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The Blue Fairy: She Has Hope... And Nothing Else

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About the fairies, how do they feel about being so unbelievably useless? They're there, but they might as well be back in the Enchanted Forest doing...nothing. How do they feel about Shady McShady?

I know it's hard to justify any episodes on the supporting minor characters when the main characters aren't even being properly serviced, but I would have liked a Season 2 episode where we discover how the Blue Fairy felt about being utterly useless in Storybrooke. Not that she was all that useful in the Enchanted Forest but still...

Not to mention seeing Blue apologize to Snow/Charming about the Wardrobe fiasco, and her reacting to what Geppetto did... that could have been interesting.

One thing I'm sure they'll never address, but I'd love to know, is how the fairies feel about being nuns when the curse is broken. Can they reconcile Christianity with everything they know about magic and other worlds?

That's an interesting question. I would think Blue had them all working on how to bring Sneezy's memories back. With the imbalance of power between good and evil on this show, I wish they could have given some concrete powers to the Fairies, just to level the playing field a little bit.

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 With the imbalance of power between good and evil on this show, I wish they could have given some concrete powers to the Fairies, just to level the playing field a little bit.

I have to agree--I've no problem with the fairies not being the deus ex machina that ends every third episode, but they'd do well to give the fairies defined powers, and then some specific, logical reason they are not able to help in so many situations


Also, to be fair, Blue has more than hope.  She also has boobs and a dress that really accentuates the hips.

Edited by Mari
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Hee, I was going to say, this thread's title is a little inaccurate. Blue has one of the most amazing racks we've seen on this show! Seriously, I think her cleavage is her true magical power. Or maybe 90% of her magic has to go into maintaining it, so that's why she seems so useless 90% of the time.

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In this new timeline that Emma created, I guess Blue would have hope for Snow because she actually saw Emma and her response seemed to indicate she suspected who she was.

Though I guess that wouldn't have explained her hope in the old timeline.

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I'm one of those conspiracy theorists who thinks she's secretly evil. It's been hinted she has manipulated several of the events on the show. She gave Bae the magic bean - the last one in existence. Why would she give such a precious object to a little boy? To get rid of the Dark One. Then when it failed, why did she even hint there was a curse to Rumple? Later she lied for Gepetto, even though she's supposedly never lies. Even Rumple pointed out something was fishy when Blue just so happened to brew a memory potion right before their deaths all of a sudden.


Blue only seems to help when it suits her. She won't do anything for a long time, then out of nowhere she has a magical solution. We've been told there's this dark fairy who owned the dark wand. I'm in the camp that says the dark fairy was Blue's alter ego. Why would she give the wand away so easily? If she's so against dark magic, why did she let the heroes use it? She just summoned it when she needed it. It's curious she held onto it instead of destroying it after the dark fairy's "exile".


I never really like Blue. Fairies have always been the cheesiest side of the show for me. If she goes dark, I'll be grinning.

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I like the Blue Fairy being good, but I wouldn't mind if she had an Evil Twin who's the Black Fairy. They sort of already did the doppleganger trick once with Cora, though. I remember totally side-eyeing and tsk tsk-ing "Blue" when she gave Young Snow that candle.

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I would really hate it if Blue were made the Big Bad of the series.  She hasn't been in very many episodes of the series to date and, of the ones she was in, she was a supporting player.  Making her the Big Bad would scream of contrivance based on her screen time alone.  Then factor in the Rumpel factor.  Rumpel, to date, is the series Biggest Bad.  He's the Dark One, the one who has been gleefully maiming, murdering, and manipulating people and events since he got his powers.  He used Regina as his weapon to cast the Curse, Charming and later Emma to get the key to bringing magic to Storeybrooke, and has not shown regret for his actions.  To bring in anyone else as the series Big Bad, especially one who has been shown to be an agent for good magic, would make me think that the show decided to let Robert's popularity make their decisions for them (like they've done with Lana's).  Plus, I love that the Biggest Bad is a male and changing it to Blue, or any female to be honest, would concern me as I feel that female characters are far more scrutinized and judged than the males, whose actions are usually excused.


