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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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SA & EBR won Most Outstanding Performance for 519 in SpoilerTV's April polls...

Performers Of The Month - April Polls
Posted by Aimee Hicks at May 09, 2017


Which actor delivered the most outstanding performance in April? (Pick Only 1)
Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen/Green Arrow) - Arrow (5x19) (Reader Nominated)  49%    
*  *  *
Which actress delivered the most outstanding performance in April? (Pick Only 1)
.  .  .
Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity Smoak) - Arrow (5x19) (Staff and Reader Nominated)  40%    

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^^^ I don't know if they are eligible again this year. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I think that MTV will announce fandom awards voting sometime next month (June).

Edited by tv echo
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Just now, tv echo said:

I don't know if they are eligible again this year. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

They technically weren't eligible last year, but gotta get those clicks and that buzz, so I'd say there's a chance.

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I really don't want them to be nominated again.  Being the only two-time winner is enough for me, and I dread the idea of going up against pretty much every other Ship fandom that are going to anti-vote Olicity out of spite

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28 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I really don't want them to be nominated again.  Being the only two-time winner is enough for me, and I dread the idea of going up against pretty much every other Ship fandom that are going to anti-vote Olicity out of spite

Same. Although, tbh, if there was 110% confirmation that both SA and EBR would be able to accept this time around, then I could be convinced otherwise.

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It'll be brutal. The anti voters will be out in force no doubt. Then there's the obvious cheating. But we have done it before *shrug* 

I won't be terribly upset if we don't get nominated haha but I'll also reblog till my fingers go numb if we do.

Also @Mellowyellow be warned by the end of it you may come to regret opening a tumblr and offering to take part.

Edited by LeighAn
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On 5/25/2017 at 6:57 PM, Mellowyellow said:

Are Olicity eligible for Ship of the Year again?

If they are can I help? I have made myself a Tumblr account! That's what I need to help right?

If I recall, they were eligible again last time because they were still a couple in 2016 season 4.  And so even though they weren't a couple in season 5 during 2016, they could still be in the running.  But for 2017, are they counted as a couple?  I'd say yes, officially a couple again in 523, but it's possible their kiss and agreement to talk when they were off the island might not meet the standards.  Since, lol, I don't really know how they set them.  

But yeah, I think there would be wisdom in talking the two back to back wins and sitting this year's event out.... then jumping back into the fray NEXT year when we would be certain to have official Olicity in season 6.   :D

Edited by BkWurm1
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These two articles are great - I couldn't decide what to quote and I can't quote everything, so I highly recommend that you read both articles (both won for 519-Dangerous Liaisons) - lots of analytical praise for their acting, plus character analyses and Olicity talk...

Performers Of The Month - April Winner: Outstanding Actor - Stephen Amell
Posted by Aimee Hicks at May 29, 2017

Performers Of The Month - April Winner: Outstanding Actress - Emily Bett Rickards
Posted by Aimee Hicks at May 29, 2017 

Edited by tv echo
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7 hours ago, tv echo said:

^^^ Incidentally, James Bamford retweeted SA's SpoilerTV Performers of the Month Win, but not EBR's win.

He does tweet a lot of EBR stuff and he's actually the only person involved with the show that actually tweets these things and a lot of fan tweets. 

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2 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

He does tweet a lot of EBR stuff and he's actually the only person involved with the show that actually tweets these things and a lot of fan tweets. 

Also he liked a whole bunch of Emily and Emily/Stephen stuff from the HVFF from Olicity fan accounts *shrug* It does seem like a bit of a snub but I don't know that it was an intentional mean spirited one.

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I went to look at his twitter account to see if I had misjudged him.  Lots of Wonder Woman retweets, retweets of JH and the 25 Things You Didn't Know article about her, retweets Katrina Law and Anna Hopkins, and a lot of SA and some MB.  No retweets about anything about EBR.  All the stuff with Emily that he liked from HVFF had Stephen in them plus one from Charlotte that had her with Emily.

IIRC the last time a significant Felicity article came out, he had to be prompted to acknowledge it.

So no, I don't think I done him wrong.  There appears to be a blatant anti-Felicity/Emily bias with him.

