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BB After Dark: Nighttime is the Right Time


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Caleb?  Shut the fuck up please.  I turned on last nights BBAD and got about 15 minutes of fish.  Caleb is in the kitchen by himself.  No one is around.  It took me a few minutes to realize everyone is playing for HOH, and he was the last HOH so can't play.  But he's walking around in that ridiculous getup of scarf wrapped around the head and those denim overalls with 1 strap only.  Of course he sees the camera and starts going on and on about how awesome he is.  How he's been on slop for 4 weeks and that he's beast mode cowboy for eating slop and "beasting" through challenges (he just won a "thinking" challenge, no beast mode necessary).  He starts rattling off his Facebook & Twitter names and starts to say, "my biggest fan...", then, commercial!


But gawd it comes back and he's still going on and on about how awesome he is, he throws "Beast Mode Cowboy" in the conversation about 32 times.  He thanks his "fans".  Seriously, dude, you think you have so many fans?  And throwing out he's single and looking for a "good Christian" woman and tells about how much of a catch he is.  He's about as good of a catch as an old shoe. But the worst part was when he started hacking and coughing and literally craned his neck over food and dishes and didn't even attempt to cover his mouth. 


I can't decide if I should fast forward until he's done or manage to sit through it so I don't miss any good nuggets.


So basically, he so narcissistic that you give him a camera and a spot light and he'll go on and on making it about himself.  Creep. 

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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Caleb was cracking me up how he was going on and on and on and on about himself and how awesome he is.

Very late in the show Christine was rubbing Cody's arm when they were on the couch. It was CREEPY. Girl, you are married! Knock that off.  I think the BB voice needs to come on and tell her Christine, stop that. Its just weird and imo should not be happening. 

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Oh I am so glad I didn't delete last nights (I usually can't finish it all in the morning and just delete it) because I can't look away, I have to see that.  Is he interesting in her at all?  I can't wait until she learns her husband is upset with all the flirting (and more, imo) she's been doing. She's just a crappy person.

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I laughed when the camera zoomed in for a closeup of her hand caressing Cody's arm. Then I hoped that poor Tim wasn't watching, although it's not like he wouldn't find out soon after from friends, family and the interwebz. 


Caleb apparently wants a girl just like Dear Old Mom.

Edited by Scout Finch
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I laughed when the camera zoomed in for a closeup of her hand caressing Cody's arm. Then I hoped that poor Tim wasn't watching, although it's not like he wouldn't find out soon after from friends, family and the interwebz.

Have to give the cameraman credit - with a fixed-place camera and a moving target (Christine's left hand), he did an excellent job of keeping her wedding ring in center-of-field focus. ;>

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I finished watching last night's BBAD this evening, and near the end Frankie dramatically lays down on the floor on his way back to the kitchen, proclaiming that he has just hyperventilated.  With his arms and legs splayed out, he resembles a starfish. Meanwhile, the conversation continues in the living room behind him and no one reacts to him at all. So after a few minutes of laying there and waiting for someone to ask if he's okay, the camera catches him raising his head to look over at the living room to see if anyone is paying attention to him. It was just funny that there wasn't even the slightest stop in the conversation and he was completely ignored.

Edited by Scout Finch
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Boy, I'm glad I stuck through all the FFing of the fish, to be treated to Zach's flip out! Frankie was literally up shit's creek without a paddle*, but at the end of the day, what does he do? Classic deflection. What the flying fuck did Frankie's grandfather's death have to do with him lying his ass off and backstabbing Zach throughout the game? I'm afraid that I do now think his reaction to his grandfather's passing was theatrically exaggerated. Pathetic and gross.


I know he's an asshole, but I really love Zach. When Frankie gave his big dramatic secret and OF COURSE went to hug it out with every guy, Zach actually told him "don't touch me. Really, don't touch me." Oh, I've been waiting for someone to say that all season.


*(Speaking of which, did Frankie actually say something to Zach like "you play dirtier than... that a dildo that just came out of my asshole", or did I just nightmare it?)

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I'm rewatching Friday's episode when golf goes to commercial (what? It's a major tournament!).