If they want to make the Black Fairy her evil twin, fine, but even then I wouldn't want her to be the Biggest Bad.  Just like I want Regina to be held accountable for her evil deeds, I want Rumpel to remain the Biggest Bad.

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Blue has one of the most amazing racks we've seen on this show! Seriously, I think her cleavage is her true magical power. Or maybe 90% of her magic has to go into maintaining it, so that's why she seems so useless 90% of the time.


At least among the ladies, it's really how you can separate out the magical from the non-magical. Regina's boobs seemed to grow three sizes when she embraced her inner Evil Queen. Cora had a pretty ample set. Zelena's green apples were shoved up to her chin. Now we've even gotten a shot of Emma-cleavage. Meanwhile, Belle, Ruby and (pre-pregnancy) Snow are still flat as Granny's pancakes.


I'm one of those conspiracy theorists who thinks she's secretly evil.


I'm with ya. At best, she strikes me as a gray-blue fairy. I doubt there's a master plan by the showrunners to make her that, but I suspect when they get to the finale-finale, they might pull that out as their closer. 

Edited by Amerilla
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Blue should have lost her wings several times over.  What she did to both Tink and Nova was petty and mean.  So they're not allowed to break her precious rules but she is?  Seriously, Blue, go take several seats somewhere, anywhere...I like how no one really mourned her death.  She died, wait, she's alive now!  I'd be pretty upset about that if I were her.


She's a character that I wanna see more of.  How can you have a bunch of fairies hold up in the convent and not use them when all hell breaks loose? 


That question was rhetorical...

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 I want Rumpel to remain the Biggest Bad.


I totally agree with that. He's the freaking Dark One!



Blue should have lost her wings several times over.  What she did to both Tink and Nova was petty and mean. 


Yep. More fuel to my conspiracy fire. She's nice to some people, then strict and mean to others. So many skeletons could be in her closet...

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I don't see a single thing wrong with what she did to Tinker Bell and am regularly baffled that it's treated like some terrible thing. 


Tinker Bell stole fairy dust from ALL of the other fairies and wasted it on a woman training with one of the most dangerous people in the entire realm. She used it up for Regina to find a true love that Regina wasn't even willing to pursue and to give "help" Regina wasn't really wanting or receptive too. Why in the world should she be able to get away with that? She meant well?


I don't care if Tink had good intentions. She was selfish at best but likely just too stupid to realize Regina's heart was already too dark to accept her help. If every fairy got to use up a ton of fairy dust any old time they felt like a person they'd encountered MIGHT find it helpful even if they aren't really interested then there wouldn't really be any dust out there to help people truly in trouble.


That losing her wings turned Tink deranged off in Neverland just kinda went to show it's a good thing she didn't have her wings all this time. She was going to become a murderer because she felt someone made her... *drum roll* lose her job. No wonder she's willing to become Regina the mass murdering ,rapist, child killer's best friend. It's not like she finds petty killing a bad thing. And honestly she's upset for like the ONE THING in this entire series that wasn't Regina's fault. Tink chose to break fairy code and become a thief. Tink's poor integrity and character judging skills are not actually on Regina. Guess what Tink, you messed up your OWN life.


Tinker Bell's an idiot. But considering she tried to get Wendy shot and killed in the original tales it's not really a shocker and I don't judge OUAT that harshly for making her that way. But I will never feel like the Blue Fairy horribly mistreated her.

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Seriously! I love Tink (mostly because I think Rose McIver is super adorable) but Blue was NOT in the wrong here. Actually, I can't really think of many instances where Blue was as OMGEVIL as people make her out to be. It looks to me like she just enforces the rules, and most of them are there for a good reason, but then the characters (like Tink or Nova) get upset because they have to follow them and not be treated like special snowflakes.