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He was posting positive stuff about EBR when it came to the few fights and stunts he's done with her, but otherwise I think he just doesn't think about her much.  Maybe not so much anti as just really stuck on what he works on the most and not interested in any one  that isn't doing a lot of stunts?  Narrow in his interests?  As for Anna Hopkins, maybe he just liked the actress from when she was in a much more action orientated role on her old show?  

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He also doesn't tweet about WH or PB or DR much at all. He tweeted lots of love about KC but apparently they had issues because of the stunts. Hell he seemed to love Felicity punching BS.

I find him and JH rather weird to be honest. They are kind of over the top. Her posting oodles of love to him almost right off the bat. He posted her smoldering mask close up seemingly just because on his IG. Its just kind of creepy to me. 

The only real pattern I see, is he seems to post mostly with the 'action' stars and those active on line. 

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Emily almost never posts about Arrow or any of her costars or crew members. But yet I wouldn't extrapolate that she hates the show her cast and crew unless I chose to read things into it *shrug*

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Emily doesn't post much about Arrow at all or really any other TV show.  Bamford does post about Arrow but it's always about the men and if he posts about the women, it's almost always the masks.

It's not like he had to work hard to find the SpoilerTV tweet about Emily as Performer of the Month or missed it because it was in an obscure place.  It was right there beside the tweet about Stephen which he did retweet.  He's also liked a bunch of tweets that were offense to Felicity and viewers who like Felicity/Olicity.  It's a pattern with him.  He also blocks people who politely point that out to him. 

Edited by statsgirl
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So if James doesn't tweet in support of Emily (even though he has in the past) it means he must have a problem with her; but if Emily doesn't tweet in support of anyone it doesn't mean anything?

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Except Emily doesn't go around liking tweets that are disparaging towards James B or others. There's a difference. I think it's not too much to look into because James B. Makes it perfectly clear when he doesn't like tweets about Emily that are the same about Stephen and he liked that one about him but passed right along hers. An actress that has nothing but kind things to say about him.

I'm sorry but I find him quite plastic and the love they show for him is quite over the top.

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When has James ever disparaged or insulted Emily though? As far as Im aware he has even complemented her on Twitter and at cons when people have asked what she like to work with.  

I just think this season has been full of for some, things to complain about for the sake of complaining that I think this is just another thing that's being read into as having meaning that's probably not really there. 

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Statsgirl posted that he liked tweets that were insulting to Felicity/Olicity and to her fans who he blocked because he couldn't handle their opinions about it. It may not be about Emily as a person but that is a character she has been playing for almost 5 years and he is a part of the show. So him liking attacks against her character on the show is to me almost an attack on her. 

Have you ever seen him like insulting posts about anyone else? Because I've only seen him do it towards Felicity/Olicity. Unprovoked may I add.

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I really don't want to make this a thing but from quickly browsing through his retweets of likes I don't see anything that's insulting to Emily Felicity or Olicity. So without receipts I stand by my opinion that maybe we are reading too much into this. In fact he retweeted a picture from one of Emily's photo shoots he retweeted a lot of tweets of Emily in her LOT cameo and he tweeted personally encouraging people to watch 5x19 and 5x20 and liked/retweeted plenty of Olicity tweets from the CW, Lord Mesa and like I said earlier the HVFF con I didn't really see any hate towards anyone TBH 

Edited by LeighAn
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I'm not reading hate into it either, just more focus on stunts which is the majority of his work for the show. If I were to complain about anything, it would be that it's not the only work he does for the show, but that's a different matter altogether.

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I don't know if the omission was intentional or just careless, but if Bamford is going to be a producer next season, then he will have to be more conscious of how he tweets or retweets, and not just focus on the stunts and the people who do stunts.

Edited by tv echo
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At HVFF-Chicago on Mar. 25, 2017, SA said:  “James Bamford, the fight coordinator, is now not only a director, but is essentially moving into a producer/director role starting next year. It’s something we’ve never had on the show before, and I think it’s going to be incredibly valuable.” IIRC, Bamford got some congratulatory tweets after that.

ETA: I didn't consider this info that spoilery, so I didn't use spoiler tags.