If you take Frankie's voice and turn it into a Charlie Brown wah wah voice and just listen to the rest, the things other people said that night were hilarious. A few:

Zach: after saying sarcastically that he should suck Frankie's dick for keeping him in the house "and then I'll fucking bite it off"

Caleb: re: Ariana "if she met me being me and who I am, she would be like, that dudes amazing". When Derrick points out he just tried to get Frankie out of the house and her fans might be pissed Caleb says "so? Come at me bro" as he lifts his shirt to show his abs and looks at the camera

Cody: "I'm big into vine and I was just thinking what was I watching if I've never seen him before"

None are exact quotes but all were funny

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My favorite part of BBAD tonight was one transition from the commercials back to the show feed. One second I'm watching some ad about some kind of replacement for kitty litter, then BOOM! The screen changes from a little girl kissing her now-decrapped cat to a shot of Frankie's smirking face.

The association was perfect.

I had to pause for a couple of minutes to recollect myself - AND run the DVR back and forth a few times....

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How does she not have any credit? I am the same age as Christine and I have great credit.


Christine was saying both she and her husband still haven't crossed that first Catch-22 hurdle of getting that first card (you need a credit card to start building good credit, but the banks don't want to issue you a card unless you already have good credit).  Apparently her parents sprang for the initial buy for one of those "pre-paid credit cards".  The truth is, though, those prepaid cards function the same as a debit card with credit card privileges, and - like a debit card - contribute exactly zilch toward your credit score.


Christine was saying both she and her husband still haven't crossed that first Catch-22 hurdle of getting that first card (you need a credit card to start building good credit, but the banks don't want to issue you a card unless you already have good credit).  Apparently her parents sprang for the initial buy for one of those "pre-paid credit cards".  The truth is, though, those prepaid cards function the same as a debit card with credit card privileges, and - like a debit card - contribute exactly zilch toward your credit score.

Ah okay that makes sense. I am surprised she did not do one of those student credit cards which is how I started building credit. I cannot imagine being married and not having any credit.

I haven't watched today's ep yet, but from last night's, I have to confess that I fully "heart" Zach. (But no, I was not the one last night in the studio lot screaming that over the fence.) I don't even watch or care about golf, but his amped-up glee in discussing it last night was adorable, and I loved seeing that he was so enraptured by his passion that he didn't even respond to some obvious ball-related double entendres from Frankie. And if Zach's not joking about getting a Prius (after a PS4, of course), then I love him even more. He's like a little marmoset hopping about, or a hyperactive Monchichi. (Gads, I'm showing my age!)


I'll still be voting for Donny as AF, but may throw a few towards Zach. I think I care more about that outcome than I do about the winner. I so badly want Frankie to NOT get final two, and then have them announce the finalists for AF and have Frankie absent from the list. That would SLAY him!

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Christine was saying both she and her husband still haven't crossed that first Catch-22 hurdle of getting that first card (you need a credit card to start building good credit, but the banks don't want to issue you a card unless you already have good credit).  Apparently her parents sprang for the initial buy for one of those "pre-paid credit cards".  The truth is, though, those prepaid cards function the same as a debit card with credit card privileges, and - like a debit card - contribute exactly zilch toward your credit score.


People who prefer to pay cash also can have trouble getting a card. So if she and her husband were trying to avoid getting into credit card debt, they may have started out paying cash for everything, which doesn't establish your credit. I use credit cards, but have a coop apartment, so I don't pay a mortgage, and I paid cash for my current car, so my then insurance carrier charged me more because they thought that made me more of a credit risk. Needless to say, I changed companies the next day. 

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While catching Cody's vehement denials to Zach's and Caleb's mentions of inappropriate behavior, it occurs to me; this boy is actually sincerely serious. Cody is doing all this stuff, of course (and more), but now I'm starting to think most of the time, he honestly doesn't realize he's doing it. Like maybe his brain's clutch is disengaged, he's coasting along in neutral, and this is just something he's doing when he's not thinking about what he's doing. Hence the loud denials.

Of course I also notice while Cody is energetically challenging the PDA accusations, Crustine is just sitting on the HoH bed cackling - and not denying a dern thang. If Margaret Hamilton were still alive, she'd be suing for trademark violation.

While catching Cody's vehement denials to Zach's and Caleb's mentions of inappropriate behavior, it occurs to me; this boy is actually sincerely serious. Cody is doing all this stuff, of course (and more), but now I'm starting to think most of the time, he honestly doesn't realize he's doing it. Like maybe his brain's clutch is disengaged, he's coasting along in neutral, and this is just something he's doing when he's not thinking about what he's doing. Hence the loud denials.