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I don't disagree with the Blue Fairy going after Tink and taking her wings. It wasn't like she hadn't been warned and she had apparently broken every rule there was previous to stealing the dust. However, the Blue Fairy's initial attitude towards Tink helping Regina was not to talk about Regina and base not helping her on Regina's actions, but to base it on those who surrounded Regina including judging Regina on who her mother was and listing Cora's actions as proof that Regina couldn't be helped. It was a really crappy attitude to take because like Tink said, Regina being surrounded by darkness is exactly why she might need help to get off that path. If Blue had said something like Regina is too far gone because of XYZ actions she's taken, I'd have no problem, but listing Cora as a reason for not helping Regina was crap. 

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What makes Blue shady to me is that she had no problem trying to manipulate things through Bae in order to try and send the Dark One to the world without magic.  What Tink did was stupid, but what if Regina had some courage and had gone to meet Robin in that tavern, would that have mellowed her out enough that she would have let go of the crazy?  I guess she could also have been rejected since Robin was likely in love with Marian.


Does Blue answer to a higher power or is she the higher power in the fairy world?

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What makes Blue shady to me is that she had no problem trying to manipulate things through Bae in order to try and send the Dark One to the world without magic.  What Tink did was stupid, but what if Regina had some courage and had gone to meet Robin in that tavern, would that have mellowed her out enough that she would have let go of the crazy?  I guess she could also have been rejected since Robin was likely in love with Marian.


Does Blue answer to a higher power or is she the higher power in the fairy world?

I don't see what's so bad about that. If Rumple hadn't pissed his pants, the Dark One would have been neutralized, a family would have been happily together, and a lot of problems would have been resolved.

I think they did say that the Blue Fairy is THE highest power, and also the oldest. Of course, that's just until the writers make up some other "most powerful being EVER" in the upcoming seasons.

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In "A Curious Thing", Grumpy said Blue, Tink and the Fairies are trying to find what could destroy the Wicked Witch and they found nothing.  


So the Fairies (namely Blue) know nothing about Oz and aren't in contact with the Good Witches?  Wouldn't some of their flora and fauna friends tell them about the disturbance in the Dark Forest and the banishment of Glinda there?  


Too bad we didn't see Glinda and Blue meet.  They could form an Inter-Realm Organization of Useless Powers. (IROUP)  


Though Glinda is arguably even dumber than Blue since she actually handed great power to an unstable entity.  Come to think of it, Blue would probably have concluded from the onset that Zelena was not worth the effort of rehabilitation and she might even have reprimanded Glinda for being an idiot, exasperated that everyone wants to help the spawn of that horrible Cora.

Edited by Camera One
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It's kind of funny that Blue seems to be one of the few in town who has standards with all the protagonists making nice with the villains.  I loved her "no way in hell I'm touching that thing" look to Belle with that protection spell Rumple asked her to cast.

Edited by Camera One
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Too bad we didn't see Glinda and Blue meet.  They could form an Inter-Realm Organization of Useless Powers. (IROUP)

Make that Inter-Realm Organization of Useless Powers and Big Boobs (IROUPABB). Because apparently on this show, that's where magical powers are stored and released, so they've got to be jacked-up and exposed.

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I'm reading "Glinda of Oz", Book 13 of the Oz series, and while the explanation for why fairies can't do everything, is not very satisfactory, they do at least try to...

The ruler of Oz (Ozma) is descended from fairies, and some of her quotes about magic.  These could easily have applied to the Fairies on "Once".


Dorothy: "I'm mighty glad you could make this tent appear, with our dinners and beds all ready for us."

Ozma: "Yes, it is indeed wonderful. Not all fairies know that sort of magic, but some fairies can do magic that fills me with astonishment. I think that is what makes us modest and unassuming—the fact that our magic arts are divided, some being given each of us. I'm glad I don't know everything, Dorothy, and that there still are things in both nature and in wit for me to marvel at."



Ozma: Also, you must realize that while I am a more powerful fairy than any other inhabitant of Oz, I am not as powerful as Glinda the Sorceress, who has studied many arts of magic that I know nothing of. Even the little Wizard of Oz can do some things I am unable to accomplish, while I can accomplish things unknown to the Wizard. This is to explain that I'm not all-powerful, by any means. My magic is simply fairy magic, and not sorcery or wizardry."



Dorothy: "Can't your magic give us a horse an' wagon, or an automobile?"

