. How many of them will have issues as well? And the girls- they will never get the help they need. Jim Bob and Michelle are officially the worst parents ever. Hope they burn in hell for what they have done to their kids. I wish someone could swoop in, grab all the kids and send them to a deprogramming camp- Josh, Anna, Jessa and Ben included. Glad Derick and Jill are far away. Hopefully his mom can talk some sense into them. Or his step-dad, who seems to have no use for JB & M.
  23. Maybe Josh has been banned from using his phone and accessing the internet. But surely Jim Bob, as image-conscious as we all know him to be, would have had enough sense to shut down Josh's social media accounts? Guess he subscribes to the " there is no such thing as bad press" school of thought. And seriously? Josh is a 27 year old man. The thought that Daddy is still calling all the shots is just so wrong. Josh has done a lot of terrible things, and he is 100% responsible for his choices. But did it ever occur to Jim Bob and Michelle that maybe if he had been allowed a normal childhood and adolescence, he would not have gone down that path?
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