I stand by my assessment that he has an OCD that makes him touch people uncontrollably.

That whole rap battle on last night BB Afterdark talk about embarrassing. Half the rhymes weren't rhymes and half were the same fucking one. Repeated. Cody and Caleb look pretty off btw physically, like imbred, and their 5 year old cring worthy actions they come off real weird. Hills Have Eyes weird.

Victoria needs a new clip on weave and her makeup and awkward ways age her.

Christine looks like that dried apple claymation witch on Gumby with face and cackling.

Edited by Petunia13

BBAD added abused puppy commercials to the rotation. I will not longer be watching this show live.

It's like a metaphor for sad Zach, but so much worse.

Thanks for the warning. I'm out too.

I wonder if that's a regional thing. I dvr'd the episode for the first x and SO FAR no pup commercials. I'm getting lots of "Brendylan" 90210 commercials : ) awwww. Then some e cig commercials with Stephen Dorf, Zyrtec, um Geico, Twizzlers, some lingerie and vibrator web site, Baileys, Loreal ones, Canned whip cream, and that stupid ass The Sorretinos morons.

Frankie is so fucking gross eating chips then liking his damn fingers. Eating chips then loudly sucking his fingers over and over. He needs to stop eating loudly with his mouth open and smacking his lips like a gross classless nastyass too. *

Derrick looks like he's the result of a mad scientist experiment where a pig was merged with a human or a character in a comic book of a pig farmer who was shot with radioactive waves and became OinkMan.

* ugh Donny who I like is sucking his fingers after bites too. His voice is so cute its like a cross between the crazy dweeb in Office Space and Kenneth on 30 Rock.

Edited by Petunia13
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Watching from last night, and I Literally feel nauseous watching Christine stroke and caress every curve of Cody's hand, arm, and shoulder. How the fuck does anyone in that house not comment on it EVERY WAKING MOMENT?


Poor Zach. Whenever he heard a plane above, he looked up like a puppy dog expecting a bone (or immunity idol) to drop from the sky. I don't know if I've missed all the horrific, misogynistic, evil things he's said, or if I'm just choosing to selectively block them, but I have such a crush on that fool. I recall something weeks ago about him wanting to punch Victoria in the face, but I've already commented on that. (Namely, I too sometimes want to punch people of both genders in the face. Am I a misandrist AND misogynist? Misanthrope?) Victoria's dramatically timed reveal of her plan to cut up HER hat was utterly embarrassing. I find Zach's impulsive asshole comments far less offensive than her seemingly rehearsed nastiness (including her Disgusting vote-out comments about many of the previous evictees).


I wonder if Pao was mad jealous of Z's attempted spinning and scratching of the laundry machine's dial. That's the kind of silliness that would allow him a lot of slack with me, and put me first in line for a #ShowRance. (Sorry for the paean to our soon-to-be-departed HG. I'll miss that darn Kid.)

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Victoria's dramatically timed reveal of her plan to cut up HER hat was utterly embarrassing. I find Zach's impulsive asshole comments far less offensive than her seemingly rehearsed nastiness (including her Disgusting vote-out comments about many of the previous evictees).


Agree on both counts. Vic's attempts at cute comments on her vote evictees fall flatter than a beached jellyfish, but are less amusing.

Tell me about it. He's been blurting dumb shit and dancing like an idiotic all night relentlessly.

Haha reminds me of Stuart from Mad Tv "Look what I can do!" In an abrupt high pitched voice. And kicks a foot feebly.

I think he thinks this will lead into an acting role or some shit but I also believe he has a personality disorder which explains his compulsion with performing, delusions, and emotional disconnect with other people.

Right!! I saw that too. Gross. He then got into the hoh bed without washing his hands. If it was his own bed whatever, if that had been my hoh bed, I would not be too thrilled. Not that he is gross or dirty, but that is just icky.

Probably still cleaner than last season (when Amanda and McCrae virtually lived in the HOH bed regardless of who was HoH) - but not by much. Edited by Nashville

Mccranda having unprotected sex all over the house constantly and eating warts and not showering daily.

I forgot to post on this. Th either night when Frankie told Caleb there's no way he's meeting his sister and Calen got legit offense and huffy. Cody piped in saying he wasn't going to let Caleb meet his sister either. You could see in their red and tone of voices they were dead serious. And Caleb's defensive and mad reaction shows he knew that too. Lmfao.

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