Ozma: "No, dear; I'm sorry that such magic is beyond my power."

Dorothy: "Perhaps Glinda could" 

Ozma: "Glinda has a stork chariot that carries her through the air, but even our great Sorceress cannot conjure up other modes of travel. Don't forget what I told you last night, that no one is powerful enough to do everything."


And later, when Ozma is faced with an evil witch Coo-ee-oh: 



Ozma: You must remember that the powers of fairies are granted them to bring comfort and happiness to all who appeal to them. On the contrary, such magic as Coo-ee-oh knew and practiced is unlawful witchcraft and her arts are such as no fairy would condescend to use. However, it is sometimes necessary to consider evil in order to accomplish good, and perhaps by studying Coo-ee-oh's tools and charms of witchcraft I may be able to save us.
Edited by Camera One
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Remember how NOBODY cared when Blue was killed by the monkey?  And the only reason anybody besides the fairies attended her funeral was to steal her wand.  And then when all the fairies (I'm assuming this included Tink) were sucked into the hat, it was just a minor hiccup and nobody even paused to make a frownie face for them.   I found this on another site:


"Are the fairies that got sucked into the hat on Once Upon a Time really gone, or is the show going to delve more into the hat’s powers through the rest of the season? –Kip
I for some reason assumed that Blue & Co. had been quietly released during all the winter finale drama, but I was, well, wrong. “They’re still stuck in the hat,” series cocreator Adam Horowitz assured me. “And that issue is dealt with early on in [season] 4B,” premiering March 1."


Sometimes I'm glad characters die and sometimes, it makes me mad.  I was indignant for Blue the first time she died without fanfare but I just didn't care about her fate in the hat (along with the rest of the universe apparently).  However, it is still sad that Blue and the other fairies are so disregarded in this show that is SUPPOSEDLY about strong women making a difference.  If the writers can't be bothered with them, let them die heroically and be mourned and honored.

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No one noticing the Fairies being gone and no one being overly worried about them, and no one seeming to care when they found out the Shadow "killed" Blue are symptomatic of the writers not putting enough value on friendship and the relationship that the main characters have to the "little people".  When the main characters are not allowed to give a second thought to people who are supposed to be their close friends, it makes them less human, and it makes the world less believable.  Another example is no one seeming to care about killing the Flying Monkeys, or Snow having zero reaction to Aurora being turned into a Monkey.


Though I guess it's hard to stress out over this problem when the writers don't even bother to have the main characters caring about each other.  Like how they gave zero scenes to Snow and Charming missing Emma in the Missing Year, and instead allocated it to Regina missing Henry.  

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I just want to say I actually love Blue and her shadiness so much, especially in 4x13. She knows she doesn't owe Regina anything for "saving her" when really it was a joint effort, mainly by Hook and Belle, and Regina hasn't even apologised for cursing her for 28 years. It was nice to see someone say "No." to Regina for once. You go Blue!

Word. I don't care how shady she is, Blue cracks me up. 

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I was watching some clips on Youtube and thought it was funny how some people thought Blue was being mean to Regina after she was freed from the Hat.


Do you think it's inconsistent that Blue claims to have so much hope, and yet she is so wary of Regina and Rumple, and not keeping an open mind about them?   


How could she not know why the Sorcerer had the empty books in his mansion?  Wouldn't she know the Sorcerer employed The Author?  


And when Blue said "I've never seen [The Author].  In fact, no one has.  Not for many years."  Which was blatantly not true, from what we have seen in the flashbacks.  The Author was out and about in the Enchanted Forest.  Is this just another case of A&E not thinking this through clearly?  Or what?  How much thought goes into these informational teases that various knowledgeable characters give.  Of course, after "Darkness on the Edge of Town", Blue pretty much goes MIA and August becomes the wise sage.

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I wonder if Blue was sad when she found out Merlin died. She probably doesn't have too many contemporaries left.

"Oh yes... one less individual who could get in the way of my plans! Darn those heroes for breaking that tree spell I gave Nimue!"

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LOL. She hated the Dark Ones, so I would have liked to see her bitchslap Nimue halfway to the Underworld.