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

if Bamford is going to be a producer next season

Does him being a producer change anything other than getting a title and a pay raise though? I wouldn't put much meaning into him becoming a producer to be honest.

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The GreenArrowTV Award Voting is starting up.  Yes, I know many aren't fond of the site, but hey, that's no reason not to make sure our voices are heard.  :D

Right now it's time to pick the best episode of season 5.  

Best Episode of Season 5

For me there was a very clear winner, 520, but 519 was a pretty close second place.  510 was surprisingly good for me as well.  What was your fav?  

I'm sure the crossover episode is going to get fawned over by some.  

Edited by BkWurm1
Double negative
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I should pick 520 but I'm ridiculously attached to Oliver Queen being a drama queen and drinking over Felicity. And I LOVED the burden speech!

But 520 was.......... better than the best best best fanfic. Dammnit WM you are awesome when you want to be. 

It's hard *whines*

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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I should pick 520 but I'm ridiculously attached to Oliver Queen being a drama queen and drinking over Felicity. And I LOVED the burden speech!

But 520 was.......... better than the best best best fanfic. Dammnit WM you are awesome when you want to be. 

It's hard *whines*

In my head and heart 519 and 520 should be considered one beautiful episode.  We shouldn't have to choose.  

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

The GreenArrowTV Award Voting is starting up.  Yes, I know many aren't fond of the site, but hey, that's no reason not to make sure our voices aren't heard.  :D

Right now it's time to pick the best episode of season 5.  

Best Episode of Season 5

For me there was a very clear winner, 520, but 519 was a pretty close second place.  510 was surprisingly good for me as well.  What was your fav?  

I'm sure the crossover episode is going to get fawned over by some.  

Only time I'll actually visit that site is to vote for these awards, LOL! Yeah, I picked 520, too. 

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6 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Only time I'll actually visit that site is to vote for these awards, LOL! Yeah, I picked 520, too. 

What would life be with out Craig/Green Arrow TVs passive agressive cry baby write ups when he has to congratulate Olicity Felicity winners and Laurel Lance Black Siren losers.

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I wonder if he'll include the Least Favorite characters category again. It was the source of much drama, largely on his part, last year. If he is, I'm voting this year. I generally ignore that category but I think that's why Felicity is "winning" it because her fans have no interest in voting in it (not for her, obviously). 

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On 06/06/2017 at 5:49 PM, SmallScreenDiva said:

I wonder if he'll include the Least Favorite characters category again. It was the source of much drama, largely on his part, last year. If he is, I'm voting this year. I generally ignore that category but I think that's why Felicity is "winning" it because her fans have no interest in voting in it (not for her, obviously). 

Wasn't putting Felicity in "best villain" category the source of drama?

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26 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Wasn't putting Felicity in "best villain" category the source of drama?

Maybe? I can't remember exactly but that seems to be part of it. I thought it was because the "winner" of both favorite character and least favorite were the same. But yeah, that part about "villain" seems about right, too.

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On 6/6/2017 at 0:26 AM, Mellowyellow said:

I ended up picking 520 just because it was the official Olicity episode.

Was looking at previous seasons results. 320 topped S3!!!! Woot!!!!!

I'm now expecting so much from 620, it's unhealthy =p

Them getting married then having more HAWT sexy times. 

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You can now nominate Olicity for Best Couple, Sexiest Moment and Best Kiss, and Adrian Chase for Best Villain (if you wish)...

TV Scoop Awards 2017: Nominate Your Favorites Now!
by LAUREN PIESTER | Fri, Jun 9, 2017 3:00 PM


It's up to you to provide the nominees in each of the 23 categories, which you can do by commenting on this post, or by tagging @EonlineTV and #TVScoopAwards on Twitter. Make sure you also include the category! 

Starting on Monday and continuing each day over the next two weeks, we will launch two new polls. All polls will remain open until 5 p.m. PT on Friday, June 30, and you'll be able to vote as many times as you want in all categories. This time, there are no rounds, so it's every man, woman, or TV show for themselves. 
*  *  *
Nominations will close Sunday, June 11 at 5 p.m. PT, so be sure to make your voice heard before then in the comments below or on Twitter with the hashtag #TVScoopAwards and tagging the @eonlineTV account. 

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