Well we don't know how Nimue died, do we? Imagine Blue's surprise when the killer turned into the second Dark One. "Oh wait... That wasn't supposed to happen!" Maybe she has tried and failed to send every DO to the Land Without Magic, using the "last bean" each time.

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I'd like to think Blue has a big screen crystal ball at the Convent, and she and the fairies are watching a play-by-play of what's happening in the Underworld.  I'd imagine their commentary will be similar to ours.


"Regina gets closure with a horse?  REALLY?"


"Oh no!  You're going to try to split Emma's heart?  Remember her heart can't be taken out?"


"Arrrrrrrrgh, now you guys got your names etched on the tombstones!  I'd better send a message to my underground spy Cinderella's fairy-godmother to give you guys a hand."


I watch the show for laughs now, so I wouldn't mind seeing the fairy-godmother singing Bibbiti-boppity-boo creating a rainbow that allows them to walk back up to the surface.  To hell with this show taking itself so seriously all the time.

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They're really setting Blue up for another fall isn't she?  She's totally going to lose the baby to the Black Fairy.  It would be interesting if she were actually tempted to destroy the spawn of The Dark One.  I was disappointed that the Writers made her oblivious to how the Black Fairy turned dark.  It would be more interesting if she had avoided giving a straight answer since she had a past with The Black Fairy.

Edited by Camera One
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The Blue Fairy is one of my biggest disappointments with this show. There's so much they could've done with her over the years. She could've been a positive magical counterpart to Rumpel and misc. villains. Instead, she might as well be without magic for all the good she can do.

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It would be interesting if SHE got split into Good and Evil halves, since she's so repressed.  And by Evil, she could be just ruthless in trying to destroy the spawn of Rumple and Belle.. maybe her "evil" side is trying to separate children from the ones she perceives as horrible parents.  

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33 minutes ago, Camera One said:

It would be interesting if SHE got split into Good and Evil halves, since she's so repressed.  And by Evil, she could be just ruthless in trying to destroy the spawn of Rumple and Belle.. maybe her "evil" side is trying to separate children from the ones she perceives as horrible parents.  

Agree that would be a good twist!

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I thought "Shady Blue" was only a TWoP/PTV board thing. I went elsewhere and realized we're not the only ones who think she's shady. As you can tell, other than here, my head is in the sand when it comes to the Once fandom...

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Once again, they throw some "new information" yet doesn't explore or explain it, and it made no sense.

If Blue did forge that sword, then why would re-forging it drain ALL of Blue's powers?  

Why would she forge swords?  What's the point of forging a sword that doesn't work?  How did the sword get the reputation that whoever wields it becomes an instant hero?  

At this point, it would be funnier if Blue did it to troll a bunch of would-be heroes like "Beowulf".

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13 minutes ago, Camera One said:

At this point, it would be funnier if Blue did it to troll a bunch of would-be heroes like "Beowulf".

That sounds more like Black Fairy behavior...

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3 hours ago, Curio said:

That sounds more like Black Fairy behavior...

It sounds like Shady Blue to me. ;)

Rumple designated who was going to be the next fairy tale princess, next villain, etc. Maybe Blue wanted certain persons to be heroes to fit into her schemes. Maybe she orchestrated the entire ogres war, then got pissed off that Rumple ended it. Then she had to banish him.

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4 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

It sounds like Shady Blue to me. ;)

What's black and blue and shady all over? A dark fairy who split herself in two and now has a "good" half and and "evil" half.

I mean, it can't be a coincidence that the Blue Fairy just happened to be the one who exiled the Black Fairy, just happened to have the Black Fairy's wand, and just happens to keep avoiding death all the time.

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I mean, it can't be a coincidence that the Blue Fairy just happened to be the one who exiled the Black Fairy, just happened to have the Black Fairy's wand, and just happens to keep avoiding death all the time.

We didn't see the Black Fairy "kidnap" Gideon either. Blue was pretty vague about BF's backstory, and didn't seem all that alarmed that one of her own turned to darkness. Compare that with how she treated Tinkerbell.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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